2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The University Community

The University of New Haven provides an environment designed to foster the personal growth of its students. Through its programs, services, and facilities, it provides the opportunity for students to become involved in meaningful activities that can develop into lifelong interests. These activities include recreational, social, community outreach, professional and, of course, academic pursuits. In addition, the campus provides services to assure the comfort and well-being of its students.

Academic Support Systems

Academic services are provided to facilitate and enhance students' academic progress through the University by furnishing guided access to advisory sources and ancillary support systems. Many of the available services are described below.

Center for Student Success

Maxcy Hall,  210A

Phone 203-932-7237

The Academic Success Center provides a wide range of academic support to all University of New Haven students. Student Success Advisors work with students to strengthen their abilities and refer them to other qualified personnel on campus. Student Success Advisors work with students who are experiencing challenges in their coursework to develop strategies to address those challenges. Student Success Advisors can provide assistance in developing better time management, study, and organizational skills, as well as adjustment to returning to school and/or the transition to graduate studies

The Academic Peer Mentor Program is co-administrated by the Office of Residential Life and the Center for Student Success.  Academic Peer Mentors support the academic skills couselors through their work in the residence hall.  APM's assist students with academic strategies and connect them to campus resources.

For more information and a schedule of the current study skills workshop go to http://newhaven.edu/academics/13731/

Center for Learning Resources

The Center for Learning Resources (CLR) offers free tutoring and writing assistance to students seeking extra help with their courses. The tutoring staff includes experienced instructors who hold advanced degrees in their respective fields. Most professional tutors are instructors at the university and/or local universities; thus, they bring an intimate understanding of the classroom to each session. Highly competent graduate and undergraduate student tutors, chosen based on excellent academic track records and the enthusiastic recommendations of their professors, also serve on staff.

The central facility of the CLR is located in the lower level of the Peterson Library. The CLR includes the Math, Science, and Business Lab; and the Computer Lab. The Math, Science, and Business Lab tutors offer help with courses in these disciplines. Additional content area support is available for certain classes in the humanities and social sciences.  The tutors in the Computer Lab assist with the latest Microsoft software, math tutorials, select computer science courses, statistics software, and some graphics and desktop publishing questions. The CLR also offers a semester-long workshop series, assistance with ePortfolio preparation, and weekly supplemental instruction (SI) courses in a variety of disciplines.  The Peer Tutoring Program is staffed by select undergraduate and graduate students with outstanding academic track records. Graduate and undergraduate peer tutors support courses in their majors or minors, are typically housed in areas affiliated with their program,

All tutoring is available on an appointment and a walk-in basis, with the latter being first-come, first-served.  Tutoring is available six days a week throughout the fall and spring semesters, although not all subjects are covered at all times.

We provide support on the West Haven, Orange, and Lyme Academy campuses.

Write to CLR@NewHaven.edu, call (203) 932-7215, or consult our website (http://www.newhaven.edu/academics/13736/) for more information.

University Writing Center

The mission of the Writing Center (an expansion of the Writer to Writer peer-tutoring program) is to provide high-quality tutoring to undergraduate and graduate students as they write for a wide range of purposes and audiences. Tutors are undergraduate and graduate students studying Biology, Communications, Criminal Justice, National Security, Engineering, English, Environmental Science, Finance, Forensic Science, Legal Studies, Marine Biology, Music, Nutrition, and Psychology.  We are here to work with you at any stage in the writing process; just bring in your assignment, your ideas, and any writing you've done so far. To make an appointment, you can register for an account with our scheduling site at https://newhaven.mywconline.com or visit us in person at our desk on the first floor of Peterson library (just to the left after you enter the library).

Student Services

The University of New Haven cares deeply about the well-being of its students. A variety of services is available on campus to meet needs ranging from career advising to health care. Every effort is made to accommodate special student needs, such as helping international students to adjust to a new culture or ensuring that classes and facilities are readily accessible to students with disabilities. Many of the available services are described in the following pages.

Division of Student Affairs

When you think of the University as a community where you will live for your college years, we hope you will realize that personal and social experiences as well as academic achievements are an important part of your education. The Division of Student Affairs consists of many offices and departments which support and augment your academic life in many ways. The Student Affairs staff assist students with specific concerns such as student activities, residential life, and health. The staff initiates programs tailored to meet the needs of special groups: new students, minority students, international students, athletes, residents, and commuter students.  Student Affairs staff have professional training and a working knowledge of the University. They provide counseling, general information, and aid should an emergency arise. Resident Assistants, Orientation Leaders, and other student leaders are selected and trained to supplement the activities of the professional staff. Read on ... the various Student Affairs offices are all described in this section.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of students administers the University Conduct System, provides consultation to student groups and organizations, and supervises a number of Student Affairs offices. The Dean can be a source of direct help to students and also a facilitator for referrals to other offices. Students with questions or problems are always welcome to call or stop by the Dean of Students Office.

Campus Card Office and Parking Permits

The Campus Card is a credit-card-sized, color-photo identification that offers a number of services to the university community. It is the official university library card and residential meal plan card. It is also used for security access identification, printing in the computer labs, and other services. Money can be placed in a Charger Cash account and accessed via the Card at the Bookstore, at all dining service locations, the Post Office, and numerous offcampus locations. New students must obtain a Campus Card, which is required in order to register for a parking permit. Campus Card photos are taken at the Campus Card Office, located inside the Campus Bookstore on the Main Campus. Campus Card office hours are posted at the beginning of each term; however, because the office is staffed by graduate and undergraduate students the schedule may occasionally change on short notice.

Resident freshmen are not permitted to have vehicles on campus, or to park on city streets in the neighborhoods adjacent to campus.

In the interest of maintaining good relations with our neighbors, it is important that resident students limit parking to the designated on-campus parking areas. Resident student parking on city streets in the neighborhoods adjacent to campus is prohibited by the University. Vehicles in violation are subject to University sanctions including, but not limited to, University of New Haven parking tickets.

The University of New Haven is not responsible for damage to, or theft from, personal vehicles parked on University property.

New students may obtain a Main Campus parking permit for their cars or motorcycles at the University of New Haven Police Department located in the lower level of the Campus Bookstore building. All cars must display a University of New Haven parking permit; vehicles parked in violation may be ticketed or towed. Detailed information on parking regulations, violations, and reporting of accidents is contained in the Student Handbook.

Qualified individuals may register for a parking permit by logging on to www.newhaven.edu/parking.

University Police Department

The University Police Department is located in the lower level of the Campus Bookstore building. The Department is staffed by certified police officers who patrol the campus 24 hours a day, year round, and have full arrest powers. They have been trained in first aid, CPR and AED. A defibrillator is carried by an officer on each shift.

The Police Department is always open and staffed by a trained and certified dispatcher. In addition to handling radio and telephone communications, dispatchers assist the public as needed, including issuing University parking permits.

Officers patrol the campus on foot, mountain bicycles, golf carts and in fully marked cruisers. They work closely with local, state, and federal agencies to enforce the law. Officers also enforce the provisions of the University of New Haven Conduct Code and other University rules and regulations.

The University maintains a network of emergency telephones, placed in strategic locations throughout campus that can be used by anyone in case of emergency.

Our nationally certified instructors conduct self-defense training for women in the University community. The Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) course is a free, 12-hour awareness and self-defense course that is offered each semester.

The University of New Haven Police Department assists students and staff with car lock-outs, and has a battery jumper to loan as needed. The Department also maintains a Lost and Found service.

Emergency Notification System

The University has an Emergency Notification System, Everbridge by which students, faculty and staff can receive emergency notifications to cell phones, wireless PDAs, and email addresses. With this system, subscribers will be among the first to receive emergency notifications and school delay/closing information. For details, visit h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​n​e​w​h​a​v​e​n​.​e​d​u​/​s​t​u​d​e​n​t​-​l​i​f​e​/​p​o​l​i​c​e​/​e​m​e​r​g​e​ncy-procedures/ Normal text messaging fees apply per a subscriber's individual carrier.

Please visit the Public Safety and Administrative Services webpage at http://www.newhaven.edu/public-safety for all services provided .

To summon emergency police, fire or EMS service from the City of West Haven:

Dial 9-1-1

Shuttle and Transportation Services

Please visit the link below for shuttle shuttle and transportation services offered by the University of New Haven . Shuttle service is provided by ProPark and the University also provides Courtesy Van Service as well . Please visit h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​n​e​w​h​a​v​e​n​.​e​d​u​/​s​t​u​d​e​n​t​-​l​i​f​e​/​s​h​u​t​t​l​e​-​t​r​a​n​s​portation/ to view our various transportation schedules offered to our students, faculty and staff. We also sponsor a Zipcar program on our campus and offer Ct Transit UPass to our students .

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center (CDC) provides advising, resources, guidance, and services to assist graduate and undergraduate students with their career development needs. The CDC works with students from all academic programs to guide their career development and experiential learning activities including the assessment of career skills and interests, the exploration of career and major options, preparation and assistance in locating internships and experience-based opportunities, and all related career management needs such as resumes, cover letters, interview training and practice, job search assistance, and guidance on graduate school options.

The CDC manages employer relations outreach and development to connect students with employers and alumni for on-campus recruiting, career fairs, and job and internship opportunities. Additionally, the CDC partners with academic programs to provide internship assistance, in-class career programming, and connections to employers and alumni.

Students may engage with the CDC in person and online through Charger Career Link, with a friendly and professional staff available to assist with any questions or needs centered on building a path for post-graduate success. Walk ins and appointments available by contacting us at:

Career Development Center
Bartels Student Activity Center (in the residential quad)
203.479.4858; careerdevelopmentcenter@newhaven.edu

Student Employment

Throughout each year, employers visit campus to engage and interact with students. Company visits are conducted in a variety of formats - breezeway tables in Bartels, Buckman or Kaplan, information sessions delivered to groups or clubs, our speed networking events or presentations in settings as unique as our Internship & Job Search Boot Camp. Though the formats may differ, the goal is always the same: to attract students to work for their companies. Employers may be seeking interns, co-ops or entry-level employers.

To support student employment, the Internship Office posts positions on Blackboard under the tab career development community. In addition to posting news of all opportunities received, the I.O. also "mine for opportunities" that could be of interest to university students.

The Internship Office maintains a database of reported internships, providing inquiring students with information on companies where other students in similar majors have worked, which could serve as a starting point for inquiring students' own internship searches.

The Internship Office conducts a variety of workshops aimed at teaching the finer points of job/internship searches and strategies for being successful in an internship. The workshops are offered at various times, including evening hours, to facilitate student participation.

To cap off a year of success, students are encouraged to showcase their internships during the annual Experiential Education Day celebration. Participating students are invited to the breakfast where they are encouraged to sit with an employer and then to assemble their exhibit to share with employers and other students during the actual showcase.

From their first year, students are encouraged to register to attend the Internship Workshops and to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the Internship Office to facilitate employment and networking opportunities with employers.

Our goal is for every student to graduate with at least one internship experience.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services offers help to students with problems that may interfere with their academic or personal lives. All services are confidential and include psychotherapy, interest testing, and educational assessment. For more information, please call 203-932-7332, go to our website at http://www.newhaven.edu/student-life/CampusLife_StudentAffairs/counselingcenter/ or visit our office in lower Sheffield Hall.

Student Ombudsman

The student ombudsman serves as a neutral party to whom students (and parents) can appeal for resolution of complaints, perceived grievances, or concerns. The student ombudsman mediates disputes and attempts to develop an equitable resolution between the involved parties. For more information, please call 203.932.7213.

Accessibility Resources Center (formerly Campus Access Services)

Accessibility Resources Center works to ensure access to all university offerings to enable full participation for all students. The office is responsible for and committed to providing services and support that promote educational equity for students with disabilities, significant chronic-health conditions, and also students who are veterans returning from military duty to the university community. Any student who formerly held an IEP or 504 Plan should consider working with ARC and utilizing the many resources available to help students independently maneuver academic requirements. Veterans who may be returning to or attending college for the first time after a tour of duty may also benefit from utilizing the services of ARC.

Referrals and inquiries concerning campus accessibility and/or accommodations for students with disabilities, significant chronic-health conditions, or returning veterans should be directed to this office. The office also processes student grievances, whether informal or formal, regarding allegations of discrimination based on disability.

The Accessibility Resources Center office is located in the rear of Sheffield Hall, and can be reached by phone at (203) 932-7332.

Health Service Center

The University Health Services Center is open to all students without charge. Located on the ground level in the rear of Sheffield Hall, the center is staffed with registered nurses, a part-time APRN, and part-time physicians. The Health Services Center provides initial care for minor illnesses and injuries, as well as diagnosis, referral, and follow-up care for more serious conditions. Also provided are care and counseling in health-related issues. The Health Services Center coordinates the health insurance program sponsored by the University.

A part of the health program is a weekly women's clinic, which takes place at the Health Center and covers gynecological problems, birth control, and sex-related issues.

Requirements of the Center are that students entering the Full-Time Division must provide documentation of a completed physical exam within 1 year prior to admission and a record of their immunizations (listed below). University athletes must have a physical exam no more than 6 months prior to the start date of their team sport, in accordance with NCAA Guidelines. Students entering the Part-Time Division must provide documentation of their immunizations.

Once a student's deposit has been paid, the Undergraduate Admissions Office will send out a packet which will contain the student's physical and immunization form. Students can also download the 4-page physical form and information sheet by going to: http://www.newhaven.edu/unh/marketing/pdfs/healthservices/health_forms.pdf

Students who plan to live in University housing and athletes must provide proof of having received a meningitis vaccine (date of vaccination must be no more than 5 years prior for Menomune, and no more than 10 years prior for Menactra). These requirements are in compliance with the State of Connecticut Health Department's guidelines for immunization and disease control.

It is also recommended that students are vaccinated against Hepatitis B (3 dose series), Hepatitis A (2 dose series), and for females Gardasil (HPV vaccine - 3 dose series).

Additional necessary information, can be sent in with student's physical forms. A copy of their private insurance company card including company name, company phone number, and identification number. If a student does not have private insurance, a student should state that in an attached note.


Measles, Mumps and Rubella & Varicella Requirements


To All Students (full-time undergraduate, part-time undergraduate day and evening, full and part-time graduate)you must provide documentation of:

  • Two valid measles vaccinations.
    • The first must have been given after 1/1/69, and that date must be after your first birthday.
    • The second must have been given after 1/1/80.
  • Two valid mumps vaccinations.
  • One rubella vaccine must have been given after your first birthday.

If you have documentation of two valid MMR's that will fulfill the measles, mumps and rubella requirement.

  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) history is also required.
    • This can be documented by having a history of the disease with proof of date or
    • Two doses of the varicella vaccines for immunity.

Blood tests (showing immunity) from a laboratory will also be accepted for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.


It is the policy of the University to withhold registration each semester for non-compliance. Proper immunization information must be on file in the Health Services Center.

Office of Intercultural Relations

The Office of Intercultural Relations assists the University in promoting cultural diversity, awareness, and sensitivity throughout the campus community. The office provides leadership in promoting an environment responsive to the diversity of groups represented at University of New Haven. Its programs, services, and activities promote cultural identity within a multicultural environment, and encourage and support cooperative and collaborative relationships within the University community and with the University's external stakeholders.

The Office's initiatives include the following: presentation of social and educational events and workshops in residence halls, classrooms and at campus-wide programs; providing support for the university's identity-based organizations; and posting information about scholarship, internship, and job opportunities pertinent to underrepresented populations of students. For more information, please call 203.932.7427.

International Services

Each year the University of New Haven admits students from many nations. These students, representing more than fifty different countries, bring an international dimension to the campus.

The International Services Office provides for the special needs and concerns of international students The staff assists students with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations; provides information on travel to and from the United States; and advises students on academic, social, and cultural adjustment. The Office also serves as a liaison between international students and the University community.

A wide range of programs has been developed, including publication of an international newsletter, special orientation events, information seminars, and an international festival. For more information, call 203.932.7475 or email iso@newhaven.edu.

Residential Life

The character of residential living is often a good indication of the spirit and quality of life on campus.The goal of the University's Residential Life program is to provide a living/learning environment that promotes academic and personal growth and a sense of community among students. A student's on-campus living experience is an integral part of the educational process.

Students live in thirteen residence halls: seven for freshmen and six for upperclassmen, supervised by resident directors responsible for the administration of each hall. Resident assistants (RAs) live on each floor and serve as peer advisers, role models, and initiators of activities and programs.

University housing is occupied on an academic-year basis, and it is recommended that all freshmen and sophomores live on campus unless they live with a parent or an extended-family member.

The Office of Residential Life refers those wishing to look for off-campus housing to a website that lists students looking for roommates, apartments, condos, and homes in the UNH area. Students are responsible for any contract undertaken for such housing and should consider carefully the nature of that contract and the responsibilities incurred.

University Dining Services

University Dining Services facilities on campus include the Marketplace Food Court and Jazzman's Bakery and Café, which are located in Bartels Hall, the Campus Center; Charger Café in the Marvin K. Peterson Library; the Campus Convenience Store in Sheffield Hall; NRgize in the Beckermern Recreation Center; Sandella's Flatbread and Wow Cafe in Bergami Hall; and FöD located in Westside Hall.

Students may select from meal plans that include declining balance and board options. Purchasing a meal plan is highly recommended and is required for resident students. Detailed information on meal plans is available at the Dining Services Office.

Student Activities

Being a student at the University of New Haven means having the best of two worlds: an active on-campus community and the city of New Haven. Students interested in cultural, intellectual, or social pursuit have a wealth of opportunities from which to choose.

The Office of Student Activities, in conjunction with student clubs and organizations, provides a wide variety of events each week. With an increase in the quantity and quality of activities over past years, theme weekends such as Spring Weekend, Family Weekend, and Homecoming Weekend have been supplemented by an ongoing activities calendar of weekly events. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize and interact with fellow students, faculty, and staff-whether by enjoying a band, lecture, comedian, or magician; participating in volunteer opportunities; or taking a bus trip to a regional theater or recreation center.

Students are also encouraged to develop their cultural and intellectual interests by participating in literary, artistic, and dramatic events. Visiting artists, play and concert productions, invited lecturers, forums, and panel discussions are among the variety of programs available to students. UNH has more than eighty active student-run clubs and organizations.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Recognizing the importance of a broad range of physical and emotional outlets to a well-balanced college experience, the University of New Haven seeks to involve students in various levels of active participation in games and sports, as well as to provide an opportunity for community and student support for its varsity intercollegiate athletics program.

Varsity Sports

The University of New Haven athletics program is one of the most respected and successful NCAA Division II programs in the country. In Fall 2008, the University began competing in the athletically and academically prestigious Northeast-10 Conference, one of the largest and most comprehensive conferences in the nation.

University of New Haven teams have enjoyed national recognition throughout the years. The University was the first school from the Northeast Region to capture the NCAA Division II Women's Basketball Championship (1987) and has been to the NCAA tournament seven times. Women's volleyball has been to the postseason 23 times, and the baseball program has made 31 postseason appearances, including 18 World Series berths. In 1997, the Charger football program competed for the national championship, and the men's soccer team has been to the Final Four twice. The University has over 120 postseason appearances.

The University offers 17 varsity sports: baseball, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's cross country, football, women's lacrosse, men's and women's soccer, softball, women's tennis, men's and women's indoor and outdoor track and field, and men's and women's volleyball.

Students can also participate in a number of spirit groups including cheerleading, dance team, marching band and pep band. The Department of Athletics welcomes all interested candidates and invites active involvement in support of our programs.

For more information about varsity athletics, log on to www.newhavenchargers.com, or call 203.932.7016 or 203.932.7017.

Intercollegiate Athletic Facilities

North Campus

Charger Gymnasium is located on the North Campus and is home to the men's and women's basketball and volleyball programs. It also serves as a practice facility for other varsity athletic teams and as a gathering place for large university-wide events, including commencements and musical concerts. Charger Gymnasium includes a full-size basketball court with seating for 1,200, as well as the varsity athletic weight room, equipment, administrative offices, and athletic training facilities. Adjacent to the gymnasium are outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, a softball competition venue, Frank Vieira Field (baseball), and the newly renovated Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium, a multi-purpose field which is home to the Charger football program and can host soccer and lacrosse games. Prior to the 2009 season, Ralph F. DellaCamera Stadium was installed with state-of-the-art blue and gold Sprinturf, a new 45-foot tall scoreboard and a two-story pressbox.

Main Campus

Kayo Field is located on the Main Campus, adjacent to the David A. Beckerman Recreation Center. The field underwent a $1.3 million transformation in the summer of 2007, which saw the installation of a synthetic turf surface, new scoreboard and fencing. The field is home to the men's and women's soccer and women's lacrosse programs, and serves as a practice facility for all of the Charger varsity athletic programs.

Campus Recreation (ChargerREC)

The goal of the Department of Campus Recreation is to provide students with a wide variety of programs and services in order to maximize student participation and involvement. Whether students interested in working out on their own, or they want to take part in one of our programs or activities, they are sure to find something that fits their needs. For more information about ChargerREC, log on to www.newhaven.edu/ChargerREC.

David A. Beckerman Recreation Center

Located in the heart of campus, the Beckerman Center is a 58,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility and includes two activity courts (for basketball, volleyball, badminton), a multi-activity court (MAC court, ideal for indoor soccer and floor hockey), 6,000 square feet of fitness space, two group fitness studios, two racquetball courts, locker rooms, an indoor running track, and a juice bar. Academic year hours of operation: Monday - Thursday - 6:30am - 11:30pm, Friday - 6:30am - 10pm, Saturday 9am - 8pm, Sunday 12pm - 10pm.

RECSports (Intramurals)

RECSports is an integral part of campus life, giving students the opportunity to come together for competition and camaraderie. RECSports activities are free to undergraduate students. RECSports offers a variety of individual and team sports/activities in three different divisions: Men's, Women's and Co-REC. RECSports offers four seasons of activities per academic semester, including a regular season and playoffs.

Some of our offerings include outdoor soccer, 4-on-4 volleyball, kickball, flag football, tennis, basketball, whiffleball, floor hockey, indoor soccer, volleyball, softball, and racquetball.

Group X (Group Fitness)

Free drop-in fitness classes are offered at various times throughout the week. No sign-up is required. A comprehensive schedule is available online along with detailed class descriptions. Offerings vary each semester but some examples include Spinning, Kickboxing, Bootcamp, Step & Sculpt, Step Aerobics, and Absolution.

Clubs and Organizations

More than eighty University clubs and organizations serve interested students. Included are student chapters of professional societies, community-service organizations, social groups, club sports and special-interest clubs. Every student club and organization has a mailbox located on the top floor of Bartels Hall, as well as an email address which can be found on our website: www.newhaven.edu/studentactivities

Fraternities and Sororities

National and local service, social, and honorary fraternities and sororities are active on campus. They sponsor programs such as banquets, game shows, the semiannual blood drive, fundraisers to benefit charities, and numerous hours of community service. Descriptions and contact information can be found on our website: www.newhaven.edu/GOGREEK

Off-Campus Activities

For those who want a change of pace from the college scene, the University's proximity to the city of New Haven offers students many cultural opportunities. Musical entertainment includes year-round performances by the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, live concerts at a variety of nearby venues, and local and national bands at many downtown clubs. Professional theater thrives in New Haven, home to three nationally recognized theaters: the Long Wharf Theatre, the Yale Repertory Company, and the Shubert. Some of the region's outstanding art collections can be seen on the Yale University campus.

On weekends, the Connecticut shore, Cape Cod, the ski slopes of Vermont and New Hampshire, and New York City are just a short drive or train ride away.


Student publications include The Charger Bulletin, the student newspaper, and The Chariot, the yearbook. Students may volunteer their services to these student publications by emailing: chargerbulletin@newhaven.edu or chariotyearbook@newhaven.edu.

Student Government

Separate undergraduate full-time, part-time, and graduate student councils have responsibility for initiating, organizing, and presenting extracurricular activities and acting as liaisons between students and University staff.

The Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) is a forum where undergraduate full-time students provide input to the administration to improve all aspects of undergraduate education at the University. Student-elected senators represent the voice of their constituencies at weekly USGA meetings.

Students are strongly encouraged to get involved in leadership positions within student government and other clubs and organizations. The University believes that leadership development is an integral part of all students' education. The USGA offices are located on the top floor of Bartels Hall.

The Evening Student Council (ESC) is a board composed of students attending UNH evening classes. It has three primary objectives: (1) to promote the welfare of the evening student body, (2) to give counsel and encouragement to evening students as well as to develop and encourage school spirit, and (3) to convey evening students' opinions to the administration and work with the administration in accomplishing student objectives.

Membership in the Evening Student Council is open to all undergraduate evening students enrolled in courses for credit. The Council meets regularly, and all evening students are invited to participate. To contact ESC, email esc@newhaven.edu.

WNHU Radio

WNHU is the University of New Haven's noncommercial, FCC-licensed FM radio station located on Ruden Street. Daily operations are maintained by a general manager, student station managers, and a staff comprising undergraduate students, community volunteers, and faculty members.WNHU's signal emanates from the Main Campus, at a frequency of 88.7 and a power of 1,700 watts, and extends nearly thirty miles in every direction, reaching nearly all of southern Connecticut and even parts of eastern Long Island. WNHU's programming is also available as streaming audio online at www.wnhu.net.

WNHU has recently undergone state-of-the-art renovations to its on-air and production studios, procuring professional-level broadcast equipment utilized by staff members to produce shows. While production of more than twenty hours of programming a day is a vital aspect of WNHU, it is not the only work to be done. Recording speeches on campus, providing music for on-campus events, and putting on shows in the community are examples of what WNHU does besides on-air functions, and the station plans to expand these areas in the future.

With positions available for news, productions, sports, and promotions, WNHU offers more than DJ opportunities, and there is a spot for anyone interested in a variety of concentrations. WNHU is open to full-time or part-time undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and community volunteers with an interest in radio and its functions.

Campus Facilities

The University's 82-acre campus contains more than 30 major buildings that house modern laboratory and research facilities, the latest computer equipment, athletic facilities, and residence halls

Located in West Haven, about ten minutes from downtown New Haven, the Main Campus includes Ellis C. Maxcy Hall (which houses administration, classrooms, College of Arts and Sciences, and College of Business); Bayer Hall (Undergraduate Admissions); Bergami Hall which houses the Bursar's Office, Financial Aid and the Registrar's Office; Phillip Kaplan Hall; the Jacob F. Buckman Hall of Engineering (Tagliatela College of Engineering); Echlin Hall (which houses the Office of Information Technology, the Fire Science Department, and classroom spaces); the Marvin K. Peterson Library; Bartels Hall (the campus student center); Robert B. Dodds Hall (with classrooms, offices, labs, Dodds Theater, and the Seton Art Gallery); the Campus Store; residence halls; and the Gate House (faculty offices), and the David A. Beckerman Recreation Center.

South Campus includes South Campus Hall is home to the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences) and Harugari Hall (which houses the English Department, the Psychology Department, the Nutrition and Dietetics Department, and classrooms. The University's athletic offices, athletic fields, and Charger Gymnasium are located at North Campus.

Computer Labs

Information Services provides for the computing needs of both academic and administrative users by maintaining a number of computer labs. The largest installation of general-use computers and printers is in the Marvin K. Peterson Library. Installed software includes web browsers, Microsoft Office, SPSS, and other university-standard software. There are also Apple iMacs are available in the Library, Bartels Hall Lobby, and the Beckerman Recreation Center (2nd floor). Additional labs are located throughout the campus, are discipline-specific, and are used primarily for instruction.

Special-purpose computing facilities include the Industrial Engineering CAD/CAM lab in Buckman, the AT&T multimedia lab in Buckman 227, the Electrical Engineering lab in Buckman 203, the System Engineering lab in Buckman Hall, the Graphic Arts labs in Dodds 203 and 207, the Biology and Environmental Science (GIS) lab in Dodds 305, the Mechanical Engineering Instrumentation lab in Buckman 223, the Math and Physics Department lab in Maxcy Hall, the Hospitality and Tourism lab in Harugari 114, the Internet Crime lab in Dodds 101, a faculty lab in Echlin 119.  For availability of these labs, contact the given department's administrative staff.

The hours for open labs change each semester. Go to http://www.newhaven.edu/computerlabs for current lab hours.

Marvin K. Peterson Library

The Marvin K. Peterson Library, named in honor of a former University president and dedicated in 1974, includes three floors designed to provide students with a variety of learning spaces to suit their preferences whether it be for quiet study, collaborative group space, an Information Commons, Library Café, group-study rooms, stacks, or reference and assistance areas. 79 desktop computers, 6 iMacs, and some laptops are provided for research purposes. Networked printers and scanners are available.  Wireless networking is accessible in all areas of the library.  Students and faculty can plug in their laptop computers to connect to the campus network at more than 100 ports available throughout the library. Materials are stored in a variety of formats including online, print, audio, video, microform, CD-ROM or DVD.

The library's home page is available at www.newhaven.edu/library. It serves as a gateway to information, such as the Library's operating hours and a variety of library services and includes the library's online catalog, which allows for both basic and advanced searching of library holdings. Our Ask a Librarian page offers students a variety of ways to obtain information or get help.  Electronic access to databases, full-text e-journal holdings, full-text e-books and other digital collections is accessible through links on the library's website. A reserve collection including print materials, DVDs, CDs and e-reserves supports courses taught at the university.

To borrow library materials, current students and faculty must present a valid university ID card. Books already borrowed can be renewed online. Interlibrary Loan forms for current  students and faculty are available online or at the Library's Information Desk.  To expedite service the library uses electronic means to transmit articles and information between itself and other libraries across the country whenever possible. 

University students who obtain a borrowing card from their hometown Connecticut public library may borrow from other public libraries statewide. Students who are not Connecticut residents can get a library card from the West Haven Public Library.  Just show your university ID and the current semester's course list and a temporary West Haven Public Library card will be issued to you until the end the current semester.

Faculty and students in their offices or residence halls or at home have access to a variety of commercial online databases from the library's home page. The university subscribes to online electronic databases in a variety of subjects. Resources, including full-text books, journals and newspapers,  are accessed in online databases, including ABI/INFORM, Academic Search Premier, Access World News from NewsBank, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text, CountryWatch, CQ Researcher, CCH Online, GeoRef, JSTOR, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, Education Complete, Engineering Village 2, PsycARTICLES, ProQuest Computing, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Campus Research powered by WestLaw, Hoover's Online, Science Direct, Reference USA, Country Watch, Literary Reference Center, MathSciNet, Mergent Online, SocINDEX with Full Text, Teacher Reference Center, ValueLine, SciFinder and Grant Forward.

The university library's physical collection includes more than 220,278 print volumes, 399,037 pieces of microfiche, 12,105 volumes of microfilm, and 136,152 U.S. government paper documents.  Electronic access to more than 39,395 full-text journal and newspaper titles and 31,519 e-books is provided.

The library is a U.S. Government Documents Depository Library, and selects approximately one-third of the U.S. government yearly output to support UNH programs. Most of these documents are available in full-text online through the library's online catalog.

Students are assisted by professional reference librarians. One-on-one consultations are available to locate information for research papers and projects. Students can schedule a research consultation appointment by using the online form or calling 203-932-7189.  Freshmen receive instruction in how to use a modern academic library. Subject-specific library orientations are available for students. Library Guides, prepared by professional librarians, as well as instructional support resource materials are posted at http://libguides.newhaven.edu/welcome.  Students can learn more about utilizing resources by reviewing the guides many of which include short video clips to assist in learning. Online library tutorials are available to assist students in learning effective research techniques. Library Guides help facilitate access to information resources for effective research. Topics include forensic science, psychology, national security resources, criminal justice, dental hygiene, biology, business information, how-to-find Connecticut law, literary criticism, a style sheet for research papers, and an introductory research guide.

Digital Commons @ New Haven, a service of the Peterson Library, showcases the work by university scholars.  It is the University's institutional repository of intellectual assets of faculty and students.  The Marvin K. Peterson Library has digitized and made available online a number of materials from the University Archives. The Library regularly receives requests for information and photographs about the University's history, buildings, events, and people from students, faculty, staff, and alumni.  These digitization projects allow a wider group of researchers to investigate and enjoy many of these treasures.  Digitized photographs from the University Archives are online for viewing and downloading http://www.flickr.com/photos/unhctlibrary/.  New photographs are being added every week, so check back often. Digitized text such as The Chariot (Yearbooks,) Elm City Review, The Noiseless Spider, Insight, University of New Haven Alumni Magazine, Bulletins, Undergraduate Catalogs, Graduate Catalogs, and New Haven Junior College Catalogs are available at http://www.archive.org/details/universityofnewhaven. 

Campus Bookstore

The Campus Bookstore sells textbooks, new and used, required for courses here at the University. The bookstore also carries a wide range school supplies, greeting cards, imprinted clothing and gifts, candy, and a selection of magazines. A wide selection of software is also available, priced at a substantial academic discount for current enrolled students at www.efollett.com.

The Campus Bookstore buys back used texts throughout the year. The bookstore also handles class ring orders and places special orders for books. Students who would like to order books online may do go to our website, www.unh.bkstr.com.

Students may opt to have books held at the bookstore or to have them shipped directly to their home or office. If you have any questions, call 203.932.7030.

Bartels Hall

The renovated campus center provides a focal point for campus life and student activities. Offering lounges, student offices, a large dining hall, Jazzman's Bakery and Cafe, and multiple meeting rooms, the facility serves as a center for students' non-academic college interests. Live entertainment and films are often presented in the evenings. Bartels Hall houses the offices of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, International Services, Intercultural Relations, Student Activities, Community Service, and Dining Services, as well as the Undergraduate Student Government Association and its affiliated groups.

Office of University Advancement

The Office of University Advancement works with the University community and external organizations and individuals to develop philanthropic support for enhancement of the University's programs, facilities, and endowment, and to build awareness and reputation of the University. Gifts to the University enhance student financial aid, faculty development, equipment, library resources, and other institutional opportunities for growth.

The generosity of corporations, foundations, alumni, parents, students, and friends contributes to the excellence of the University of New Haven.

Alumni Relations

The Alumni Relations staff invites you to stay connected to the University by enjoying the many activities and benefits sponsored by the University's Alumni Association. Committed to a lifelong relationship among alumni, the Association fosters friendships and professional networking opportunities and promotes a host of educational, social, and athletic events.

Benefits include career development services, the chance to audit courses at a reduced fee, use of the University's library, discounts on home and auto insurance, and much more. UNH Online, an online directory and interactive community, helps alumni stay in touch with friends and network with other alums. The service is free to alumni and can be accessed through the alumni web page at www.newhaven.edu\alumni.

Each fall, alumni are invited back to campus for Homecoming festivities. Throughout the year, events include Alumni Cocktails and Networking, the Holiday Party, and our Scholarship Ball, which raises significant funds for student scholarships. Information about current activities is available through the website, our e-newsletter, and special mailings, including University of New Haven Alumni Magazine. Alumni are asked to update their contact information so that we may keep them informed of the latest membership events and benefits.

The Alumni Board of Directors, a valued University advisory group, oversees the Association and works to strengthen University ties by promoting communication within the extended UNH community. If you have suggestions for your Alumni Association, please email alumni@newhaven.edu.

Research and Professional Facilities

Bureau for Business Research

The Bureau for Business Research offers access to databases for research on products, markets, competition, and international issues. In addition, the University's biannual, refereed academic journal, American Business Review, is published under the auspices of the Bureau.

Center for Dispute Resolution

The Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of New Haven is a focal point for the interdisciplinary study and practice of conflict resolution. The Center offers conflict management services to individuals and to businesses, institutions, governmental agencies, and community organizations. Services include mediation, program evaluation, design of conflict management systems, consultation, and training. On campus, the Center sponsors peer mediation and other peer dispute resolution services. Through research and educational programs for students and the community at large, the Center also strives to advance the understanding and application of alternative means of dispute resolution, including mediation and restorative justice.

Center for Family Business

The Center for Family Business (CFB) was founded in 1994 as a unique learning environment for family business members. Its mission is to help ensure the future and continuity of family businesses, preserve the values held by family business members, and strengthen Connecticut's economy. The Center offers its members a variety of programs that deal with issues faced by family businesses, regardless of the nature of the business.

Eight major programs are presented each year for members, held in both New Haven and Fairfield Counties. These programs feature some of the most significant national and international speakers in the field of family business. Attendees have the opportunity to learn from one another as well as from the speakers.

CFB also features small-group forums, which consist of members in similar circumstances. These groups function as ad hoc advisory boards to their fellow members.

Periodically, breakfast meetings are held to address specific topics that appeal to the interests of our members. The CFB publishes a newsletter and is a source for family-business educational materials.

The Center for Family Business is sponsored by the accounting firm of Bailey, Schaefer and Errato, LLC; Daniel M. Smith and Associates; and the law firm of Wiggin and Dana.

For further information, visit us on the web at www.newhaven.edu/cfb.

Center for the Study of Crime Victims' Rights, Remedies, and Resources

The Center for the Study of Crime Victims' Rights, Remedies, and Resources is maintained under the auspices of The Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences. The Center provides, and is in the process of developing, numerous initiatives to enhance the knowledge base on crime victims' rights and on services that assist crime victims through educational, training, and technical opportunities via the various academic disciplines and professional groups that study, advocate for, or serve victims.

These programs and services are statewide, regional, and national in scope. They include instructional programs; field and program evaluation research services; internships, fellowships, and visiting scholar programs; legal, legislative, and public policy analysis and advocacy; and publications, conferences, and symposia. Information is available through the director's office at the University.