2010-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EE 348 - Electronics II

Prerequisite: EE 247  Review of FETs. Biasing the FET in discrete circuits, biasing configurations of single stage IC MOS amplifiers, FET analog switches. Differential and multistage amplifiers, the BJT differential pair, biasing in BJT integrated circuits, actively loaded differential pair, MOS differential amplifiers and multistage amplifiers. Frequency response of amplifiers, s domain analysis, poles and zeros, Bode plots, Miller effect, frequency response of differential amplifiers, study of various wide-band amplifiers. Output stages and power amplifiers, Class A, B, and AB stages, IC power amplifiers. Analog integrated circuits, complete analysis of 741 op-amp circuit, CMOS op-amps, D/A and A/D converter circuits. 3 credits