2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ELEC 6646 - Digital Communications I

Prerequisites: ELEC 6603 , ELEC 6645 ELEC 6650 . Digital representation of analog information; nonlinear quantization, baseband digital modulation; line coding techniques, detection of binary signals; matched filter and correlation detectors, signal space representation of M-ary signals and optimal receiver structures; nearest neighbor bound, band-pass modulation techniques including PSK, QAM and FSK; differential and non-coherent demodulation, error rate-bandwidth efficiency comparisons, inter-symbol interference and Nyquist pulse shaping, partial response signaling, linear and nonlinear equalizers, sequence detection and the Viterbi algorithm. 3 credits.