2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Curricula

University Core Curriculum


The University of New Haven is a student-centered comprehensive university with an emphasis on excellence in liberal arts and professional education. Our mission is to prepare our students to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives in a global society by providing the highest-quality education through experiential, collaborative, and discovery-based learning.

An educated person at the University of New Haven demonstrates a balance of liberal arts, professional, and experiential education.  General education is addressed through the University Core Curriculum (as outlined below) and discipline education is addressed through the major requirements within each program. The University of New Haven experience also includes two additional core skills that fully round out the general education program: experiential learning and writing across the curriculum.

Experiential Education

All University of New Haven undergraduates complete at least one of the four pillars of experiential education: academic service-learning, study abroad, an internship, or faculty-mentored research prior to graduation.  Academic programs may specify the particular experiential education pillar(s) required for successful completion.  Students are encouraged, however, to pursue as many experiential education opportunities as they desire. .

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

"W" designated courses indicate a writing-intensive course.  Every University of New Haven undergraduate must take at least one "W" course, whether as part of the Core or through a major's requirements and electives prior to graduation.  This requirement applies to all bachelor and associate degrees.

University Core Curriculum Overview

The Core encourages interdisciplinary interaction; establishes competency-based outcomes throughout the institution; provides flexibility in achieving those outcomes; and allows for a standardized campus-wide assessment of the general education requirements.  The University of New Haven's Core Curriculum strives to develop nine basic competencies among its undergraduate students so they may better understand and relate to diverse people, succeed in their chosen careers, and pursue lifelong learning after completing their education.

The design of the core is inspired greatly by the American Association of Colleges and Universities' "LEAP Model"-Liberal Education for America's Promise. The LEAP initiative seeks to make excellence inclusive by providing essential learning outcomes, high-impact educational practices, and authentic assessments.  This LEAP model was adapted to create a University Core that fits with the unique mission, purposes, and identity of the University of New Haven.

The University Core aims to graduate students who:

  • communicate effectively, both in writing and orally,
  • apply quantitative techniques to derive useful information from data,
  • think critically and solve real world problems,
  • appreciate scientific exploration of the natural world,
  • realize their role and responsibilities within a larger society,
  • embrace the diversity of cultural differences,
  • participate effectively as citizens of their own country and the world, and
  • appreciate the aesthetic value of artistic works.

Each of the nine competency categories possesses two tiers of expectations.  Tier 1 provides breadth through a fundamental set of outcomes that every student will complete, where as Tier 2 provides depth through higher-level learning outcomes related to more focused content. Tier 2 courses can be selected by the student if not prescribed by the student's major program.  In consultation with a faculty adviser, and based on degree requirements, each student will select core courses from the nine categories as outlined below:


Degree Core Credit Hour Breakdown Total Core Hours
Bachelor Tier 1        1 course per category 28 credit hours At least 40 credit hours
Tier 2         3 or 4 courses from various categories 12 credit hours

Tier 1         1 course each from:
                   Written Communication,
                   Oral Communication,
                   Mathematical Literacy, and
                   Critical Thinking.

12 credit hours At least 20 credit hours

Tier 1 or
Tier 2         2 or 3 courses from additional categories

8 credit hours


  1. The adviser and student are cautioned to take note of the prerequisites for courses and plan core choices accordingly.
  2. A student may not use a single course to satisfy more than one category of the core.
  3. An academic program may require certain choices within both Tier 1 and Tier 2 core categories. Program requirements may not limit core course choices without the approval of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
  4. The university will determine the appropriate placement level for students in English, Mathematics and certain specialized disciplines, indicating remedial work may be required.  As with any course, a core course may be satisfied through approved transfer credit from another institution, or other types of credit (e.g., an Advance Placement exam) as noted elsewhere in the catalog.
  5. If a student places out of Tier 1 in Mathematical & Quantitative Literacy based on a proctored exam administered by the Mathematics Department, they will proceed to a Tier 2 course as required by their major program or, if no higher math course is required, they will take any other core course chosen in consultation with their major advisor.

University Core Curriculum Course Inventory

The sections below provide the Tier 1 and Tier 2 learning outcomes for each of the nine core competencies, as well as the courses by which students can fulfill the requirements for that competency.

Core Competency 1 - Written Communication

In Tier 1, the student will be able to produce effective writing that demonstrates an understanding of the relationships among audience, purpose, and voice; craft a written response to multiple texts that puts the student's ideas into conversation with those in the texts; and develop a writing process that incorporates invention, research, drafting, sharing with others, revision, editing, and reflection. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC1 - Written Communication

Tier 1
Number Title

ENGL 1112
ENGL 1113

Seminar in Academic Inquiry
Seminar in Academic Inquiry for International Students

In Tier 2, the student will be able to communicate within the writing conventions of a specific discipline through attention to tone, format, and style; compose written work that demonstrates mastery of concepts in the discipline; and craft a written response to professional writing that puts the student's ideas into a disciplinary conversation. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC1 - Written

Tier 2
Number Title

ENGL 2220
ENGL 2225
ENGL 2270
ENGL 3342
ENGL 3343

Writing for Business and Industry
Technical Writing and Presentation
Advanced Essay Workshop
Grant Writing
Writing for Digital Environments


Core Competency 2 - Oral Communication and Presentation

In Tier 1, the student will be able to deliver an oral presentation appropriate to the audience and purpose; explain the fundamental principles of communication theory; and adapt oral communication to various interpersonal contexts, such as group discussion, leadership, and conflict situations. This can be accomplished in the following course:

CC2 - Oral Communication and Presentation

Tier 1
Number Title
COMM 1130 Principles of Communication

In Tier 2, the student will be able to apply communication principles to team building; adapt communication to intercultural contexts; and integrate methods of persuasion into an oral presentation or interaction. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC2 - Oral Communication and Presentation

Tier 2
Number Title

COMM 2200
ENGL 2230

Small Group Communication
Public Speaking and Group Discussio


Core Competency 3 - Mathematical and Quantitative Literacy

In Tier 1, the student will be able to apply mathematical concepts and principles to solve problems; differentiate among multiple representations of mathematical information; and assess mathematical reasonableness and consistency. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC3 - Mathematical and Quantitative Literacy

  Tier 1
Number Title

MATH 1104
MATH 1108
MATH 1110
MATH 1115
MATH 2228

Quantitative Reasoning
College Mathematics
College Algebra
Elementary Statistics

In Tier 2, the student will be able to generate mathematical models based on abstract concepts; justify the correctness of a solution based on assumptions made and known limitations of methods used; and solve complex mathematical problems involving multiple mathematical forms and techniques or draw appropriate conclusions as the result of performing quantitative data analysis based on sound assumptions regarding estimation and modeling. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC3 - Mathematical and Quantitative Literacy

  Tier 2

Number Title

FINC 1123
MATH 1117
MATH 1118
MATH 1121
MATH 2203
PSYC 3301
QANL 2216

Personal Finance
Calculus I
Calculus II
Foundations of Mathematics
Calculus III
Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
Business Statistics


Core Competency 4 - Scientific Exploration

In Tier 1, the student will be able to articulate structural and/or functional aspects of elements of a portion of the natural world; use discipline-specific methodologies and technologies to draw conclusions about natural phenomena; and illustrate the effects of scientific knowledge and progress on societal issues. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC4 - Scientific Exploration

Tier 1

Number Title

BIOL 1121/1123
BIOL 1125/1126
BIOL 2253/2255
CHEM 1105/1106
CHEM 1115/1117
ENVS 1101/1102
PHYS 1100/1111
PHYS 1115/1116
PHYS 1103/1113
PHYS 1104/1114
PHYS 1130/1131
PHYS 1150/1151
PHYS 2205/2206

Introduction to General and Human Biology I with Lab
Contemporary Issues in Biology with Lab
Biology I for Science Majors with Lab
Introduction to General & Organic Chemistry with Lab
General Chemistry I with Lab
Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab
Introductory Physics with Lab
Physics of Sports with Lab
General Physics I with Lab
General Physics II with Lab
Physics of Color and Light with Lab
Calculus-Based Physics I with Lab
Calculus-Based Physics II with Lab

In Tier 2, the student will be able to evaluate the conduct and/or design of scientific inquiry; and apply advanced methods/techniques in conducting scientific inquiry or assess the potential implications of scientific inquiry. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC4 - Scientific Exploration

Tier 2
Number Title

BIOL 2250/2251
BIOL 3311/3313
BIOL 4461/4462
DIET 2200/2201
DIET 2260
ENVS 4500
MARN 2200/2201
PHYS 2211

Invertebrate Zoology with Lab
Molecular Biology with Lab
Biochemistry with Lab
Food Science & Preparation with Lab
Nutrition in Health
Environmental Geoscience with Lab
Oceanography with Lab
Modern Physics


Competency 5 - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

In Tier 1, the student will be able to compose analytical and/or argumentative essays that address a specific question; discern the relevance of available information as it pertains to supporting a chosen position; and develop a reasoned proposal that addresses a particular issue. This can be accomplished in the following course:

CC5 - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Tier 1
Number Title
UNIV 1141 Life on Earth

In Tier 2, the student will be able to synthesize information from multiple sources to solve a problem; follow a process to develop an effective solution to a problem; and assess the effectiveness of a proposed solution to a problem. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC5 - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Tier 2
Number Title

BUSL 2201
CSCI 1110
DHYG 2240
DHYG 3325
EASC 2211
ECON 1134
ECON 3370
ENVS 4540
HIST 3310
HUMN 3300
ILLU 3355
LSTD 4440
MARA 3204
PHIL 2210
PHIL 2250
PSCI 3308
PSCI 3309

International Business Law
Introduction to Programming/C
Dental Hygiene Concepts II with Lab
General and Oral Pathology
Introduction to Modeling of Engineering Systems
Principles of Economics II
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Introduction to Geographical Info Systems
Environmental History
Nature of Science
Illustration III
Law and Policy
Global Change
Philosophy of Religion
Legislative Process
The American Presidency


Competency 6 - Historical Perspectives

In Tier 1, the student will be able to explain the historical interplay of transformational events and movements in one or more broad regions; evaluate primary and secondary historical sources for their perspective and credibility; and examine the impact of different political, economic, socio-cultural, or religious systems on the historical development of civilizations. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC6 - Historical Perspectives

Tier 1
Number Title

HIST 1000
HIST 1101
HIST 1102
HIST 1108
HIST 1120
HIST 1121
HIST 1122

Thinking Historically About ...
Foundations of the Western World
The Western World in Modern Times
History of Science
History of African Americans
US to 1865
US Since 1865

In Tier 2, the student will be able to examine the historical interplay of transformational events and movements in a specific context; evaluate trends and inconsistencies in historical interpretations and/or assessments of events; and synthesize historical data from primary and secondary sources into coherent analytical arguments that address questions about the past. This can be accomplished in the following courses: 

CC6 - Historical Perspectives

Tier 2
Number Title

HIST 2240
HIST 2241
HIST 2260
HIST 3305
HIST 3325
HIST 3345
HIST 3360
HIST 3361
HIST 3362
THEA 2241
THEA 2242

Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
Modern Asia
Renaissance and Reformation
Empire and Imperialism in the Modern Era
Europe in the 19th Century
England: Restoration and Empire
Modern and Contemporary Britain: 1815 - Present
Russia to 1861
Theatrical Roots and Rituals
Theatrical Manifestos and Movements


Competency 7 - The Individual and Society

In Tier 1, the student will be able to relate theories or perspectives on thought, behavior, and decision-making to personal and social awareness; articulate various theories or perspectives of social interaction; and reflect upon group or organizational membership as it relates to ethical conduct. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC7 - The Individual and Society

Tier 1
Number Title

ARHS 2250
CJST 1100
CSCI 3316
EASC 2215
HLTH 1100
LSTD 1105
LSTD 2220
LSTD 3340
PHIL 1101
PHIL 2215
PHIL 2222
PHIL 2251
PSCI 1101
PSCI 1121
PSCI 1122
PSYC 1111
PSYC 1112
SOCI 1113

Modern Art, Modernity, and Modernism
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Social and Professional Issues in Computing
Sustainability, Ethics, and Professional Issues
Introduction to Health Professions
Justice in America
Equality and Law
Introduction to Philosophy
Nature of Self
Philosophy of Race
Introduction to Politics
American Government and Politics
State and Local Government
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Psychology for Majors

In Tier 2, the student will be able to evaluate the decisions and interactions of individuals and/or groups; compare and contrast various theories/perspectives regarding the individual and society; and express a personal philosophy or code of ethics in the context of social responsibility. This can be accomplished in the following courses: 

CC7 - The Individual and Society

Tier 2
Number Title

ECON 1133
HLTH 2200
PSCI 2222
PSCI 3332
SOCI 3321

Principles of Economics I
Introduction to the US Healthcare System
US Foreign Policy
Constitutional Law
Social Inequality


Competency 8 - Global and Intercultural Awareness

In Tier 1, the student will be able to interpret various aspects of another society's material and expressive culture; identify differences among the culture being studied and other cultures; and explain some of the cultural practices related to the formation of social identities. This can be accomplished in the following courses: 

CC8 - Global and Intercultural Awareness

Tier 1
Number Title

ARBC 1101
ARBC 1102
ARBC 2201
CHIN 1101
CHIN 1102
CHIN 2201
DIET 1175
ENGL 2201
ENGL 2202
ENGL 2262
FREN 1101
FREN 1102
FREN 2201
GERM 1101
GERM 1102
GLBS 1100
GLBS 4405
HTMG 3305
HTMG 3307
HTMG 3312
ITAL 1101
ITAL 1102
ITAL 2201
LSTD 3350
MUSC 1112
PRSN 1101
PRSN 1102
PSCI 2241
RUSS 1101
RUSS 1102
RUSS 2201
SPAN 1101
SPAN 1102
SPAN 2201

Elementary Arabic I
Elementary Arabic II
Intermediate Arabic I
Conversational Chinese I
Conversational Chinese II
Intermediate Chinese I
Food, Nutrition, and Culture
Early World Literature
Modern World Literature
Immigrant Literature
Elementary French I
Elementary French II
Intermediate French I
Elementary German I
Elementary German II
Introduction to Global Studies
Contemporary Italian Life and Culture
Wine Appreciation
Cultural Understanding of Food and Cuisine
Unconventional Foods
Elementary Italian I
Elementary Italian II
Intermediate Italian I
Global Legal Systems
Introduction to World Music
Elementary Persian I
Elementary Persian II
International Relations
Elementary Russian I
Elementary Russian II
Intermediate Russian I
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I

In Tier 2, the student will be able to interpret aspects of the material and expressive culture of a specific region and/or group; evaluate differences among the culture being studied and other cultures; and analyze the cultural practices of a specific region and/or group. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC8 - Global and Intercultural Awareness

Tier 2
Number Title

ARBC 2202
ARBC 3301
BUSL 2201
CHIN 2202
CHIN 3301
ECON 2200
ENGL 2217
ENGL 2218
ENGL 3325
ENGL 4406
ENGL 4407
ENGL 4408
ENGL 4409
FREN 2202
GLBS 4403
HTMG 4405
HTMG 4407
ITAL 2202
ITAL 3301
ITAL 4410
ITAL 4411
LSTD 3370
RUSS 2202
RUSS 3301
RUSS 3303
SPAN 2202
SPAN 3301
SPAN 3302
SPAN 4401
SPAN 4402

Intermediate Arabic II
Advanced Arabic
International Business Law
Intermediate Chinese II
Advanced Chinese
Global Economy
African American Literature I
African American Literature II
Irish Literature
International Literature - Russia
International Literature - France
International Literature - Germany
International Literature - Spain
Intermediate French II
Russian Culture Through Literature, Film, and the Media
Top Shelf High End Wines and Spirits
Food in America
Intermediate Italian II
Advanced Italian
Italian Literature of Migration
Crime and Punishment in Italian Literature
Law and Culture: Study Abroad
Intermediate Russian I
Advanced Russian
Advanced Russian: Focus on Reading and Translation
Intermediate Spanish II
Advanced Spanish: Composition
Advanced Spanish: Conversation
Latin American Culture Through Literature and the Media
US Latino Literature and Culture


Competency 9 - Perspectives on Creative Arts

In Tier 1, the student will be able to describe various forms of creative arts as expressive and material culture in social contexts; examine the respective roles of technique, process, and methodology needed to produce creative artworks in various media forms; and draw conclusions about the use and function of a creative art practice and/or specific artworks within historical and/or cultural contexts. This can be accomplished in the following courses:

CC9 - Perspectives on Creative Arts

Tier 1
Number Title

ARTS 1101
ARTS 2231
ARTS 2232
ARTS 2233
ENGL 2200
ENGL 2201
ENGL 2202
ENGL 2211
ENGL 2212
ENGL 2213
ENGL 2214
ENGL 2217
ENGL 2218
ENGL 2235
ENGL 2260
ENGL 2262
ENGL 2275
ENGL 2281
ENGL 3323
ENGL 3325
ENGL 3341
ENGL 3353
ENGL 3356
ENGL 3365
ENGL 3371
ENGL 3375
ENGL 3385
ENGL 3390
ENGL 3392
ENGL 3393
ENGL 3394
ENGL 3395
ENGL 4406
ENGL 4407
ENGL 4408
ENGL 4409
ENGL 4481-4489
INTD 2209
INTD 2210
MUSC 1111
MUSC 1112
THEA 1131
THEA 1132

Introduction to Studio Art
History of Art I
History of Art II
Art and Science of Renaissance Italy
Studies in Literature
Early World Literature
Modern World Literature
Early British Writers
Modern British Writers
Early American Writers
Modern American Writers
African American Literature I
African American Literature II
The Graphic Novel
The Short Story
Immigrant Literature
Popular Lyrics
Science Fiction
Renaissance in England
Irish Literature
Literature of the Romantic Era
Victorian Literature
The Bible as Literature
Literature of the Neoclassic Era
American Literature Between World Wars
Contemporary American Literature
The Novel in English
Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville
Mark Twain
American Humor
American Realism
International Literature - Russia
International Literature - France
International Literature - Germany
International Literature - Spain
Special Topics in Literature
History of Architecture and Interior Design I
History of Architecture and Interior Design II
Introduction to Music
Introduction to World Music
Introduction to Theater
Introduction to Contemporary Performance

In Tier 2, the student will be able to analyze and/or produce one or more creative art forms and/or works of art; incorporate elements of technique, process, and methodology in the making and/or analysis of art; and employ reflection and/or revision in the appraisal or making of art. This can be accomplished in the following courses: 

CC9 - Perspectives on Creative Arts

Tier 2
Number Title

ARTS 3331
ARTS 3333
ARTS 3340
DRAW 4490
DRAW 4495
ENGL 2251
ENGL 2267
ENGL 2277
ENGL 2287
ENGL 3315
ENGL 3345
ENGL 3355
ILLU 4460
MUSC 2211
PNTG 4460
PNTG 4465
SCLP 4480
SCLP 4485
THEA 1150
THEA 2241
THEA 2242

Contemporary Art
Survey of African American Art
Contemp Issues of Art and Environment
Senior Studio: Drawing Part I
Senior Studio: Drawing Part II
Narrative Nonfiction
Introduction to Creative Writing
Poetic Form and Formal Experimentation
Story Structure and Narrative Form
Production Dramaturgy
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Advanced Fiction Workshop
Senior Project: Illustration Part I
History of Rock
Senior Studio: Painting Part I
Senior Studio: Painting Part II
Senior Studio: Sculpture Part I
Senior Studio: Sculpture Part II
Introduction to Acting
Theatrical Roots and Rituals
Theatrical Manifestos and Movements

Academic Advising

To assist students in their academic development, the University assigns an academic adviser from the department of each student's chosen field of study. As soon and as often as possible, wise students seek the advice of their academic advisers regarding major requirements, career opportunities, choice of a minor, and progress in the students' major, as well as other areas of personal interest. At the time of registration, the academic advisers assist in and approve course selection. Students also confer with their advisers when adding or dropping courses, and advisers often make referrals to other qualified personnel on campus. The academic adviser is, therefore, the link between the student and the academic regulations of the University.

Experiential Education Degree Requirement

Each graduating student of UNH must complete at least one Experiential Education opportunity as part of their academic program. Experiential Education allows students to relate academic learning to practical experience The Experiential Education requirement will allow students the opportunity to explore career options through work-integrated learning, contribute to original research through faculty- mentored research opportunities, impact the community while advancing learning objectives through academic service learning, or broaden their understanding of our global society through study abroad/or study away.

Critical to the concept of Experiential Education is the integration of theoretical knowledge with applied skills. Students should consult with their academic advisors on the integration of their academic and career goals with Experiential Education, identifying the best opportunity to meet their individual goals.

Flexibility of the Baccalaureate Degree Experiential Education Requirement

As the intent of the Experiential Education degree requirement at the university is to encourage students to learn through experience, collaboration, and discovery, the university extends the concept of flexibility to the Experiential Education degree requirement.

Except as described below, all students will be expected to complete at least one Experiential Education Opportunity during their academic programs at the University of New Haven. The University of New Haven defines Experiential Education to include Work-Integrated learning (Internship, co-op, practicum); Academic Service Learning (designated by "s" in the schedule of classes); Study Abroad/Study Away; and Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research Opportunities.

Students may, with the permission of the appropriate Dean's representative

  1. Substitute an Independent Study experience course that contributes to the student's academic goals in an applied way as deemed appropriate to the learning objectives of the program by the faculty advisor.
  2. Meet the requirement through transferring in a comparable experience-based course from an accredited institution. Thus, a student who successfully completes an Experiential Education experience at one college, prior to transferring to UNH, will not be required to complete another Experiential Education requirement. However, as there are various modes of offering Experiential Education throughout the University, students transferring to a new program within UNH may find that a required course that is also is Experiential Education course must still be taken.

The Honors Program

The Honors Program is designed for exceptionally motivated students who have shown high levels of academic achievement. The university requires every student, regardless of major, to take core courses in a number of general areas. The Honors Program offers students an intellectually exciting and challenging way to satisfy some of these core requirements.

Students may enter the Honors Program either as incoming freshmen or at the conclusion of their first year of study. Incoming first-year students with exceptional high school grade point averages and strong SAT scores, particularly on the reading and writing sections, will be invited to apply to begin the Honors Program upon entrance to the university. Students currently at the university and transfer students who have completed at least 24 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 are invited to apply to enter the Honors Program as sophomores.

Before graduation, all Honors students must complete at least four Honors courses. Each course actively involves students in problem solving and inquiry. The Honors Program offers both team-taught courses, featuring two faculty members from differing departments, and single-instructor courses. Team-taught courses focus on multidisciplinary approaches to learning and study linkages between disciplines. Honors courses with one instructor frequently also fulfill course requirements within various major fields of study at UNH.

In their senior year, students research and write an Honors thesis on a topic in their major discipline under the guidance of a faculty member in the major department. Students may arrange with their department for up to three academic credits for work on the Honors thesis. The results of the research are to be presented orally to members of the student's major department and to members of the faculty Honors Committee.

In order to remain in the program, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 throughout their studies at UNH.

The Honors Program sponsors various co-curricular events throughout the academic year. All Honors students are encouraged to attend these whenever possible. Students not enrolled in an Honors course during a given semester are required to attend at least two Honors events during that semester.

A student-run Honors Student Council meets regularly to coordinate additional Honors events both on and off campus. All Honors students are encouraged to participate in the council's activities.

Advantages of the Honors Program

In addition to a challenging and exciting curriculum, the Honors Program offers:

Small Classes: Honors program classes provide an opportunity for participation and discussion in a setting where students know their instructors and their fellow students especially well.

Early Registration: Honors students receive priority registration, allowing them to register for courses before non-Honors students.

Recognition: A student who successfully completes the Honors Program, including the Honors Thesis, will be designated as an Honors Scholar on the UNH transcript and will receive an Honors Scholar medallion at graduation. Thus, prospective employers, graduate schools, and other institutions will be aware of this extra accomplishment in the student's pursuit of the undergraduate degree.

Hatfield Scholar Program: Students in the Honors Program with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and who are either rising juniors or seniors are eligible to apply for one of six John Hatfield Scholar awards. These competitive awards are $1,000 per semester tuition scholarships, awarded to Honors Program students with high grade point averages who are active in student life and community service. In addition to the financial award, John Hatfield Scholar recipients receive a bronze medallion, and a certificate of recognition.

Honors Courses

Honors courses recently offered:

"Criminal Investigations and Society." In this course students analyze several major criminal investigations and how societies' opinions and expectations influenced the investigation and outcome of each case. Students learn how these cases influenced citizens' feelings about their country and the criminal justice system that either served or failed citizens during each of these historic events.

"Emerging Infectious Diseases: History, Science and Medicine." This course provides an overview of the nature of human and animal pathogens and the diseases they cause. Students in the course develop a global perspective on how emerging infectious diseases have influenced history.

"Music and the Brain." This course focuses on the interplay of music, in various forms, with cognitive and emotional functions of the human brain. Students explore how music affects brain and behavioral functioning, and also the role of brain functioning in the creation and interpretation of music.

"'Though this be madness:' Hamlet from page to stage." This course looks at what is often considered one of the greatest plays in the history of the English language from both a literary and a theatrical perspective. Students see the play through critical analysis, examining the literary history and value of the play, as well as begin a creative exploration of the text, experiencing the play as actors and directors.

Developmental Studies Program

The Developmental Studies Program is designed to strengthen the basic skills of entering students. Courses within the Program are taught by members of the faculty of the Mathematics Department and the English Department.

The English Department offers one developmental course: ENGL 1103 - Developmental Writing . This course offers students a comprehensive study of the basic reading, speaking, and writing skills necessary in using the English language effectively. MATH 1103 - Fundamental Mathematics  is taught by the Mathematics Department.

Placement in these courses is determined by students' SAT scores, in the case of English, and by a placement examination, in the case of mathematics.

Such placement becomes a first priority for affected students because the University believes that they can become successful college students only upon correction of skill deficiencies.

Please note that although  ENGL 1103 , and MATH 1103  each carry three college credits, these cannot be applied toward degree programs. ENGL 1103  and MATH 1103  usually meet for up to six hours per week to provide intensive help.

Complete descriptions of the developmental courses appear in this catalog as part of the course offerings of the Mathematics Department and the English Department.