2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Curricula

University Core Curriculum

The University of New Haven’s Core Curriculum strives to develop six basic competencies among undergraduate students so that they may better understand and get along with other people, succeed in their chosen careers, and pursue lifelong learning after completing the requirements for the bachelor degree. The revised core aims at graduating students who are

  • good thinkers, speakers, and writers,
  • skilled at analysis and problem solving,
  • skilled at using computer technology,
  • effective citizens of their own country and the world,
  • aware of cultural similarities and differences, and
  • sensitive to artistic accomplishments.

In consultation with a faculty adviser, the student will select at least 40 credits of core courses from six categories. Individual interests are to be encouraged as is a breadth and depth of knowledge through traditional and contemporary areas of study.

Note well:

  1. Courses with prerequisites are followed by an asterisk.
  2. The adviser and student are cautioned to regard the prerequisites for some courses and plan core choices accordingly.
  3. A student may not use a single core course to satisfy more than one category of the core.
  4. An academic program may prescribe or proscribe certain choices within core categories but, in general, must allow the adviser and student the widest choice possible. Program requirements may not limit core course choices without the approval of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
  5. For students who place out of ENGL 1105 , ENGL 1110  will be the beginning English requirement. One course must be selected from Competency 1.2 to replace ENGL 1105 . That 1.2 course may not be used to also satisfy the 1.2 competency.

Bachelor’s Degree Core Requirements


Competency 1 — Communication (9 credits)

Ability to develop ideas from critical reading and general observation and to express ideas effectively through writing and speaking.

Competency 2 — Analysis and Problem Solving (10–11 credits)

Ability to dissect and explain concepts, data, actions, and events in order to understand their meaning, value, and relationship to the whole.

CC 2.2 Select one of the following:


CC 2.3 Select one of the following:


Option B

Three laboratory science courses (4 credits each) representing at least two of the following disciplinary groups:

  • Biology and Environmental Science (BI, EN, or MR prefixes)
  • Chemistry (CH prefixes)
  • Physics (PH prefixes)

Courses used to satisfy this option cannot be simultaneously used to satisfy Competencies 2.1, 4.2, or 5.3.

Competency 3 — Using Technology (3 credits minimum)

Ability to apply computer skills to academic endeavors.

Competency 4 — A Sense of History and Effective Citizenship (3–6 credits)

Ability to understand local, national, and international issues affecting one’s own nation and the world and to draw lessons from the experience of the past.

Competency 5 — Social Interaction and Global Perspective (6–9 credits)

Ability to understand, appreciate, and work well with others.

CC 5.2 Select one of the following:


CC 5.3

  • Select a second course from 5.1 or 5.2 or, as directed by your program requirements, an additional course from Competency 2.

Competency 6 — Aesthetic Responsiveness (3 credits)

Ability to understand and appreciate artistic achievements.

Associate Degree Core Requirements

Students pursuing an associate degree must satisfy the following core curriculum competencies:

Communication (CC1) — 6 credits

Analysis and Problem Solving (CC2) — 3 credits

Using Technology (CC 3) — 3 credits

Social Interaction and Global Perspective (CC 5) — 3 credits

A Sense of History and Effective Citizenship (CC 4) — 3 credits

Aesthetic Responsiveness (CC 6) — 3 credits

These competencies are explained in detail above. All core requirements satisfied by the student for the associate degree will be applied toward the larger bachelor’s degree core if the student continues study.

Academic Advising

To assist students in their academic development, the University assigns an academic adviser from the department of each student's chosen field of study. As soon and as often as possible, wise students seek the advice of their academic advisers regarding major requirements, career opportunities, choice of a minor, and progress in the students' major, as well as other areas of personal interest. At the time of registration, the academic advisers assist in and approve course selection. Students also confer with their advisers when adding or dropping courses, and advisers often make referrals to other qualified personnel on campus. The academic adviser is, therefore, the link between the student and the academic regulations of the University.

Experiential Education Degree Requirement

Each graduating student of UNH must complete at least one Experiential Education opportunity as part of their academic program. Experiential Education allows students to relate academic learning to practical experience The Experiential Education requirement will allow students the opportunity to explore career options through work-integrated learning, contribute to original research through faculty- mentored research opportunities, impact the community while advancing learning objectives through academic service learning, or broaden their understanding of our global society through study abroad/or study away.

Critical to the concept of Experiential Education is the integration of theoretical knowledge with applied skills. Students should consult with their academic advisors on the integration of their academic and career goals with Experiential Education, identifying the best opportunity to meet their individual goals.

Flexibility of the Baccalaureate Degree Experiential Education Requirement

As the intent of the Experiential Education degree requirement at UNH is to encourage students to learn through experience, collaboration, and discovery, UNH extends the concept of flexibility to the Experiential Education degree requirement.

Except as described below, all students will be expected to complete at least one Experiential Education Opportunity during their academic programs at the University of New Haven. The University of New Haven defines Experiential Education to include Work-Integrated learning (Internship, co-op, practicum); Academic Service Learning (designated by "s" in the schedule of classes); Study Abroad/Study Away; and Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research Opportunities.

Students may, with the permission of the appropriate Dean's representative

  1. Substitute an Independent Study experience course that contributes to the student's academic goals in an applied way as deemed appropriate to the learning objectives of the program by the faculty advisor.
  2. Meet the requirement through transferring in a comparable experience-based course from an accredited institution. Thus, a student who successfully completes an Experiential Education experience at one college, prior to transferring to UNH, will not be required to complete another Experiential Education requirement. However, as there are various modes of offering Experiential Education throughout the University, students transferring to a new program within UNH may find that a required course that is also is Experiential Education course must still be taken.

The Honors Program

The UNH Honors Program is designed for exceptionally motivated students who have shown high levels of academic achievement. The university requires every student, regardless of major, to take core courses in a number of general areas. The Honors Program offers students an intellectually exciting and challenging way to satisfy some of these core requirements.

Students may enter the Honors Program either as incoming freshmen or at the conclusion of their first year of study. Incoming first-year students with exceptional high school grade point averages and strong SAT scores, particularly on the reading and writing sections, will be invited to apply to begin the Honors Program upon entrance to the university. Students currently at the university and transfer students who have completed at least 24 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 are invited to apply to enter the Honors Program as sophomores.

Before graduation, all Honors students must complete at least four Honors courses. Each course actively involves students in problem solving and inquiry. The Honors Program offers both team-taught courses, featuring two faculty members from differing departments, and single-instructor courses. Team-taught courses focus on multidisciplinary approaches to learning and study linkages between disciplines. Honors courses with one instructor frequently also fulfill course requirements within various major fields of study at UNH.

In their senior year, students research and write an Honors thesis on a topic in their major discipline under the guidance of a faculty member in the major department. Students may arrange with their department for up to three academic credits for work on the Honors thesis. The results of the research are to be presented orally to members of the student's major department and to members of the faculty Honors Committee.

In order to remain in the program, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 throughout their studies at UNH.

The Honors Program sponsors various co-curricular events throughout the academic year. All Honors students are encouraged to attend these whenever possible. Students not enrolled in an Honors course during a given semester are required to attend at least two Honors events during that semester.

A student-run Honors Student Council meets regularly to coordinate additional Honors events both on and off campus. All Honors students are encouraged to participate in the council's activities.

Advantages of the Honors Program

In addition to a challenging and exciting curriculum, the Honors Program offers:

Small Classes: Honors program classes provide an opportunity for participation and discussion in a setting where students know their instructors and their fellow students especially well.

Early Registration: Honors students receive priority registration, allowing them to register for courses before non-Honors students.

Recognition: A student who successfully completes the Honors Program, including the Honors Thesis, will be designated as an Honors Scholar on the UNH transcript and will receive an Honors Scholar medallion at graduation. Thus, prospective employers, graduate schools, and other institutions will be aware of this extra accomplishment in the student's pursuit of the undergraduate degree.

Hatfield Scholar Program: Students in the Honors Program with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and who are either rising juniors or seniors are eligible to apply for one of six John Hatfield Scholar awards. These competitive awards are $1,000 per semester tuition scholarships, awarded to Honors Program students with high grade point averages who are active in student life and community service. In addition to the financial award, John Hatfield Scholar recipients receive a bronze medallion, and a certificate of recognition.

Honors Courses

Honors courses recently offered:

"Criminal Investigations and Society." In this course students analyze several major criminal investigations and how societies' opinions and expectations influenced the investigation and outcome of each case. Students learn how these cases influenced citizens' feelings about their country and the criminal justice system that either served or failed citizens during each of these historic events.

"Emerging Infectious Diseases: History, Science and Medicine." This course provides an overview of the nature of human and animal pathogens and the diseases they cause. Students in the course develop a global perspective on how emerging infectious diseases have influenced history.

"Music and the Brain." This course focuses on the interplay of music, in various forms, with cognitive and emotional functions of the human brain. Students explore how music affects brain and behavioral functioning, and also the role of brain functioning in the creation and interpretation of music.

"'Though this be madness:' Hamlet from page to stage." This course looks at what is often considered one of the greatest plays in the history of the English language from both a literary and a theatrical perspective. Students see the play through critical analysis, examining the literary history and value of the play, as well as begin a creative exploration of the text, experiencing the play as actors and directors.

Developmental Studies Program

The Developmental Studies Program is designed to strengthen the basic skills of entering students. Courses within the Program are taught by members of the faculty of the Mathematics Department and the English Department.

The English Department offers two developmental courses: ENGL 1102 - Academic Reading and Speaking  and ENGL 1103 - Developmental Writing . These courses offer students a comprehensive study of the basic reading, speaking, and writing skills necessary in using the English language effectively. MATH 1103 - Fundamental Mathematics  is taught by the Mathematics Department.

Placement in these courses is determined by students' SAT scores, in the case of English, and by a placement examination, in the case of mathematics.

Such placement becomes a first priority for affected students because the University believes that they can become successful college students only upon correction of skill deficiencies.

Please note that although ENGL 1102 , ENGL 1103 , and MATH 1103  each carry three college credits, these cannot be applied toward degree programs. ENGL 1103  and MATH 1103  usually meet for up to six hours per week to provide intensive help.

Complete descriptions of the developmental courses appear in this catalog as part of the course offerings of the Mathematics Department and the English Department.