Academic Policies
Academic Integrity
The University of New Haven is an academic community based on the principles of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Academic integrity is a core University value that ensures respect for the academic reputation of the University, its students, its faculty and staff, and the academic credentials it confers. The University expects that students will learn in an environment where they work independently in the pursuit of knowledge, conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner, and respect the intellectual work of others. Each member of the University community has a responsibility to be familiar with the definitions contained in, and to adhere to, the Academic Integrity Policy, which is found on the University portal.
Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy include, but are not limited to, the following examples: cheating, collaboration/collusion, plagiarism, fabrication, and facilitating academic dishonesty. This Policy provides details concerning proscribed behavior as well as the procedures that are triggered in the event of infractions.
For each student enrolled in a graduate program, academic records are maintained and housed in the University Registrar's Office. Records include the application for admission and supporting documents such as test scores, transcripts of undergraduate and other prior study, letters of recommendation, course schedules, petitions filed by the student, and any other documents or correspondence pertaining to the student's academic work. The Registrar is responsible for controlling access to and disclosure of students' educational records. Students desiring to inspect or review their records should address a written, dated request to the Registrar. Information regarding confidentiality, privacy, and right of access to student records can be obtained from the Registrar.
Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Use
Public Act No. 08-167 is specifically designed to protect the confidentiality of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and requires other personal information to be safeguarded against misuse. In compliance with this Connecticut state law, the University of New Haven issues this notification regarding the purpose for the collection and use of Social Security Numbers.
The University of New Haven collects SSNs to perform specific duties and tasks necessary to the University. The University is required to report to the Internal Revenue Service the name, address, and SSN of any person from whom tuition and related payments are received.
Collection, access, and use of Social Security Numbers are limited to the following departments, which will carefully safeguard the information: Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, Bursar, Business Office and Payroll. Like other private data, SSNs will be stored in a secure manner, and will not be stored on portable storage devices, and will be shredded before discarding.
SSNs will not be used as identification numbers on student ID cards or elsewhere and will not be required to access an unsecure internet or website. All Social Security Numbers are protected by federal regulations and are not released to unauthorized parties or disclosed unlawfully.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend regularly and promptly all their classes, appointments, and exercises. Attendance is defined as a number of forms of student participation in a variety of modalities, to include on-ground classes, digital classrooms, academic assignments, exams, study groups, online instructional resources and academic discussions, and course-related academic discussions with faculty members. Federal regulations require evidence of "academic engagement" for online enrollments in the form of documentation of "regular and substantive interaction between the students and faculty." This includes submitted work that demonstrates sufficient "mental effort, active participation and commitment" as to be gradable.
The instructor has the right to dismiss from class any student who has been absent (using attendance definition above) more than two weeks (pro-rated for terms different from that of the semester). A dismissed student will receive a withdrawal (W) from the course if they are still eligible for a withdrawal per the university "Withdrawal from a Course" policy, or a failure (F) if not.
Students will be removed from any/all classes at the end of the registration period if they have not been attending.
A student who is not officially registered in the course is not permitted to attend classes or take part in any other course activities.
Students absent from any class meeting are responsible for making up missed assignments and examinations at the discretion of the instructor.
If an instructor is more than 15 minutes late for a class meeting, without providing notification to the students, the students may leave without penalty.
Auditing Classes
Students seeking credit to be transferred to another institution, or simply wishing to audit courses or to take them without working toward a degree, need not matriculate. Non-matriculated students must register to take their chosen courses, however, and will be allowed to enroll in courses as auditors only as space permits and with instructor approval. It is the student's responsibility to seek matriculation should they later decide to pursue a University of New Haven degree. Online courses are not eligible for auditing. Students may not audit more than one course prior to matriculation.
Make-Up Policy
Make-up examinations are a privilege extended to students at the discretion of the instructor, who may grant permission for make-up examinations to those students who miss an exam as a result of a medical problem, personal emergency, or previously announced absence. On the other hand, instructors may choose to adopt a "no make-up" policy. Students should refer to the instructor's make-up policy in the course syllabus and if no mention is made therein, should inquire directly. A make-up test fee may be assessed when a student is permitted to make up an announced test during the term or to take an end-of term exam at a time other than the scheduled time. In either case, the make-up examination fee will be paid by the student at the Bursar's Office.
Academic Standards
Graduate Grading System
Graduate programs use the following grading system:
Superior Performance: |
A |
4.00 quality points |
A- |
3.70 quality points |
Good Performance: |
B+ |
3.30 quality points |
B |
3.00 quality points |
B- |
2.70 quality points |
Passing Performance: |
C+ |
2.30 quality points |
C |
2.00 quality points |
C- |
1.70 quality points |
Failure: |
F |
Zero quality points |
Withdrawal from a course: |
W |
Zero quality points |
Incomplete: |
See information on next page regarding incomplete courses. |
Zero quality points |
Thesis students who did not complete work during the term in which they originally registered: |
T |
Zero quality points |
Audit indicates that a student registered and attended a class for no credit: |
AU |
Zero quality points |
Pass/Fail courses: Pass carries credits toward degree, use is limited to thesis and Executive M.B.A. courses. |
P |
Zero quality points (Pass) |
P+ |
Zero quality points (Pass with distinction) |
F |
Zero quality points (Failure) |
Non-credit courses: |
S |
Zero quality points (Satisfactory performance) |
U |
Zero quality points (Unsatisfactory performance) |
Any grade change from one letter to another must be in accordance with procedures adopted by the Faculty Senate.
Student Access to Final Grades
Final grades in each subject are available online soon after the close of each term, provided that financial obligations have been met and no other holds are in place.
Incomplete Grade Agreement and Policy
Incomplete (INC)
An incomplete indicates that the student has been given permission by the instructor to complete the required course work (with the same instructor) before the end of the next term. In the absence of the instructor, a student should contact the Department Chair.
In order to request an incomplete, a student may request an incomplete grade if most of the coursework, as determined by the faculty member, has been completed but they cannot complete the remaining work due to extenuating circumstances. The request may only be submitted after the official course withdrawal date has passed and before the last day of classes. Approval is at the discretion of the instructor.
In special circumstances where the student is unavailable to initiate an incomplete request, an instructor may fill out the Incomplete Request Form. In these non-student-initiated circumstances, the request must secure an additional level of approval from the instructor's dean. Such non-student-initiated requests should be pursued with caution due to unintended consequences related to the student's GPA, financial aid eligibility, and other complications.
At the time of the request, the instructor must calculate what the course grade (called the Reversion Grade) will be if the student does not complete any additional work. All incomplete requests must be approved first by the instructor. The department chair or, in cases where the instructor is the department chair, the associate dean will be notified of the incomplete.
Fall and intersession course incompletes must be completed no later than the last day of the following spring term. Spring and summer course incompletes must be completed no later than the last day of the following fall term. In special circumstances, an incomplete may be granted for one year, but must be approved by the academic dean.
If some or all of the work is completed, the instructor will re-calculate the course grade for the student and submit a grade change form. If no additional work is completed within the incomplete period, then the Registrar will assign the Reversion Grade identified on the Incomplete Form.
Students and instructors will be notified via campus email regarding the status of any incompletes at the start of each term.
Any extension of an incomplete must be approved by the academic dean.
Incomplete Plus (INC+)
The incomplete change policy (INC) does not include grades of INC+ assigned to Internships, Practicums, Thesis, or Research Projects. These grades will be left incomplete plus grades (INC+) for up to one year unless an extension is filed beyond that time period.
Internships are limited to a maximum extension of one year. The internship grade will be changed to an F after the deadline.
Incomplete Active Military (INCM)
An incomplete (INCM) is appropriate for students who are enrolled, have completed the majority of a course, wish to complete the course and are deployed to active duty military service before the current term has ended.
If the student elects to receive an "INCM" (Incomplete), the regulation regarding conversion of an "INC" to an "F" grade will not be implemented.
Upon return to campus and completion of course assignments, the instructor will submit the appropriate grade to the Registrar's Office.
Upon notification to the Registrar's Office that the student will not be returning to campus, the INCM will remain on the transcript or may convert to a "W" if determined to be appropriate after consultation with the faculty advisor and the Registrar.
Grade Point Average
The academic standing of each student is determined on the basis of the grade point average (GPA) earned each term. Each letter grade is assigned a quality point value, as described in the section "Graduate Grading System."
To obtain the GPA, multiply the quality point value of each grade by the number of credits assigned to each course; then divide the sum of the quality points earned by the number of credits attempted (in courses for which a grade of A through C- or F is awarded). A cumulative GPA is obtained by calculating the GPA for all courses taken at the University of New Haven.
Academic Standing and Dismissal
Good academic standing is defined as a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.00 or above upon evaluation of academic standing at the end of fall, spring, and summer terms. Students with a CGPA below 3.00 are no longer in good standing and the following will apply:
- Students with fewer than 9 credits completed and a CGPA less than 3.00 will be placed on Academic Warning. "Academic Warning" is an indicator for the student and the student's advisor that academic dismissal is imminent if the CGPA does not reach 3.00 by the following term;
- Students with at least 9 but fewer than 13 credits completed and a CGPA less than 3.00 but greater than 2.66 will be placed on Academic Warning with a registration hold which necessitates the permission of the program coordinator for registration. "Academic Warning" is an indicator for the student and the student's advisor that academic dismissal is imminent if the CGPA does not reach 3.00 by the end of the following term;
- Students with at least 9 but fewer than 13 credits completed and a CGPA of 2.66 or less will be dismissed but may be readmitted upon successful appeal if it is the student's first dismissal (see "Appealing Academic Dismissal" procedure below);
- Students with 13 or more credits completed and a CGPA less than 3.00 will be dismissed but may be readmitted upon successful appeal if it is the student's first dismissal (see "Appealing Academic Dismissal" procedure below).
Appealing Academic Dismissal
Upon evaluation of academic standing at the end of fall, spring, and summer terms, a student who fails to maintain the minimum CGPA will be notified by the Registrar of their academic warning or dismissal from their graduate program. Notification through University email is sufficient. In the case of dismissal from a graduate program, a student may appeal the dismissal. The communication from the Registrar will include instructions on the appeal procedure. An appeal is not required of the student who opts to accept the dismissal.
An appeal for readmission to the program will include a plan of study by the student that details corrective actions the student plans to undertake which will result in raising the CGPA above 3.00 by the end of the next full academic term. The student's academic advisor will forward an opinion on the appeal (together with a plan of study identifying courses to be retaken and other measures, if readmission is recommended) to the dean of the academic college. The dean's decision is final.
If there is no appeal or if an appeal is denied, the student may be removed from any courses for which they are registered that began or are scheduled to begin following the date of dismissal, and the student will receive a full tuition refund for those courses.
If an appeal is successful, readmission may not be granted retroactively, but will take effect only for a subsequent term as specified in the conditions for readmission presented in the appeal decision letter.
A student may only appeal a first academic dismissal for a graduate program. A second dismissal following readmission is final and not appealable.
Students should consult the related policy on Repetition of Coursework.
Repetition of Coursework
- Some courses taken at the University may be repeated for additional credit, as indicated in the course description. For courses that are not identified as repeatable for additional credit, the grade received in a subsequent attempt supersedes the original grade in the computation of the GPA only if the new grade is higher. The course may be used only once for credit toward the requirements for the degree program.
- All students should consult with their program director regarding program-specific requirements that may disallow course repeats. All students should check with their program regarding internship requirements and limits to the repetition of coursework.
- Grades for courses repeated at another institution will not replace the grade previously earned at the University and will not be factored into the student's GPA.
- All grades remain on the official transcript.
- Students using financial aid are required to follow federal regulations regarding repeating courses. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the Office of Financial Aid to check how the repetition of coursework may impact eligibility for financial aid.
- Students using Veterans Administration benefits are advised that replacement of any grade other than an unsatisfactory grade must be reported to the VA, and may result in the retroactive reduction of benefits for the semester for which the replaced grade was originally assigned. An unsatisfactory grade may be replaced without similar consequences. Students must notify the School Certifying Official when repeating a course.
- If a course is repeated off-campus, the transferred course will follow the rules and regulations codified in the University "Transfer of Credit" policy.
Awarding of Degrees
The University awards degrees three times a year, in January, May and August. Commencement ceremonies are held in December and in May. A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 and completion of all program and University requirements are required for graduation and the conferring of master's degrees. Students must submit a graduation application in order to have their names placed on the list of potential graduates.
Application for Graduation
Candidates for January commencement must file a graduation application online in Banner self service no later than June 15. Candidates for May commencement must file no later than November 15. Candidates whose degrees will be awarded in August must file no later than April 15. Students completing the 5-year B.S./M.S. program in environmental science or any graduate dual-degree program must file two graduation applications (one for each degree). All financial obligations to the University must be met prior to graduation.
Posthumous and In Memoriam Degrees
The conferral of Posthumous and In Memoriam degrees provides a means by which the University of New Haven can honor students whose education at the University was tragically halted due to an untimely death, while at the same time upholding the requirements of integrity in the awarding of academic degrees.
Posthumous degrees can be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who was in good academic standing when they passed away during the last semester of their degree program at the University of New Haven. If the deceased student had completed sufficient work in order to be awarded course grades for their final semester, the student will be issued either the grade for which they were eligible at the time of their death or a passing grade. Grade determinations are made following discussion with the faculty member teaching the course in question and are approved by the school dean. Posthumous degrees are regular degrees included in the official count of degrees and thus are awarded with an official diploma. Hence, any Latin Honors for which the deceased student was eligible will be conferred.
In Memoriam degrees can be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student whose death occurred prior to the student's last semester in their degree program. The In Memoriam degree honors a deceased student's progress toward a degree, but is not included in the official count of degrees. To be eligible for the In Memoriam degree, at the time the student's studies at the University of New Haven were halted due to an illness or accident leading to death, a deceased student must have been:
1) enrolled in classes in the current term or the most recent fall or spring term; and
2) in good academic standing.
For any courses the student was enrolled in at the time of their death, the student will be issued either the grades they earned if sufficient coursework had been completed, or grades of W. The In Memoriam degree is awarded with a distinct document that affirms the student's good academic standing and progress toward a degree. Latin Honors are not applicable.
Time Limit for Completion of Degree
A student must complete the requirements for the master's degree or certificate within five years of the date of completion of the first course following formal application to the degree program. Leaves of Absence do not extend the time limit within which a degree must be completed. Any extension of the time limit for completion of the degree can be granted only after approval by the appropriate program coordinator and the Office of the Provost.
A student who fails to finish a master's degree within five years from the start of the student's first term must apply for readmission to their program. Students readmitted to a graduate program begin the five-year time limit again and are subject to the rules of the Graduate Catalog in effect at the date/time of readmission. Upon re-admission, in the judgment of the program coordinator, some courses may need to be repeated due to time limits/credit expiration. In no case may a course taken more than ten years prior to the time of readmission be applied to the degree.
Program Change Effects
A student who starts a program prior to the implementation of changes may continue to follow the version of the program that was in effect when they started the program. Students may elect to and be allowed to switch to the newer program, but students cannot be forced to do so.
Once approved, the changes take effect on those students who enroll in the program after the implementation of the changes. Thus there may be times when some students are enrolled in one or more prior versions of a program even after such modifications.
Full-Time Study
A full-time course of study at the graduate level is defined as enrollment for nine credits in the current term. Required courses, such as ENGL 6600, count toward full-time study. Full-time International graduate students are required to pay the University health service fee each year.
A student who wishes to enroll for more than 12 graduate credits/four courses in a given term must secure the permission of the program coordinator.
Part-Time Study
Part-time study at the master's level is defined as registration for fewer than nine credits in the current term. Half-time study at the master's level is defined as registration for a minimum of five credits in the current term. Registration for fewer than five credits qualifies as less than half-time study. Certificate programs may have limited scheduled course offerings and, therefore, are generally pursued on a part-time basis. International students with F-1 or J-1 immigration status may not enroll for programs that are offered only on a part-time basis.
Ways of Earning Credit Following Matriculation
The Credit Hour
Consistent with federal regulations, the University of New Haven defines a "credit hour" as one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time such as an accelerated term. This definition generally applies also to an equivalent amount of work for other academic activities as established by the University including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.
The expectation is that for each academic credit awarded, there will be at least 750 contact minutes over the term (50 min/week x 15 weeks, including exams), or 37.5 contact hours (2250 minutes) for a typical 3-credit course; further, that roughly twice this time is spent on related activities outside of class. Significant deviation from these norms must be justified on the basis of demonstrable learning outcomes as presented in course syllabi, and giving due consideration to nature of the student's total course experience and activity.
Transfer Credit
A graduate course is acceptable for transfer to University of New Haven if the following conditions are met:
- The course was taken within the past six years and is from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or from a foreign post-baccalaureate institution recognized by its local Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution.
- The student received a grade of B (3.0 on a 4-point scale) or better (or a Pass in a Pass/Fail course, provided the institution documents that a Pass is equivalent to a B or better).
- The course has not been used previously to contribute to another credential.
A maximum number of graduate credits may be transferred to the University depending on the total number of credits of the graduate degree. The following limits apply to graduate programs at the University: for 30- and 33-credit programs, a maximum of 6 credits; for 36- and 39-credit programs a maximum of 9 credits; for 42-credit programs a maximum of 12 credits; and, for 60-credit programs a maximum of 15 credits. However, additional restrictions on the number of credits allowed for transfer, and policies governing the equivalency of transfer credit and those courses for which transfer credit will not be accepted, may be specified by specific programs, and students are encouraged to review program descriptions of the program to which they plan to apply in order to determine what program-specific limits may apply. In all cases, an official transcript must be received directly from the institution where the course was taken and placed on file at the University before transfer credit is awarded. Transfer credits are not included in courses used to establish a student's GPA at the University of New Haven.
The equivalency of a transferred course to a University of New Haven course is approved by the chair of the department in which the program is housed or chair's designee of the department offering the equivalent course. Courses in disciplines for which University of New Haven has no equivalent may be approved for transfer as elective credits in the student's program. The student's chair or designee approves these transfers.
The University may recognize courses evaluated by external organizations such as Straighterline and ACE, to include Joint Services Transcript (JST); Community College of The Air Force (CCAF); American Council of Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), and professional academies as appropriate. Final decisions about transfer credit are made following institutional transfer policy.
Transfer of Courses for Matriculated Graduate Students
Generally, the University does not accept for transfer credit courses taken at another institution once a student is matriculated to the University of New Haven. In the rare case where a matriculated graduate student wishes to take a course at another institution for transfer to the University of New Haven, written approval must be received from the student's program director or designee at the University of New Haven before a course is taken at another institution. The Matriculated Student Transfer Credit Authorization Form may be obtained online or from the Registrar's office and must be approved by the program director or designee and returned to the Registrar's office at least five weeks before the course begins. In no event may a course be taken for transfer into the University if the student has already received the maximum amount of transfer credit allowed under this policy or that of the student's program.
In all cases, an official transcript must be received directly from the institution where the course was taken and placed on file at University of New Haven before transfer credit will be awarded. Transfer credits are not included in courses used to establish a student's GPA at the University of New Haven. Transferred courses may not be used to replace courses taken at University of New Haven in which grades lower than B (3.0) were received.
A course is acceptable for transfer to University of New Haven if:
- It is a graduate level course;
- the course is from a regionally accredited US institution or from a foreign post-baccalaureate institution recognized by its local Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution;
- the student received a grade of "B" (3.0 on a 4-point scale) or better (or a "Pass" in a Pass/Fail course, provided the institution documents that "Pass" is equivalent to a B or better);
- the transferred course may not be used to replace courses taken at University of New Haven in which grades lower than B (3.0) were received.
- the total credits allowed to be transferred into the University by the program is not exceeded.
- the course has not been used previously to contribute to another credential; and
- Either
i) The course has been judged by the chair of the department offering an equivalent course that the transferred course is equivalent, or
ii) The course is deemed to contribute acceptably to the student's program of study by the student's program director or designee.
Equivalency of Transferred Courses to University of New Haven Courses
The equivalency of a transferred course to a University of New Haven course is determined by the chair of the department offering the equivalent course at University of New Haven. For matriculated students, the department chair's (or designee's) prior approval is required in order to assure that the transfer will contribute properly to the student's degree progress. Courses in disciplines for which University of New Haven has no equivalent may be approved for transfer as elective credit in the student's program.
Study Abroad
UNH students planning for study abroad must seek preapproval of courses taken abroad through the Study Abroad Office prior to registering for study abroad at UNH and prior to registering for courses at the destination institution. For those courses already approved at the destination institution and included on the list of approved courses maintained by the Office of International Education, no further approval is necessary. Forms for preregistration course approval are available from the Office of International Education.
Use of Graduate Credit to Fulfill Undergraduate Requirements
Graduate courses may be taken for credit by undergraduate students: a) in the context of their participation in a designated linked undergraduate/graduate program when the student has been formally accepted; or b) with permission of their advisors and individual graduate program coordinators, when their cumulative GPA is at least 3.00. For students not enrolled in linked undergraduate/graduate programs, registration should not exceed 9 graduate credits in total.
Waiver of Courses
Some programs permit waivers of core courses on the basis of undergraduate or graduate courses taken at accredited U.S. institutions or recognized foreign institutions. Waivers of elective courses or concentration courses are not permitted, nor are waivers based on life experience. For a course to be waived, a student must secure the written approval of the program coordinator, the department chair, or the chair's designee in the department in which the waiver is requested. Even if a waiver has been granted, a student who wishes to take a waived course for review or as a refresher course may do so. However, tuition refunds are not granted for courses taken and subsequently waived.
Crediting Examinations
Under certain circumstances, students who have knowledge applicable to a specific course may apply for permission to take a crediting examination in lieu of taking the course. To qualify for a crediting examination, the student must have taken a similar course at either the graduate or undergraduate level; completed the equivalent work in non-credit training courses; or had extensive, related, on-the-job experience. If the student passes the examination, a grade of P is awarded.
Permission to take a crediting examination must be granted by the department chair or program coordinator of the student's major, the chair of the department in which the course is offered, and the Office of the Provost. Crediting examination permission forms are available online for printing and must be submitted to the Registrar's Office. Once permission is granted and the crediting examination fee is paid, the examination is administered and graded by a full-time faculty member designated by the chair of the department that offers the course.
Students are expected to meet the prerequisite requirements for each course taken. Exceptions must be approved by the course instructor and the student's advisor or program coordinator. Credit may be denied to a student who takes a course without having taken the prerequisites.
Dropping/Adding a Course
The self-service add/drop period will open one month prior to the start of the term and close at the end of the first week of classes. During the second week of classes, further adjustment requires the approval of the chair of the department offering the course. Waitlists will remain accessible to students until one week prior to the opening of the term.
Course Withdrawal Policy
Full-time or part-time, graduate or undergraduate, students may withdraw from a course prior to the end of the tenth week of classes. If a course meets less than the 15-week term, the student may withdraw from the course prior to the two-thirds mark of the course. The student should verify the date for withdrawal from courses meeting less than 15 weeks with the Office of the University Registrar. The deadline for students to withdraw from courses will be published in the academic calendar.
During the first two thirds of a class, any student may withdraw and receive a final grade of W on their academic transcript by:
- Considering the academic consequences: consulting with his or her academic advisor or program coordinator is recommended.
- Considering the financial, billing, and US immigration implications: consulting with the Financial Aid Office, Bursar's Office and, if applicable, University Immigration Services Office is recommended.
- Completing the Course Withdrawal Form.
- Having the form signed as required.
- Submitting the form to the Office of the University Registrar by the published deadline date.
Leave of Absence
Graduate matriculated students may interrupt continuous enrollment by electing to take a leave of absence from the University for medical or personal reasons. Before taking a leave of absence, students are encouraged to discuss their particular situation with the chair (or designee) of the department.
The policies regarding leaves of absence are as follows:
- A Leave of Absence from the University form must be submitted on or before the first day of classes.
- Students must file for a leave of absence through the Registrar's Office.
- Students who are on University disciplinary probation are not eligible for a leave of absence.
- A student who has been dropped or dismissed from the University for disciplinary or academic reasons is not eligible for a leave of absence until properly reinstated.
- A student who has withdrawn as a degree candidate is not eligible for a leave of absence. If a student withdraws while on leave of absence, the leave is invalidated.
- Leaves of absence are not required or granted for intersession or summer terms.
- Normally, leaves are not approved for a period longer than two semesters. Under special extraordinary circumstances, usually medical in nature, a leave of absence may be approved for a maximum of four semesters or two years.
- A student who wishes to return later than the semester originally stated on the leave of absence form must apply through the Registrar's Office for an extension of the leave of absence, not to exceed the maximum period as outlined above.
- Taking a leave of absence may affect a student's financial aid. Students receiving financial aid are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office before taking a leave of absence.
- A student who fulfills the conditions of an approved leave of absence may return to the University and register for classes without applying for resumption; such students may preregister for the semester in which they plan to return.
- A student who does not apply for an extension or who exceeds the maximum period but wishes to return to the university must file a Resumption of Studies application with the Registrar's Office. Upon successful approval from the chair of the department (or designee) in which the student's major is housed, the student may register for classes.
- International students must contact the University Immigration Services Office to discuss the necessary actions to their SEVIS records in order to maintain F-1 or J-1 visa status during their leave of absence.
Absences due to United States Military Service
For purposes of this section, service in the uniformed services means service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the U.S. Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority. The University recognizes that students who serve in the U.S. uniformed services may encounter situations in which military obligations force them to withdraw from a course of study, and that this may happen with little advance notice.
U.S. Military Service Leave
A Military Service Leave is a University-approved withdrawal from a course or program that is necessitated by service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the United States Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty. The University will act in accordance with federal law and regulations regarding readmission for servicemembers, 34 CFR § 668.18.
A copy of military orders should be presented to the Registrar as soon as they are available. Students should consult with their advisor for coordination with instructors to determine the best course of action based on the length of absence and percentage of the term completed. The Registrar will work with the students and faculty to administer the appropriate resolutions.
The resolutions may include:
- An alternate method to complete coursework, including online engagement if available, is appropriate for students who, wish to complete the course and before the current term has ended.
- An incomplete (INCM) is appropriate for students who are enrolled, have completed the majority of a course, wish to complete the course and are deployed to active duty military service before the current term has ended.
- If the student elects to receive an "INCM" (Incomplete), the regulation regarding conversion of an "INC" to an "F" grade will not be implemented.
- Upon return to campus and completion of course assignments, the instructor will submit the appropriate grade to the Registrar's Office.
- Upon notification to the Registrar's Office that the student will not be returning to campus, the INCM will remain on the transcript or may convert to a "W" if determined to be appropriate after consultation with the faculty advisor and the Registrar
A Leave of Absence is appropriate for students who are deployed to active duty military service, but do not need to begin duty during a current term; for example, if duty will begin during a future term before classes begin.
Students should complete an appropriate Withdrawal or Leave of Absence forms and include a copy of the applicable military orders to qualify for the considerations detailed in this policy.
Readmission to the University
A student who has taken a military service leave from the University and wishes to re-enroll must notify the University's Registrar's office of the intention to return to resume the student's program of study.
The University will act in accordance with federal law and regulations regarding readmission for servicemembers, 34 CFR § 668.18. Students who have questions or need assistance in returning to campus may contact the Coordinator for Transfer and Veteran Success in the Center for Student Success.
Withdrawal from the University
A graduate student who wants to withdraw from the University should consult with a representative from The Center for Student Success (CSS) to discuss the withdrawal and make a preliminary evaluation of readmission possibilities. Once the decision in consultation with CSS is made, the student should complete the official University Withdrawal form and submit it to the Office of the University Registrar. Students who are withdrawing are advised that:
- Students who withdraw are subject to prorated tuition and fee charges based on the last date of attendance in classes and according to the established withdrawal policy (see academic calendar for withdrawal deadlines and refund percentages if applicable) of the Bursar's Office.
- Students who withdraw from the University and have their tuition prorated according to the established withdrawal policy will be graded with a "W" for each registered course.
- Students must withdraw from the University prior to the Final Examination period.
- A student who has been dropped or dismissed from the University for disciplinary or academic reasons is not eligible for a withdrawal until properly reinstated.
- Resumption of studies at a later date is not automatic. An application for resumption of studies must be made to the Registrar's Office.
- Students readmitted to the University after a withdrawal are held to the academic requirements in effect in the catalog at the time of readmission. Courses that were taken at the University longer than five years prior to the readmission date may not apply to a current degree program. You are advised to speak to the academic department as to the validity of those course credits. In no case may a course taken more than ten years prior to the readmission date be applied to the degree.
- International students should be aware that withdrawal from the University will affect their F-1 or J-1 visa status, and must contact the University Immigration Services Office to discuss their options.
Research Projects, Independent Study, and Internships
All academic programs leading to a master's degree require the completion of a capstone work - a thesis, a substantial research or other project, or a comprehensive examination. Students must have the written approval of the advisor, department chair, and program coordinator prior to enrolling for the capstone program research or project. Approval forms are available from the University website. In some programs, the capstone research or special project is structured as an internship or independent study, the approval for which is covered by the aforementioned process. However, some programs permit or encourage internships or independent studies under the supervision of a faculty advisor as distinct from the capstone requirement. Written approval for these is also required, using forms available from the website. A student may not register for more than six credits of independent study/internship within a degree program. An independent study/internship proposal must be approved by the student's advisor and/or program coordinator as well as the coordinator or chair of the department offering the course.
Students preparing a report for research, special project, internship, or independent study may be asked to follow the guidelines presented in the University of New Haven Dissertation and Thesis Manual, which is available on the University portal website.
Comprehensive Examinations
Students who wish to schedule a comprehensive examination in order to complete their degree program must complete the appropriate comprehensive examination approval form, which is available online, and submit it to the University Registrar's Office after securing the necessary approvals and paying any required fees. Students should confirm arrangements for comprehensive examinations with the program coordinator.
Completion of a thesis is optional for most master's degree programs. A number of preliminary steps are required before registration for the thesis is accepted by the Registrar. The student completes the Proposal for Thesis form (available online), in which the proposed subject, hypothesis, and methodology are described. The student secures the approval signature of a faculty member who will serve as the thesis advisor. The student must also secure approval of the proposed thesis and thesis advisor from the department chair and/or program coordinator and the Office of the Provost. Only after the Registrar has received the approved form is the student permitted to register for the thesis. A thesis will carry no fewer than six academic credits taken over no fewer than two academic terms. A preliminary draft must be presented to the advisor at least 75 days prior to commencement. Upon approval by the advisor and the program coordinator, an unbound draft is presented to the Office of the Provost. A date and time are then scheduled by the thesis advisor for the thesis defense before the student's thesis committee, the Dean of the College, and the Office of the Provost or a designee.
Successful defense of the thesis must be completed at least three weeks prior to the date of commencement. Students must complete and defend the thesis within the time limit for completion of the degree.
After successful defense of the thesis and approval by the Office of the Provost, thesis credit is awarded, and final, unbound copies are deposited with the Office of the Provost to be forwarded for binding at the University library, where the thesis becomes a part of the permanent collection. Additional copies may be required by the department or the program coordinator.
For guidance in the preparation of theses, graduate students should consult the University's Dissertation and Thesis Manual. Questions not resolved by the instructions should be resolved in consultation with the advisor and by reference to a standard style manual.
Graduate Certificates
The University of New Haven offers a number of graduate certificates designed for those students who want to pursue a short, coherent course of study at the graduate level.
Students applying to graduate certificate programs only must complete the Graduate Admissions application form, submit official transcripts showing completion of an undergraduate/baccalaureate degree, and submit two letters of recommendation. Upon completion of the course requirements, a student must submit an "Apply to Graduate" form online. Students who complete the requirements for only a graduate certificate do not participate in commencement.
Students already enrolled in a master's degree program may pursue a graduate certificate, for which the online Application for Graduate Certificate form must be submitted during their course of studies in the master's degree program.
Certificate Requirements
Required course work consists of 12 to 20 credits of graduate study, depending on the subject area selected. Students should contact the program advisor for assistance in planning the course of study for the selected certificate. Course substitutions may be granted by the program advisor. The minimum residency requirement for graduate certificate programs is six credits. A minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in courses taken at the University, which are applied to the certificate, is required to qualify.
Academic Advising
It is the student's responsibility to select courses in accordance with prerequisites, advisor recommendations, the departmental plan of study (if required), and requirements for the degree. Students needing further explanation of program requirements or course sequencing should request academic advisement. Appointments for academic counseling are scheduled through concentration advisors or program coordinators. It is the student's responsibility to meet the stated requirements for the degree. However, a student is not required to file a formal plan of study.
Grievance Procedure
A formal policy for handling student grievances appears in the Student Handbook, which is available on the University website.
Notification of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
A student's permanent academic record includes official grades and transcripts. Other academic records include, but are not limited to: admission application, transcripts from high schools or other institutions, exam scores, supporting documentation, and correspondence from other offices. Relevant documents are scanned to the student's record in Banner and destroyed when they no longer have immediate administrative use.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records, as follows:
- The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar, dean, head of academic department, or other appropriate official written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
- The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding hearing procedures will be provided to the student when they are notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of New Haven to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are as follows: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605. Independent of the FERPA requirement, University policy relating to privacy of student academic and disciplinary records is as follows: Faculty and/or staff disclosure to others (including parents or guardians) of student academic information or disciplinary action requires a release from the affected student. Such a release should be obtained using a standard university form, which will be filed with the student's academic record (Registrar) or/and with the office of the Dean of Students.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of New Haven to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are as follows: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.
Diversity Policy
The University of New Haven is committed to achieving a diverse and pluralistic community that reflects the multiracial and culturally diverse society in contemporary America. The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access Council has been established to guide the University in implementing the Diversity Policy. The University will consistently work toward attracting and retaining a diverse faculty, staff, and student body for the purpose of creating a pluralistic scholarly community. The Council will assist the administration in the development and implementation of programs and policies that support an enriched educational experience for a diverse University community. The University of New Haven does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment against any individual on account of that individual's gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital or civil union status,national or ethnic origin, or any other condition protected by federal and/or state law.1
Drug-Free and Smoke-Free Environment
Drug-Free Policy
In accordance with federal law concerning a drug-free campus environment, the relevant University policy and regulations are provided to all current students and employees. The information is also available upon request at the human resource department.
Smoke-Free Policy
To create a healthier learning and work environment for our students, faculty, staff and campus visitors, the University of New Haven has adopted a smoke-free policy.
On July 1, 2015 University of New Haven became a Tobacco-Free/Smoke-Free campus. The policy applies to all who are on campus (employees, students, visitors, guests, and contractors) and includes university facilities, outdoor areas, and university-owned vehicles.
Please visit for more information.
Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act
In accordance with Connecticut Public Act 90-259 concerning campus safety and the 1990 federal law PL101-542 (the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act), all colleges and universities receiving state and federal financial assistance are required to maintain specific information related to campus crime statistics and security measures, annually provide such information to students and employees, and make the data available to prospective students and employees upon request.
At the University of New Haven, the required information is compiled and published annually by the University Police Department.
Policy on Cell Phones
Cell phones are disruptive to classes, presentations, productions, and other public events. As a matter of courtesy, the University of New Haven requests that communication devices be turned off or disabled during classes or public events. Individual discretion should be used to determine when to make exceptions related to emergency personnel or situations.
CHANGES TO TRADITIONAL (A-F) GRADING: The A-F system is the default, i.e., unless a student chooses the Pass/Fail system outlined below. If a student's grade at the end of the term dictates that they would ordinarily receive a grade of F, they will instead receive a "U," which will not count against GPA but also does not count as satisfactory completion of the course, meaning no course credit will be given.
PASS/FAIL OPTION: Students may choose this option for a single course, multiple courses, all courses, or no courses taken during this period. For each course taken during the period in which this policy is in effect, students will receive a letter grade unless they elect to switch to Pass/Fail grading for that course. Students wishing to choose the Pass/Fail option for a course should notify the Registrar before exams begin each term. The required form can be found in myCharger on the Registrar Forms page.
For courses where students choose the Pass/Fail option, regardless of the grade that would have been earned during the term, the student will be assigned either a Pass (P) or Fail (U). Pass will be earned when the grade would ordinarily have been between A and D- (undergraduate courses) or A and C- (graduate courses), while Fail will be earned if the student's grade is below D- (undergraduate) or C- (graduate). A Pass will count as having successfully completed the course for purposes of academic progress, and the student will receive course credit, but no quality points will be earned, meaning it will not affect the student's GPA either positively or negatively. A Fail (U) will not count as having successfully completed the course, meaning no course credit will be received, but likewise will not affect the student's GPA.
Please note that while a Pass/Fail grade is what will be recorded on the transcript, the traditional letter grade will also be retained for course prerequisite purposes. If you are in a program that requires licensure or certification this may be relevant, and students should consult with their advisors, and, if applicable, with Athletics, Financial Aid, and/or Immigration Services Office before selecting to go to Pass/Fail for courses. All students should check with their advisors about the advisability of the Pass/Fail option.
ACADEMIC STANDING: Students currently on academic probation of any kind will not be penalized based on their grades during this period.
MID-TERM GRADING: Faculty are asked to submit grades so that students will be aware of their current standing. The system will allow faculty to submit midterm grades as late as necessary.
REPEAT POLICY: All limits contained in the policy regarding repeating courses are suspended for courses taken during this period.
WITHDRAWAL (W) POLICY: Students may elect to withdraw from a course until the day before exams begin each term. The required form can be found in myCharger on the Registrar Forms page.
INCOMPLETE (INC and INC+) POLICY: Incomplete grades (INC or INC+) earned during this period will not be converted into failing grades under any circumstances. If the remaining work toward an INC is completed within one academic year, it will be converted to either a letter grade (A-D-) or a Pass grade, but if the work is not completed, it will remain an Incomplete. Policies regarding requesting extensions to make up the INC+ grade remain in place.
COMPLETION OF EXISTING INCOMPLETE (INC and INC+) COURSES: Students who already have an Incomplete grade (INC or INC+) with work pending will not have such courses converted to failing grades, and will have such reasonable amount of additional time as necessary to complete the work still outstanding.
Changes to the Attendance Policy: Depending on your faculty in each course, cameras may be required in the digital classroom. Students should review each syllabus carefully to determine the specific camera requirements in that class. Students who wish to request a reasonable accommodation for camera usage should click this link: Camera Exemption Request Form.
CHANGES TO TRADITIONAL (A-F) GRADING: The A-F system is the default grading system. If your grade at the end of the term dictates that you will receive a grade of F, it will count against your GPA.
ACADEMIC STANDING: Review of academic progress will resume at the end of the spring 2021 semester. If your Cumulative GPA (CGPA) does meet minimum guidelines for standard academic progress, you will not be eligible for financial aid. Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is calculated as an average of your GPA from all completed terms/semesters. PACE is the total number of earned credits divided by attempted credits from all completed terms/semesters and must be 67%.
REPEAT POLICY: All limits contained in the course repeat policy regarding repeating courses are suspended through the end of August 2021.
WITHDRAWAL (W) POLICY: Students may elect to withdraw from a course until the day before final exams begin.
INCOMPLETE (INC and INC+) POLICY: Incomplete grades (INC or INC+) earned during this period will not be converted into failing grades under any circumstances. If the remaining work toward an INC is completed within one academic year, it will be converted to either a letter grade (A-D-) but if the work is not completed, it will remain an Incomplete. Policies regarding requesting extensions to make up the INC+ grade remain in place.
COMPLETION OF EXISTING INCOMPLETE (INC and INC+) COURSES: Students who already have an Incomplete grade (INC or INC+) with work pending will not have such courses converted to failing grades, and students have a year to complete the course for a grade.