2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CJST 6636 - Criminal Justice System Graduate Study Abroad

Prerequsites - Undergraduate: CJST 1100, CJST 1102 or by permission of Instructor. Graduate: Graduate standing or by permission of Instructor. This course is designed to provide graduate students with first-hand illustration of the justice system in a subject country during a study abroad program to a selected country (e.g. China, Poland, Russia and Israel) to support graduate level analysis in the assigned research papers.  The course will be taught by a university instructor, include interactions and presentations by various guest experts from different agencies or educational institutions in the subject country, and include site visits to various criminal justice facilities and other places.  The course will cover such topics as policing, law, juvenile justice, and corrections.  The course is repeatable if in a different subject country.   (This course may be cross-listed with CJST 5535.)  A course fee will be charged or the additional costs will be incorporated with the overall cost of the study-abroad experience within which the course is taught.
3 credit hours.