2009-2011 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2009-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are arranged alphabetically by the course prefix code letters, as listed here. For the purpose of brevity, course descriptions may consist of sentence fragments. Unless otherwise specified, graduate courses carry three credits. 


Computer Science

  • CS 649 - Network Analysis

    Prerequisite: EE 610  or CS 642 . Building on foundation knowledge of local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the OSI model, both large and small network designs are explored through lectures, labs, and an individual and a major group project. Topics and labs include Windows server administration, UNIX connectivity, Ethernet and Token Ring networks, implementing WANs using a simulated T1 environment, wireless LAN environments, configuring DSL routers, multi-vendor routers, managed switches, and network packet examination.
    3 credits
  • CS 650 - Computer Graphics

    Prerequisites: CS 620 , M 610  or equivalent. The mathematical foundations for computer graphics and introduction to the current state of the art graphics programming. Includes 2-D and 3-D viewing, geometric tranformations, clipping, segmentation, user interaction, curves, surfaces, color, modeling, and object hierarchy.
    3 credits
  • CS 652 - Script Programming for Network Administration

    Prerequisite: CS 604  Concepts and details of writing small programs in Python for the Unix and Window-Server operating systems. Security issues in shell scripts, batch file programming, Python scripts, and C programming. Students will write scripts to control network system resources.
    3 credits
  • CS 655 - Web-Database Application Development

    Prerequisite: CS 622  and one of SC 617 or CS 623  or permission of the instructor. Fundamental principles and techniques for creating network applications. Topics include establishing network connections, database connectivity, Java Server Pages (JSP) or Active Server Pages (ASP), HTML forms, client-side scripting, SML, and network security issues.
    3 credits
  • CS 657 - Human Computer Interaction/Visual Programming

    Prerequisite: CS 610  or permission of the instructor. The study of psychological and physiological factors on the design of the Human-Computer Interface (HCI). The influence of the various input and output devices on the efficacy of the interaction. Evaluation of the interaction as a function of the interface design. Evaluation issues including qualities such as learnability, usability, human efficiency, and accuracy. Students will design, implement, analyze and evaluate Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
    3 credits
  • CS 660 - Artificial Intelligence

    Prerquisite: CS 610  An introduction to the fundamental methods of artificial intelligence (AI) used in problem solving . Techniques include heuristic search, optimization, genetic algorithms, game playing, expert systems, probabilistic reasoning, learning strategies, neural networks, natural language understanding, image understanding.
    3 credits
  • CS 663 - Mobile Robotics

    Prerequisites: CS 620  or permission of the instructor. Principles of construction and navigation of mobile robots. Topics include locomotion mechanisms, sensor types and usgae, reactive behavior, tracking, obstacle avoidance, path planning, and communication schemes for remote control. Students will work both individually and in groups to construct and program small mobile robots using Lego Mindstorms kits.
    3 credits
  • CS 665 - Digital Image Processing

    Prerequisites: CS 610 , M 610  or equivalent. Theoretical and mathematical bases of techniques of digital imaging processing and programming methodologies necessary to implement such techniques. Introduction to current capabilities of digital image acquisition hardware. Implementation of standard procedures for image enhancement, morphology, compression, and storage. Image transforms and information extraction techniques in both the spatial and Fourier frequency domains.
    3 credits
  • CS 670 - Selected Topics

    Prerequisite: The nature of any prerequisites will depend on the topic. An examination of new developments or current practices in computer science. Topics will vary from trimester to trimester.
    3 credits
  • CS 690 - Master's Project

    Prerequisites: 15 credit hours, a quality point ration (QPR) of at least 3.1, and completion of all core courses. Petition to register must be approved by a supervising faculty member, the program coordinator, and the department chair. Completion of a significant project in the student's concentration area under the guidance on an advisor, such study terminating in a technical report of academic merit. For example, the project may be a survey of a technical area in computer science or may involve the solution of an actual or hypothetical technical problem.
    3 credits
  • CS 691 - Computer Security Certification Preparation

    Prerequisite: Completion of required course work in MS Computer and Network Security program. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will prepare for taking an industry standard certification exam. This will include writing an independent research paper on a current security topic and passing an exam similar in nature to the certification exam.
    3 credits
  • CS 692 - Internship I

    Prerequisites: CS 620 , 18 graduate credit hours, QPR of 3.0 or better, and permission of graduate coordinator and advisor. An on-the-job learning experience with a selected organization, taken for academic credit under the supervision of a faculty internship advisor.
    1 credits
  • CS 693 - Internship II

    A continuation of Internship I.
    1 credits
  • CS 694 - Internship III

    A continuation of Internship II.
    1 credits
  • CS 695 - Independent Study I

    Prerequisite: Petition to register must be approved by a supervising faculty member, the program coordinator, and the department chair. Independent study under the guidance of an advisor in an area disignated by the program coordinator in consultation with the student.
    3 credits
  • CS 696 - Independent Study II

    A continuation of Independent study I.
    3 credits
  • CS 698 - Thesis I

    Prerequisite: 15 credit hours and completion of all core courses. Petition to register must be approved by a supervising faculty member, the program coordinator, and the department chair. Periodic meeting and discussion of the individual student's progress in the preparation of a thesis
    3 credits
  • CS 699 - Thesis II

    A continuation of Thesis I
    3 credits


  • E 600 - English Language Workshop

    Enrollment in this course is limited to and required of students who are not native speakers of English and who lack adequate background in English instruction. Students whose TOEFL scores are less than 560 (220 on the computer-based test) and/or students who enter the Graduate School following completion of an intensive English language program are required to take and pass this training course in the first term of enrollment at the Graduate School. The course emphasizes development of conversation, pronunciation, and composition skills and includes orientation to the Peterson Library and instruction in writing a research paper.
    0 credits
  • E 634 - Applied Linguistics

    This course is designed for teachers of writing at all levels. It helps students develop insights into sentence structure and development which, in turn, will be beneficial for transmitting systematic editing techniques at various school levels. The course will focus on sentence structure and touch upon phonetics and language history. (Also see ED 634 )
    3 credits
  • E 659 - Writing and Speaking for Professionals

    A practical, tool-oriented approach for professionals who need to perfect writing and speaking skills for career advancement or presentations in graduate courses. Students generate work-related writing/speaking assignments and negotiate learning contracts based on editing, writing, and speaking methods related to individual needs and objectives. (See also HU 659 .)
    3 credits


  • EC 601 - Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

    A basic theoretical foundation for students who lack adequate background in economics. An introduction to and review of basic economic principles.
    3 credits
  • EC 603 - Microeconomic Analysis

    Prerequisites: EC 601  and QA 604 . Survey of the behavior and decision choices of individual economic agents (e.g., consumers, firms, and resource owners) under alternative market conditions, time horizons, and uncertainty.
    3 credits
  • EC 604 - Macroeconomic Analysis

    Prerequisites: EC 601  and QA 604 . Study of the performance and fluctuations of the economy, focusing on economic policies that affect performance. Topics include consumption and investment, the determinants of changes in wages and prices, monetary and fiscal policies, money, interest rates, the federal budget, the national debt, and interdependence and policy between countries.
    3 credits
  • EC 625 - Industrial Relations

    Survey of problems, strategies, and policies of management interactions with formal and informal labor organizations. Labor legislation, collective bargaining, productivity analysis, and arbitration are stressed, with emphasis on negotiating strategies and techniques.
    3 credits
  • EC 627 - Economics of Labor Relations

    Survey of labor economics using the tools of economic and institutional analysis. Emphasis on human resources and demographics pertaining to labor markets.
    3 credits
  • EC 629 - Business and Society

    Prerequisite: EC 601 . Topics include forces shaping business institutions through emerging social, legal, ethical, and political issues such as pollution control, workplace issues, equal employment opportunity, product safety, and relations with external stakeholders. Also addressed, using lectures and cases, will be laws and regulations that govern and restrict business activities.
    3 credits
  • EC 633 - Managerial Economics

    Prerequisites: EC 601  and FI 601 . Application of the major tools of economic analysis to problems encountered by management, presented using lectures and case studies. Topics include measurement of market demand, cost analysis, expenditure and production decisions, price determination in competitive markets which include the entrepreneurial enterprise, as well as the allocation of capital and investment.
    3 credits
  • EC 641 - International Economics

    Prerequisite: EC 601  Examination of international trade, foreign exchange, and capital markets. Topics include national policy in an open economy, international policy coordination, and globalization.
    3 credits
  • EC 644 - Managing in Global Markets

    Prerequisites: EC 601 , FI 601 , MG 637 , and MK 609 . This course provides the student with an understanding of the effects of globalization on the economic environment and corporate operations. It examines the multinational's operations and the many adaptations management must undertake to interact successfully with the various global business environments. Topics will be examined from both domestic and international perspectives and will include the operational and strategic adjustments necessary for the multinational to navigate among the diverse and rapidly evolving cultural, political, economic, financial, operational, and ethical environments of global markets.
    3 credits
  • EC 665 - Urban and Regional Economic Development

    Prerequisite: EC 601 . Techniques, methods of analysis, and models utilized in the development process. Emphasis on job creation, manufacturing assistance, free enterprise zones, and regional planning.
    3 credits
  • EC 679 - Industrial Relations Seminar

    Prerequisites: EC 625 , EC 687 , MG 637 , and P 619 , or permission of instructor. A seminar in industial relations and the labor-management relations function of the modern work organization. The use of an integrated behavioral, economic, and legal approach permits an applied multidisciplinary synthesis of the employee relations function required in either nonunionized or unionized work organizations.
    3 credits
  • EC 687 - Collective Bargaining

    Recommended prerequisite: EC 625 . Emphasis on contract negotiation, whether in a formal or informal bargaining scenario. Contract development covers wages, benefits, job security, management's rights, equal opportunity, and grievance procedures. Additional time devoted to third-party settlements - the arbitration process.
    3 credits
  • EC 690 - Research Project

    Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. A major independent research study/project carried out under faculty supervision.
    3 credits
  • EC 693 - Internship

    Prerequisites: 15 graduate hours and permission of program coordinator. A supervised work experience in a selected organization, arranged for course credit and directed by a faculty advisor.
    3 credits
  • EC 695 - Independent Study I

    A planned program of individual study under the supervision of a member of the faculty.
    3 credits
  • EC 696 - Independent Study II

    A continuation of Independent Study I.
    3 credits
  • EC 698 - Thesis I

    Prerequisite: 15 graduate hours. Periodic meeting and discussions of the individual student's progress in the preparation of a thesis.
    3 credits
  • EC 699 - Thesis II

    A continuation of Thesis I
    3 credits


  • ED 600 - Student Teaching

    This consecutive 13-week practicum satisfies the requirement of the State of Connecticut for teacher candidates to demonstrate attainment of the appropriate CT Teaching Competencies in a culminating clinical activity of supervised student teaching.
    6 credits
  • ED 601 - Introduction to Education

    This course introduces students to the field of education. Students will learn about the CT Teaching Competencies and classroom management techniques and will be given a broad overview of school-related issues. 1 credit, to be taken in advance of first trimester of study.
    1 credits
  • ED 603 - Human Growth and Development

    A Study of the major aspects of human development from conception through adolescence, presenting the important theories and research methods of the field and tracing the physical, cognitive, psychological, and social development of each chronological division.
    3 credits
  • ED 604 - Educational Psychology

    Content emphasizes the application of psychological principles and research results to the teaching-learning process. Includes learning principles, development, planning instruction, evaluating student performance, classroom management, and motivation.
    3 credits
  • ED 605 - Students with Special Needs

    Provides prospective educators with an understanding of methods used to identify, diagnose, and teach exceptional students in regular and special classrooms. Describes the developmental and learning characterisitcs of exceptional students, reviews educational and supportive services, and examines laws impacting on the education of students with special needs.
    3 credits
  • ED 606 - History of American Education

    Survey of the relationship between education and American culture through a focused study of the history of public schooling in the United States. Study of events, developments, and moods that have shaped American education from Colonial times, through the first century of American independence, the Progressive reform era, and the Depression era to the current day.
    2 credits
  • ED 608 - Child Development

    A study of the physical, cognitive, and social development of children, with special emphasis on major theories and research methods.
    3 credits
  • ED 609 - Adolescent Development

    A study of the physical, cognitive, and social development of adolescents, with special emphasis on major theories and research methods.
    3 credits
  • ED 611 - Learning and Intelligence

    Examination of the dynamics of the major explanations of learning and intelligence; learning as the core of behavior.
    3 credits
  • ED 612 - Curriculum Design

    Application of theoretical knowledge of curriculum to real course planning. Investigation and analysis of current educational programs in terms of curricular theory as well as training for teachers in basic curriculum development techniques. Permission of the Education Department Chair required.
    3 credits
  • ED 614 - Philosophy of Education

    A critical analysis of education in contemporary society as reflected in the thinking of modern and early philosophers. (See also PL 614 .)
    3 credits
  • ED 615A - Strategies in Mathematics Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of mathematics. 1 credit for each content area. ED 615A Geometry I ED 615B  Geomety II ED 615C  Graphing Calculators ED 615D  Discrete Methods ED 615E  Remedial Mathematics
    1 credits
  • ED 615B - Strategies in Mathematics Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of mathematics. 1 credit for each content area. ED 615A  Geometry I ED 615B Geomety II ED 615C  Graphing Calculators ED 615D  Discrete Methods ED 615E  Remedial Mathematics
    1 credits
  • ED 615C - Strategies in Mathematics Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of mathematics. 1 credit for each content area. ED 615A  Geometry I ED 615B  Geomety II ED 615C Graphing Calculators ED 615D  Discrete Methods ED 615E  Remedial Mathematics
    1 credits
  • ED 615D - Strategies in Mathematics Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of mathematics. 1 credit for each content area. ED 615A  Geometry I ED 625B Geomety II ED 615C  Graphing Calculators ED 615D Discrete Methods ED 615E  Remedial Mathematics
    1 credits
  • ED 615E - Strategies in Mathematics Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of mathematics. 1 credit for each content area. ED 615A  Geometry I ED 625B Geomety II ED 615C  Graphing Calculators ED 615D  Discrete Methods ED 615E Remedial Mathematics
    1 credits
  • ED 616A - Strategies in Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of science. 1 credit for each content area. ED 616A Chemistry ED 616B  Physics ED 616C  Earth Science ED 616D  Biology ED 616E  Integrating Mathematics and Science
    1 credits
  • ED 616B - Strategies in Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of science. 1 credit for each content area. ED 616A  Chemistry ED 616B Physics ED 616C   Earth Science ED 616D  Biology ED 616E  Integrating Mathematics and Science
    1 credits
  • ED 616C - Strategies in Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of science. 1 credit for each content area. ED 616A  Chemistry ED 616B  Physics ED 116C Earth Science ED 616D  Biology ED 616E  Integrating Mathematics and Science
    1 credits
  • ED 616D - Strategies in Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of science. 1 credit for each content area. ED 616A  Chemistry ED 616B  Physics ED 116C Earth Science ED 616D Biology ED 616E  Integrating Mathematics and Science
    1 credits
  • ED 616E - Strategies in Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of science. 1 credit for each content area. ED 616A  Chemistry ED 616B  Physics ED 116C Earth Science ED 616D  Biology ED 616E Integrating Mathematics and Science
    1 credits
  • ED 617A - Strategies in Social Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of the social sciences. 1 credit for each content area. ED 617A Constitutional Law ED 617B  Political Science ED 617C Governance ED 617D  Local History and Historical Methods ED 617E  Geography
    1 credits
  • ED 617B - Strategies in Social Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of the social sciences. 1 credit for each content area. ED 617A  Constitutional Law ED 617B Political Science ED 617C Governance ED 617D  Local History and Historical Methods ED 617E  Geography
    1 credits
  • ED 617D - Strategies in Social Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of the social sciences. 1 credit for each content area. ED 617A  Constitutional Law ED 617B  Political Science ED 617C Governance ED 617D Local History and Historical Methods ED 617E  Geography
    1 credits
  • ED 617E - Strategies in Social Science Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of the social sciences. 1 credit for each content area. ED 617A  Constitutional Law ED 617B  Political Science ED 617C Governance ED 617D  Local History and Historical Methods ED 617E Geography
    1 credits
  • ED 618A - Strategies in Buisness Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of business. 1 credit for each area. ED 618A Computer Technology ED 618B  Software Application ED 618C International Business ED 618D  Economics ED 618E  Marketing and Advertising
    1 credits
  • ED 618B - Strategies in Business Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of business. 1 credit for each area. ED 618A  Computer Technology ED 618B Software Application ED 618C International Business ED 618D  Economics ED 618E  Marketing and Advertising
    1 credits
  • ED 618D - Strategies in Business Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of business. 1 credit for each area. ED 618A  Computer Technology ED 618B  Software Application ED 618C International Business ED 618D Economics ED 618E  Marketing and Advertising
    1 credits
  • ED 618E - Strategies in Business Content

    Provides current and future teachers with specialized training in teaching specific content areas of business. 1 credit for each area. ED 618A  Computer Technology ED 618B  Software Application ED 618C International Business ED 618D  Economics ED 618E Marketing and Advertising
    1 credits
  • ED 619A - Strategies in English Language

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of the English language. 1 credit for each content area. ED 619A Humanities ED 619B  Research Writing ED 619C  Journalism ED 619D  Poetry ED 619E  Drama
    1 credits
  • ED 619B - Strategies in English Language

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of the English language. 1 credit for each content area. ED 619A  Humanities ED 619B Research Writing ED 619C  Journalism ED 619D  Poetry ED 619E  Drama
    1 credits
  • ED 619C - Strategies in English Language

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of the English language. 1 credit for each content area. ED 619A  Humanities ED 619B  Research Writing ED 619C Journalism ED 619D  Poetry ED 619E  Drama
    1 credits
  • ED 619D - Strategies in English Language

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of the English language. 1 credit for each content area. ED 619A  Humanities ED 619B  Research Writing ED 619C  Journalism ED 619D Poetry ED 619E  Drama
    1 credits
  • ED 619E - Strategies in English Language

    Provides current and future teachers with specilized training in teaching specific content areas of the English language. 1 credit for each content area. ED 619A  Humanities ED 619B  Research Writing ED 619C  Journalism ED 619D  Poetry ED 619E Drama
    1 credits
  • ED 620 - Seminar in Multicultural Issues

    A series of lectures, dialogues, and discussions to promote understanding of the diverse ethnic, cultural, and economic groups composing American society as they impact in the schools.
    1 credits
  • ED 621E - Teaching Strategies/Elementary Mathematics

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of mathematics instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as they plan, present, and evaluate mathematics education.
    3 credits
  • ED 621M - Teaching Strategies in Mathematics

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of mathematics instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as they plan, present, and evaluate mathematics education.
    3 credits
  • ED 621S - Teaching Strategies in Mathematics

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of mathematics instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as they plan, present, and evaluate mathematics education.
    3 credits
  • ED 622E - Teaching Strategies in Science

    Introduction to current concepts and instructional techniques in the field of science teaching; focuses on providing teachers with the skills, knowledge, and methodologies for teaching science. 3 credits.
    0 credits
  • ED 622M - Teaching Strategies in Science

    Introduction to current concepts and instructional techniques in the field of science teaching; focuses on providing teachers with the skills, knowledge, and methodologies for teaching science.
    2 credits
  • ED 622S - Teaching Strategies in Science

    Introduction to current concepts and instructional techniques in the field of science teaching; focuses on providing teachers with the skills, knowledge, and methodologies for teaching science.
    3 credits
  • ED 623E - Teaching Strategies in Social Studies

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of social studies instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as the plan, present, and evaluate social studies education.
    2 credits
  • ED 623M - Teaching Strategies in Social Studies

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of social studies instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as they plan, present, and evaluate social studies education.
    2 credits
  • ED 623S - Teaching Strategies in Social Studies

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of social studies instruction with particular focus on new materials, methods, and teaching strategies that will assist prospective teachers as they plan, present, and evaluate social studies education.
    3 credits
  • ED 624 - Teaching Strategies in Business

    Focus is on the strategies for teaching business concepts and practices to secondary students.
    3 credits
  • ED 625E - Teaching Strategies in Children's Literature and Language Arts/Elementary

    Introduction to materials and methodologies used to develop the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of students with special emphasis on the wealth of literature available for elementary school students.
    2 credits
  • ED 625M - Teaching Strategies in Literature and Language Arts/Middle School

    Introduction to materials and methodologies used to develop the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of students with special emphasis on the wealth of literature available for middle school students.
    2 credits
  • ED 625S - Teaching Strategies in Language Arts/Secondary School

    Introduction to the materials and methodologies used to develop the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of secondary school students.
    3 credits
  • ED 626E - Strategies for Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Elementary School

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in reading instruction in the elmentary school, including authentic reading and writing assessment techniques. Special emphasis on the literacy-based development of beginning and skilled readers and the diversity of student abilities, cultural backgrounds, and language.
    3 credits
  • ED 626M - Reading in the Content Areas

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in content area reading in the middle school. Students will appreciate a wide range of print and nonprint texts that can be used to build an understanding of the cultures of the United States and the rest of the world. Fiction, nonfiction, classic, and contemporary works will be studied.
    2 credits
  • ED 626S - Reading in the Content Areas

    Introduction to current concepts and trends in content area reading in the secondary school. Students will appreciate a wide range of print and nonprint texts that can be used to build an understanding of the cultures of the United States and the rest of the world. Fiction, nonfiction, classic, and contemporary works will be studied.
    2 credits
  • ED 627 - Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum

    Designed for teachers in the middle school and high school content areas. Focuses on training teachers to implement a variety of instructional methods related to developing writing skills across disciplines.
    3 credits
  • ED 628 - Reading Diagnosis and Remediation

    Examines both traditional and innovative means of assessing reading strengths and needs as well as corrective instruction. Fundamental principles of diagnosis and instruction in reading are presented, providing a philosophical basis for working with all reading students, whether in regular classrooms, special education settings, remedial reading classes, or reading clinics.
    3 credits
  • ED 629 - Strategies for Teaching Modern World Languages in PK-12 Classrooms

    Course designed to prepare candidates to teach modern world languages in the PK-12 schools; includes current research and trends in foreign language pedagogy and curricular models for different age groups. Addresses the Standards for Foreign Language Learning's Five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities; emphasizes materials, instructional methods, and lesson planning for teaching the four language skills (speaking, writing, listening comprehension, and reading) and culture in an integrated way.
    3 credits
  • ED 630E - Children's Literature

    Provides knowledge of children's and young adults' publications; introduces students to the weath of literature available for young readers and its potential for enhancing classroom instruction. Selection of interesting and well-written materials based on knowledge of human development to motivate, expand, and diversify instruction.
    2 credits
  • ED 632 - Content Updates

    Focuses on the knowledge bases required for teaching in the specific content areas and major disciplines1-3 credits; may be take more than once, limited to six credits in any one content area.
    0 credits
  • ED 633 - Visual and Performing Arts in the Elementary Classroom

    Introduction to current ideas and instructional techniques for the visual and performing arts as they pertain to an elementary schoolclassroom; focuses on providing teachers with skills, knowledge, and methodologies for teaching art, music, and theater. Students will be asked to attend a series of lectures or performances at local theaters, concert halls, or museums. 1-3 credits
    0 credits
  • ED 634 - Applied Linguistics

    This course is designed for teachers of writing at all levels. It helps students develop insights into sentence structure and development which, in turn, will be beneficial for transmitting systematic editing techniques at various school levels. The couse will focus on sentence structure and touch upon phonetics and language history. (See also E 634 .)
    3 credits
  • ED 635 - History of Science

    The course introduces students to the history of science from the Scientific Revolution to the present. It will deal with the development of new ideas and the contexts in which they are constructed. It will assist students to understand how people developed ideas to interpret nature and why they changed those ideas.
    3 credits
  • ED 636 - Early Literacy

    This course examines the literacy skills and processes that reflect current research and best practices in the field of early literacy instruction. The course summarizes the research on how children learn to read and reviews the literacy skills and competencies children need to acquire to become successful readers and writers. Teacher candidates will learn effective classroom instructional strategies and assessment practices, including the components of a comprehensive and balanced literacy program in the primary grades.
    3 credits
  • ED 637 - Strategies for Teaching Art

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Education Department. Introduction to current concepts and trends in the field of art education with particular focus on new materials, methods and teachig strategies that will assist prospective teacher candidates as they plan, present and evaluate art education.
    3 credits

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