2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

President's Message

Dear Graduate Student:

At the University of New Haven, we provide world-class career preparation in all of our programs, but our overarching goal is to prepare students to lead meaningful lives. As you examine this catalog and become aware of the breadth and diversity of our graduate programs, you will recognize the remarkable opportunity you are facing. You are about to embark on a journey in your chosen area of study that will help you grow personally and professionally. Our hope, and our mission, is that this journey will help you achieve a more meaningful career, the benefits of lifelong learning, and a sense of your responsibility as a citizen of the world.

The Graduate School at UNH was founded in 1969 and is one of the largest in Connecticut. Our advanced-degree alumni are employed in private industry and the public sector throughout the state, across the nation, and around the world. Our faculty hold doctoral or terminal degrees in their respective fields and, in many cases, bring with them national and international reputations in those fields. They also have professional, real-world experience that is especially vital to students' careers. They are committed in unrivaled ways to the success of each and every one of their students. A wide range of support services is also available to you at UNH, and we are constantly working to improve and enrich the educational xperience of our graduate students.

One of my favorite quotations is from the late Ernest Boyer, a former president of the Carnegie Foundation, who once warned that the "crisis of our time relates not to technical competence, but to a loss of the social and historical perspective, to the disastrous divorce of competence from conscience." As you focus your studies in your chosen field, I hope you will also allow yourself some time to question your own values as well as prevailing societal values, and look for ways to improve the world that you will help to form as a member of a global society.

I wish you success in your studies and personal enrichment through your experiences at the University of New Haven.


Steven H. Kaplan