2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are arranged alphabetically by the course prefix code letters, as listed here. For the purpose of brevity, course descriptions may consist of sentence fragments. Unless otherwise specified, graduate courses carry three credits. 


Economics & Business Analytics

  • ECON 6634 - Strategic Decision Making

    Game theory uses models to analyze conflict and cooperation between rational decision-making agents. It has applications across a wide variety of areas, including the analysis of sports tactics and strategies, statistical decision theory, economics and business (auctions, pricing, bargaining), biology (evolution, signaling behavior, fighting behavior), political science (stability of government, military strategy), and philosophy (ethics, morality, and social norms). This course introduces game theory and its applications and its associated analytical tools.  3 credits.
  • ECON 6635 - Business Forecasting

    Prerequisite or co-requisite: BANL 6100 . The focus of this course is on statistical and data analytical methods for the preparation of business forecasts. A variety of empirical techniques are covered: smoothing methods, moving averages, regression analysis, classical time-series decomposition methods, and ARIMA (Box-Jenkins) models. Emphasis is placed upon building forecasting models and evaluating their reliability. The focus is on time-series data. R is the preferred statistical package. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6644 - Managing in a Global Economy

    This course provides the basic theoretical foundation of both macroeconomics and international economics. The course will help the students to make decisions in today's global economy. Topics may include comparative advantage, gains from trade, measuring national output, inflation, unemployment, productivity, growth, the role of economic policy and institutions in the performance of firms and nations, currency exchange rates, capital markets, open economy, trade liberalization, and economic integration. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6665 - Urban and Regional Economic Development

    Prerequisite: ECON 6633 . Techniques, methods of analysis, and models utilized in the development process. Emphasis on job creation, manufacturing assistance, free enterprise zones, and regional planning. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6670 - Selected Topics

    A study of selected issues of particular interest to students and instructor. May be taken more than once. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6687 - Collective Bargaining

    Recommended prerequisite: ECON 6625 . Emphasis on contract negotiation, whether in a formal or informal bargaining scenario. Contract development covers wages, benefits, job security, management's rights, equal opportunity, and grievance procedures. Additional time devoted to third-party settlements - the arbitration process. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6690 - Research Project

    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. A major independent research study/project carried out under faculty supervision. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6693 - Internship

    Prerequisites: 15 graduate hours and consent of the program coordinator. A supervised work experience in a selected organization, arranged for course credit and directed by a faculty advisor. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6695 - Independent Study I

    A planned program of individual study under the supervision of a member of the faculty. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6696 - Independent Study II

    A continuation of Independent Study I. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6698 - Thesis I

    Prerequisite: completion of 15 credits of graduate work. Periodic meeting and discussions of the individual student's progress in the preparation of a thesis. 3 credits.
  • ECON 6699 - Thesis II

    A continuation of Thesis I 3 credits.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ELEC 5501 - Digital Systems

    Prerequisite: consent of the program coordinator. Course focuses on sequential logic design.  Both synchronous and asynchronous techniques are covered with an emphasis on controller-based modular design.  Design with a hardware description language.  Advanced topics will be covered as time permits.  Course includes laboratory activity.  This course is intended for those students whose undergraduate background did not emphasize this content. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 5520 - Probability Theory and Applications

    Axioms of probability, joint and conditional probability, random variables, probability density, mass, and cumulative distribution functions, Bernoulli trials, Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian random variables, pair of random variables, functions of one and two random variables, characteristic functions, sequences of independent random variables, central limit theorem, and laws of large numbers. Introduction to random processes. Autocorrelation and spectral density functions. Noise in electronic systems. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6600 - Electromagnetic Waves

    Prerequisite: consent of the program coordinator. Basic electromagnetic theory including static fields of electric charges and the magnetic fields of steady electric currents. Fundamental field laws including Coulomb's Law, Gauss's Law, Biot Savart's Law and Ampere's Law. Maxwell's Equations, scalar and vector potentials, Laplace's equation and boundary conditions. Magnetization, polarization. This course is intended for those students whose undergraduate background did not emphasize this content. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6602 - Embedded Systems

    Prerequisite: consent of the program coordinator. Introduction to the architecture of digital computers, stored program concept, instruction processing, memory organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction sets, assembler and machine language programming, direct memory access, bus structure and control signals. Course includes laboratory activities, and is intended for those students whose undergraduate background did not emphasize this content. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6603 - Discrete and Continuous Systems I

    Prerequisite: linear system analysis. This course exposes the students to the tools and mathematical techniques used in the analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Topics include a thorough coverage of Fourier series, Fourier Transform, Hilbert transform, Laplace transform, Z transform, discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), fast Fourier transform (FFT), and state-space analysis. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6604 - Discrete and Continuous Systems II

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6603 MATH 5511  or consent of the instructor. Proficiency in Mathematica, or MATLAB is desirable. Mathematical review: Quadratic forms, convergence, matrix calculus, solutions to systems of linear equations. Nonlinear state equation representation of physical systems: linearization of nonlinear state equations about trajectories, time-varying state equation solutions, Peano-Baker series, existence, uniqueness, complete solution, time-varying state transition matrix properties, time-invariant case. Stability: uniform stability, uniform exponential stability, Lyapunov stability criteria. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6605 - Computer Controlled Systems

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6604 ELEC 6650 . Disturbance models, design, analog design, state space design methods, pole placement design based on input-output models, optimal design methods (state space approach), optimal design methods (input-output approach), identification, adaptive control, implementation of digital controllers, reduction of the effects of disturbances, stochastic models of distrubances, continuous time stochastic differential equaltion. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6606 - Robot Control

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6605 .  Orientation coordinate transformations, configuration coordinate transformations, Denavit-Hartenberg coordinate transformation, D-H matrix composition, inverse configuration kinematics, motion kinematics, force and torque relationships, force and moment translation, trajectories, coordinated motion, inverse dynamics, position control, feedback systems, performance measures, PID control, inverse dynamic feedforward control, nonlinear control. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6607 - Adaptive Control

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6605 ELEC 6650  or consent of the instructor. An introduction to adaptive control methods and their application. The identification and control of linear deterministic time-invariant dynamical systems with parametric uncertainty are emphasized. Topics such as real time parameter estimation, model reference adaptive systems, robust adaptive control, and implementation issues are covered. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6610 - Computer Networks

    The main objective of this course is to provide the students with the basic fundamentals of the computer networks and the data communication techniques. It will present a balanced view of the vital elements of networking and how those elements can fit together into the big picture of the overall network system. The course will include a broad set of topics in data communication networking, considering different parts of the network, TCP/IP and OSI, transmission media, Data Link Layer, the Medium Access Control Sub-layer, networking devices and topologies, including LAN, WAN. This course will have a number of laboratory exercises. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6611 - Advanced Topics in Computer Networks

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6610  or CSCI 6642 . This is an advanced course that provides students with more in-depth knowledge of the operation of networks at various layers. This course will cover complex protocols and algorithms in various layers. The course also covers the new revolutionary technologies such as SDN or NFV as well as new specialized networks such as cloud computing and IoT.  3 credits.
  • ELEC 6615 - Introduction to Computer Logic

    Prerequisite: CSCI 6604  or CSCI 6610  or equivalent. Introduction to logic elements and to their application in digital networks for processing numerical data. The course deals with analysis and design techniques of combinational and sequential networks and includes a discussion of logic variables, switching functions, optimal realizations, multivariable systems. Design examples will include logic circuits for addition, multiplication, counting, parity generation, and detection. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6620 - Fuzzy Logic and Control

    Prerequisites: basic linear algebra, probability, systems theory. Introduction to fuzzy logic and fuzzy control systems. Basic fuzzy logic concepts will be covered, followed by a selection of fuzzy applications from the literature. Topics include fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy relations, fuzzy logic and appropriate reasoning, fuzzy rule-based systems, fuzzy control, fuzzy classification, fuzzy pattern recognition. Homework will consist of computer exercises and simulations; a final project is required. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6634 - Digital Signal Processing I

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6603 .  A study of the theories of digital signal processing and their applications. Topics include discrete time signals, the Z-transform, the discrete Fourier transform, the FFT, homomorphic signal processing, and applications of digital signal processing. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6635 - Digital Signal Processing II

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6634  and knowledge of programming in MAT-LAB or other high-level language. Wiener filter theory, linear prediction, adaptive linear filters using gradient estimation, Least Mean Squares (LMS) algorithm, least squares formulation and the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm, fast implementations, recursive adaptive filters, lattice structures, eigenstructure methods for spectral estimation elements of adaptive nonlinear filtering, and applications. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6637 - Power Systems Engineering

    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Changing power systems landscape, electric energy sources including renewable and various distributed generation (DG), environmental consequences of the electrical energy, AC transmission lines and cables, power flow in transmission networks, loadability of transmission lines, transformers, High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission lines, power electronics devices and their applications, power quality and power factor, synchronous generators, voltage regulation and stability, peak load issues, ways to prevent voltage collapses, dynamic stability, automatic generation control (AGC). To reinforce the concepts, the course will utilize a number of tools such as PSCAD, POWER WORLD, EMTDC, MATLAB. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6638 - Power Systems Engineering II

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6637 . A continuation of Power Systems Engineering I. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6639 - Electric Power Distribution

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6637  or equivalent. Structure of electric power distribution, distribution transformers, subtransmission lines, substations, bus schemes, primary and secondary systems, radial and loop feeder designs, voltage drop and regulation, capacitors, power factor correction and voltage regulation, protection, buses, automatic reclosures, and coordination. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6640 - Power Electronics

    Switch-mode power electronics, switch-mode DC power supplies, switch-mode converters for DC and AC motor drives, wind/photovoltaic inverters, interfacing power electronics equipment with utility system, power semiconductor devices, magnetic design, electro-magnetic interference (EMI). 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6641 - Electric Drives

    AC/DC electric-machine drives for speed/;position control, integrated discussion of electric machines, power electronics and control systems. Applications in electric transportation, robotics, process control, and energy conservation, computer simulations. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6642 - Power Electronics Laboratory

    Co-requisite: ELEC 6640 . Laboratory to accompany ELEC 6640 . PSpice/Simulink-based simulations of converters, topologies, and control in switch-mode dc power supplies, motor drives for motion control, and inverters for interfacing renewable energy sources to utility grid. 1 credits.
  • ELEC 6643 - Electric Drives Laboratory

    Co-requisite: ELEC 6641 . To reinforce various concepts from Electric Drives course (ELEC 6641 ) through hands-on experiments. The Electric Drives laboratory is build around DSP-based electric-drives systems. 1 credits.
  • ELEC 6645 - Introduction to Communication Systems

    The anlysis and design of communication systems. Includes analog and digital signals, sampling, quantization, signal representation. Analog and digital modulation, pulse code modulation, delta modulation, time and frequency muliplexing. Noise in communication systems. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6646 - Digital Communications I

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6603 , ELEC 6645 ELEC 6650 . Digital representation of analog information; nonlinear quantization, baseband digital modulation; line coding techniques, detection of binary signals; matched filter and correlation detectors, signal space representation of M-ary signals and optimal receiver structures; nearest neighbor bound, band-pass modulation techniques including PSK, QAM and FSK; differential and non-coherent demodulation, error rate-bandwidth efficiency comparisons, inter-symbol interference and Nyquist pulse shaping, partial response signaling, linear and nonlinear equalizers, sequence detection and the Viterbi algorithm. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6647 - Digital Communications II

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6646 .  Spread spectrum communications, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing communications, carrier, symbol, and frame synchronization, information measures, characterization of information sources, Shannon's source coding theorem; Huffman codes; LZW compression algorithm, image and video compression algorithms, discrete channel characterization, channel capacity, noisy-channel coding theorems, capacity of AWGN channel, linear block codes; cyclic codes; BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes; hard- and soft-decision decoding techniques, convolutional codes; Viterbi algorithm for decoding, trellis-coded modulation, capacity-achieving codes; turbo codes; low-density parity-check codes. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6648 - Microwave Engineering

    Prerequisites: undergraduate course in electromagnetics; programming experience, preferably in MATLAB; graduate standing or consent of the instructor. This course is designed to familiarize the students with microwave components and their operating principles. This course covers transmission line, including microstrip and coplanar waveguides, impedance matching, S parameters, Smith chart, couplers/dividers, waveguides, EM simulators, and antennas. Some homework assignments may require use of computer-aided design software. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6649 - Wireless Communications

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6646 ELEC 6650 . Transmission characteristics of mobile radio channels; large- and small-scale effects; path loss and shadowing; Rayleigh and Rician fading models; the Doppler effect; coherence bandwidth and coherence time, digital communication over fading channels; diversity techniques, interleaving, forward error correction; spread spectrum and OFDM systems, multiple access schemes: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, OFDMA, cellular architecture; capacity calculations, MIMO systems; capacity limits; space-time coding, architecture of modern cellular systems, IEEE 802.11 WLAN technologies. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6650 - Random Processes in Communications and DSP

    Prerequisite: ELEC 5520 . Review of random variables, random vectors; introduction to continuous- and discrete-time random processes; stationarity and ergodicity; correlation functions and power spectral density of wide-sense stationary processes, Gaussian and Poisson processes, Markov chains; recurrence, absorption, limiting and steady-state distributions, analysis of linear systems with random inputs, narrowband random processes, stochastic signal representations; orthogonal expansions; the Karhunen-Loeve series, linear mean-square estimation; the orthogonality principle, optimum Wiener and Kalman filtering, simulation of random processes. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6652 - Design of Digital Filters

    Techniques in the analysis and design of digital filters. Digital filter terminology and frequency responses, FIR filter design, IIR digital filter design including Butterworth and Chebyshev lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters. The DFT and IDFT; FFT algorithms 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6653 - Digital Image Processing

    Prerequisites: working knowledge of signal analysis and linear algebra; programming experience (languages such as MATLAB, C.net, java, C++); or consent of the instructor. Fundamental concepts and applications of image processing and analysis. Topics include image formation, imaging geometrics, image transform theory and restoration, encoding and compression. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6656 - Hardware Description Language

    General structure of VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language (VHDL) code; entities and architecture in VHDL; signals, variables, data types; concurrent signal assignment statements; processes; if, case, and loop statements; components; package; functions and procedures; slices; attributes; generate statements; blocks; projects on design of combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6657 - VLSI Design

    Complex logic gates, flip-flop, cascade voltage switch logic, differential split level logic, Schmitt trigger, dynamic logic gates, clocked CMOS logic, Domino logic, SRAM and DRAM, VCO, Voltage generator, lab activities. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6658 - Embedded Applications

    Design of advanced embedded microcontroller applications. Interface and control of several devices and buses. Classwork will focus on laboratory exercises and projects. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6659 - System on Chip

    Prerequisites: CSCI 6610 , basic knowledge of hardware description language or consent of the instructor. Design of system-on-chip embedded systems using reconfigurable devices; embedded programming principles for real-time execution; exploring the use of Linux in embedded systems; interfacing custom HDL designs with software; multi-core programming and interaction (if time permits). 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6660 - Introduction to Smart Grid

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6637 . Review of power systems and power electronics, renewable energy sources (RES), wind power, wind turbine, solar power, photovoltaic panels, integration of RES with power grid, energy storage technologies, electric vehicles and their charging infrastructures, microgrid, demand response. Simulation and programming in professional power system software tools, Matlab/Simulink, PowerWorld, Matpower and PSCAD will be required. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6662 - Nanoelectronics

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6600  or ELEC 6657 . Nanoelectronics presents the basic principles of nanoscience and nanotechnology (extremely small scale devices) and how they are used to develop and design instrumentation and devices for the future. In this course, the fabrication and other design challenges being faced by the microelectronic technology in keeping up with Moore's Law will be discussed along with their plausible solutions. The physics behind the working of the semiconductor diodes and transistor (BJT, FET, & CMOS) based devices as the size of the device gets smaller will be discussed in detail. The limits of these new techniques will be discussed in detail, especially in light of transport properties. Properties and fabrication methods of carbon nanotubes, graphene, semiconductor nanowires and quantum dots as electronic devices will also be discussed. Application of nanoelectronic devices such as nanosensors and biosensors, micro-fluidics (MEMS/NEMS), and optoelectronic (LASER and LEDs) devices will be also discussed. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6667 - Power Systems Laboratory

    Prerequisite or co-requisite: ELEC 6637 .  This lab is designed to reinforce the concepts learned in the associated course. Concepts include AC transmission lines and cables, power flow in transmission networks, loadability of transmission lines, transformers, High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission lines, power quality and power factor, synchronous generators, voltage regulation and stability, peak load issues, ways to prevent voltage collapses, and dynamic stability. Experiments are designed to show the usage of the following software tools in power systems: PSCAD-EMTDC, PowerWorld, and MATLAB. 1 credits.
  • ELEC 6670 - Selected Topics

    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. A study of selected topics of particular interest to students and instructor. Course may be taken more than once. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6680 - Optical Fiber Communications

    Prerequisite: undergraduate course in electromagnetics. The fundamentals of lightwave technology, optical fibers, light sources, signal degradation, photodetectors, power launching and coupling, design of digital fiber optic links, optical amplifiers, WDM techniques. This course includes selected laboratory experiments. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6681 - Lightwave Technology

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6680 . Advanced topics in lightwave technology. Optical fiber waveguides, transmission characteristics of optical fibers, ray theory, and electromagnetic mode theories are considered. Forms of communication systems and distribution networks. Optical sources, detectors, and receivers are discussed in conjunction with modulation formats and system design. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6682 - Computer Architecture

    Review of design of large systems, arithmetic and logical operations, design of ALU, design of control unit, microprogramming, RISC architecture, memory organization, design of cache memory, system organization, design of a processor using bit-slice ALU. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6683 - Fundamentals of Internet of Things

    Introduction to fundamental concepts necessary to understand, utilize, and design a myriad of aspects in an end-to-end Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystem. Topics may include physical layer concepts and technologies, network layer concepts, available cloud facilities, RF planning, and relevant wireless access technologies. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6684 - Applications of Internet of Things

    Prerequisites: ELEC 6602 ; ELEC 6610  or CSCI 6642 . In this course, students will learn the IoT systems and explore networking protocols, IoT device programming, sensing technologies, IoT protocols (MQTT, Zigbee, etc), and cloud-enabled IoT applications. Students are guided through laboratory activities designed to provide a practical experience in various elements of the IoT systems. Students will design an IoT solution using microcontrollers. Knowledge of programming is required. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6685 - Optimization of Engineering Systems

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6604 .  The calculus of variations, functionals, linearity of functionals, closeness of functions, the increment of a functional, maxima and minima of functionals, the fundamental theorem of the calculus of variations, the variational problem, Euler-Lagrange equations, boundary conditions, the transversality conditions, piece-wise-smooth extremals, the first and second carrier conditions, Lagrange multiples, the Hamiltonian canonical equations, the control problem, the problems of Lagrange and Mayer, Strong's variation, Legendre conditions, Weierstrass excess function, Pontryagin's minimal principle. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6690 - Research Project

    Prerequisites: 15 graduate hours and written consent of the program coordinator. Independent study under the guidance of a faculty advisor, such study terminating in a technical report of academic merit. Research may constitute a survey of a technical area in electrical engineering or involve the solution of an actual or hypothetical technical problem. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6691 - Internship

    Prerequisites: graduate standing, 15 graduate credits, and consent of the coordinator. This course provides an opportunity for students to engage in real world practice of what they learn in classes. A student who is accepted in an internship position must work on a project or engage in activities related to their field of study in industry or other establishment where they work as an employee for at least 200 hours. 1 credits.
  • ELEC 6695 - Independent Study I

    Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. A planned program of individual study or research under supervision of a faculty member. 1-3 credits.
  • ELEC 6696 - Independent Study II

    Prerequisite: ELEC 6695 .  A continuation of Independent Study I. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6697 - Thesis I

    Prerequisites: completion of 15 credits of graduate work; student must have submitted a thesis proposal and performed a literature search in the preceding term. Periodic meetings and discussions of the individual student's progress in the preparation of a thesis. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6698 - Thesis II

    A continuation of Thesis I. 3 credits.
  • ELEC 6699 - Thesis III

    A continuation of thesis II. 3 credits.

Engineering Management

  • EGRM 6604 - Concepts of Engineering and Quality Management

    Introduction to contemporary engineering management concepts as they appear in organizations. Review of the challenges faced by such organizations, and the various methodologies in use to meet these challenges. Review of the complex and dominant role that quality plays in creating excellent customer-supplier relationships. Discussion of quality goals and management strategies to achieve them. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6609 - Applied Statistics for Quality and Engineering Management

    This course provides students with fundamentals in probability and statistics with an emphasis on their applications in quality and engineering management. Topics include descriptive statistics of random variables, central limit theorem, probability and sampling distributions, statistical estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and statistical quality control.. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6611 - Decision Making Under Uncertainty

    Prerequisite: EGRM 6609  or equivalent. This course introduces students to concepts, methods and tools used in decision modeling and analysis with an emphasis on their applications in quality, engineering and operations management. Topics include regression analysis, forecasting, spreadsheet modeling, risk analysis, decision trees and utility theory, and simulation and optimization models. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6613 - Organizational Change and Development

    The course is targeted towards managers and other change agents within organizations. Organizational Change fosters the development of competency in skills necessary during all phases of the planned change process--from diagnosis, to interventions, through evaluation. Organizational change issues are critically examined, and case studies, exercises, and assessments are utilized to better understand change from organizational, group, and individual levels. 2 credits.
  • EGRM 6615 - Applied Marketing for Engineers and Operations Managers

    Prerequisite: graduate standing. An intensive study of modern marketing fundamentals in a diverse, global economy; a study of the decision-making problems encountered by marketing managers, using lectures and case studies. 2 credits.
  • EGRM 6617 - Engineering Economics and Cost Estimating

    This course introduces engineering students to the fundamental concepts, methods, and tools of economic analysis and managerial decision-making from a cash flow perspective. Emphasis will be on the time value of money, present worth analysis, annual equivalent worth, rate of return, depreciation, and inflation analyses; evaluation of projects, and comparison and selection among alternatives will also be covered. General accounting principles and basic financial analysis will also be introduced. Cross-listed with INDE 6617 . 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6627 - Value Engineering and Design

    Prerequisite: EGRM 6609  or equivalent. A framework for optimal design based on internal and external issues related to value-added criteria is provided. Topics to be covered include: function analysis and costing, the technology roadmap, and techniques involving customer-oriented product concepts in the areas of performance, maintenance/service, user friendliness, and quality. Case studies and real-world situations are presented. Cross-listed with INDE 6627 . 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6628 - Six Sigma Quality Planning

    Prerequisite: EGRM 6609  or equivalent. Review of Six Sigma and its role in managing quality at all levels of an organization, including its relationship to lean initiatives. Presentation of Six Sigma history, philosophy, tools, processes, and significant case studies. Projects utilize the techniques to generate "hands-on" experience. Cross-listed with INDE 6628 . 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6630 - Project Management

    Prerequisite: EGRM 6609  or equivalent. Review of CPM-PERT methodologies and use in managing complex engineering related projects. Analysis of bias in estimating and in forecast preparation. Strategies for achieving on-time task completion and minimizing critical chains. 2 credits.
  • EGRM 6639 - Achieving Optimal Operations

    Prerequisites: EGRM 6609 EGRM 6604  or equivalent. Concepts of lean production, Japanese production systems, push vs. pull production systems, benchmarking and evaluation schemes, schedule management, overcoming bottlenecks, and performance and productivity improvement techniques applicable to service and manufacturing systems. Workforce issues (affairs) including union acceptance, productivity, and workforce education, training and compensation. Cross-listed with INDE 6639 . 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6641 - Supply Chain Management

    Introduction to global supply chain management in support of manufacturing and technical services, with emphasis on procurement, use of web-based information technology, logistics, and integration with JIT scheduling at the customer level. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6647 - Supply Chain Analytics and Resilience

    Prerequisites: INDE 6641  or EGRM 6641 , EGRM 6609  or INDE 6609 . This course aims to provide students analytical skills and conceptual understanding about state-of-the-art statistical and machine learning methods and data science applications for supply chain forecast.  The course employs a series of case-study based lectures to understand how industry leading companies managed the unexpected circumstances considering strategic, tactical, and operational aspects of management.   Cross-listed with INDE 6647 . 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6673 - Special Topics in Engineering Management

    Prerequisite: consent of the program coordinator. Current topics relevant to engineering management but focusing on specific themes including but not limited to technology leadership & entrepreneurship, conflict management & negotiation techniques, safety organization and management, corporate law (contracts and patents), and environmental laws and regulations. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6681 - Simulation Techniques and Applications

    Prerequisites: EGRM 6609 EGRM 6639  or equivalent. Review of the role of computer simulation in analyzing complex systems and operations. Emphasis on problem formulation, model building, input and output data analysis, experimentation and evaluation of alternative designs/processes in complex systems/operations. Case studies of successful implementations are reviewed together with guidelines for using state-of-the -art simulation software (currently ARENA in use) to solve system problems. 3 credits.
  • EGRM 6690 - Research Project

    Prerequisite: 15 graduate credit hours or consent of the program coordinator. Independent study and research focused on a problem of interest in either a work environment or in a community or non-profit organization. Guided by a faculty advisor, a project report is written that describes the problem, outlines the scope of work and presents recommendations and solutions in a professional manner. An oral presentation is made to program colleagues, a capstone experience ending the program of study 3 credits.

Emergency Management

  • EMGT 6601 - Principles of Emergency Management

    This course focuses on the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of the emergency management profession and the principles that define effective practice. The starting points are current definitions of emergency management, the mission and vision of the profession, and "The Principles of Emergency Management" developed by the Emergency Management Roundtable in 2007. The objective is to stimulate discussion of the core values that underlie emergency management practice in a democratic society and that are essential elements in emergency management professional education. Case studies, exercises, and discussions will be used to encourage critical review of the philosophy and principles of emergency management. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6602 - Principles and Practices of Hazard Mitigation

    This course will provide the student with an understanding of the principles and practice of hazard mitigation in the United States at the local, state, regional, and federal levels of governance, emphasizing the importance of avoiding or preventing future and recurring losses of life and damage to public and private property. Based on this understanding, a further objective of the course is to familiarize students with the tools, techniques, resources, programs, intergovernmental relationships, and broader social context involved in planning for and implementing hazard mitigation. Case studies, exercises, and discussions will be used to encourage critical review of the philosophy and principles of emergency management. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6603 - Catastrophe Readiness and Response

    Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to describe and discuss the characteristics of catastrophic events and the differences in strategies, techniques, and tools that are needed to prepare for and coordinate the response to catastrophes as compared to the disasters that form the core assumption of most modern emergency management work. This course is designed to help students step into a leadership role in catastrophe readiness and response. Case studies, exercises, and discussions will be used to encourage critical review of the philosophy and principles of emergency management. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6604 - Holistic Disaster Recovery: Creating a More Sustainable Future

    This course will educate students about sustainable disaster recovery, including the principles, concepts, processes and practice currently used in the United States. The course is designed to rely heavily on the use of case studies to clarify course objectives and explain recovery topics. Case studies, taken from across the country and addressing different hazards, will emphasize both examples of effective and ineffective recovery strategies. Course work will include examples that have occurred in New England and surrounding regions. This may facilitate additional student involvement. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6610 - Disaster Response Operations and Management

    This course will examine the nature of disasters, the context of response operations in the United States, and the roles and responsibilities of various emergency management related actors. The role of technology and NIMS in effective post-disaster responses will also be discussed. Each student will be expected to gain a solid comprehension of common post-disaster problems and how first responders and emergency managers may overcome those challenges. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6612 - Business Crisis and Continuity Management

    An introduction to the crisis management and organizational continuity from a private sector Business Crisis and Continuity Management (BCCM),and a public/private sector partnership perspective. Course topics and content reflect the changes in BCCM in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and the lessons learned in recent disasters and catastrophes, particularly Hurricane Katrina. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6615 - Donation Management

    Prerequisite: EMGT 6601 .   Students in this course will explore the intricate dynamics of managing donations following local, national, and international disasters. Students will relate their own notions of giving and receiving to how, why, and what people donate to disaster victims. Through case studies, they will analyze the challenges faced by governmental and non-profit organizations in sorting donations, storing donations, dispensing donations, and disposing of unwanted donations. Evaluation of strategies used by these organizations will enable students to think critically about how donations help and hinder disaster recovery efforts. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6617 - Pandemic Emergency Management

    This course will describe pandemic emergency management across nations and cultures to bring context to how pandemics develop and how response is rationalized, carried out, and criticized. It will also explore how recovery from pandemics has historically changed (or not changed) the way international emergencies have been resolved. It will enable students to effectively plan for, mitigate, and recover from situations arising from pandemics with a focus on empowerment through knowledge and information literacy. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6618 - Diversity in Emergency Management

    This course will describe the dynamics of diversity in U.S. emergency management as they relate to mitigation, planning and preparedness, response, recovery, and jobs in the field itself. Issues of inclusion and bias based on race, economic class, gender, nationality, language, religion, age, and other social categories will be explored. Critical examination of case studies will enable students to reflect and participate in constructive dialogue with others about problems and effective strategies to address inequity compounded by disasters and emergency management.  3 credits.
  • EMGT 6624 - Social Dimensions of Disaster

    Prerequisites: EMGT 6601 , EMGT 6602 , EMGT 6603 , EMGT 6604 . This course will provide an overview of empirical vs. theoretical approaches; human behavior in disaster, myths and reality; group disaster behavior; community social systems and disaster; cultures, demographics, and disaster behavior distinctions, and model-building in sociological disaster research. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6628 - Emergency Incident Management

    Prerequisites: EMGT 6601 , EMGT 6602 , EMGT 6603 , EMGT 6604 . This course will provide a study of the effective organization and management of emergency resources at various fire and large-scale emergency incidents. Includes a review of national standards and federal regulations impacting emergency incident management. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6630 - Flood Plain Management

    Prerequisite: EMGT 6604 .  This course examines flood plains as a resource and a location of risk and presents a wide range of management strategies.  The course looks at flood plain management from multiple perspectives. It embraces the conservation and restoration of physical and biological systems, examines the adverse impacts from human developments, and also creates a policy framework that addresses these objectives.  3 credits.
  • EMGT 6635 - Political and Policy Basis of Emergency Management

    Prerequisite: EMGT 6604 . In this course, students will learn how public policy, public management, and politics are central to understanding how communities address emergency management. This course will introduce concepts and basic descriptive information about the political system within the context of disaster policy and will demonstrate how political factors play a role in many phases of the discipline of emergency management. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6637 - Disaster Mapping

    In this course students will gain an understanding of the basic elements of mapping hazardous environments and how maps contribute to our understanding of these hazards. They will understand the elements of environmental models for natural and man-made hazards and how they are used to make decisions in emergency management.  Students will be able to apply strategies that utilize hazard modeling and mapping for the planning, response, recovery, prevention, and mitigation of hazards. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6690 - Emergency Management Research Project

    Prerequisites: EMGT 6601 , EMGT 6602 , EMGT 6603 , EMGT 6604 . This course will provide the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills studied during the emergency management program by an exercise in accordance with the university's "Dissertation and Thesis Manual", 2nd edition. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6697 - Emergency Management Thesis Proposal and Research

    Prerequisites: EMGT 6601 , EMGT 6602 , EMGT 6603 , EMGT 6604  and three approved electives. The thesis proposal is developed under the direction of the supervisor. The supervisor must formally approve the thesis proposal in accordance with the university's "Dissertation and Thesis Manual", 2nd edition. 3 credits.
  • EMGT 6698 - Emergency Management Thesis Writing and Defense

    Prerequisite: EMGT 6697 . Based on the proposal developed and approved in EMGT 6697 , students will complete the written thesis project and an oral thesis final exam in accordance with the university's "Dissertation and Thesis Manual", 2nd edition. If the student is not able to complete the full version of the manuscript by the end of the academic term, the university's incomplete policy and procedure will apply. 3 credits.

Environmental Science

  • ENVS 6600 - Environmental Geoscience with Laboratory

    Study of the geological systems important in understanding the causes of and solutions to environmental problems. Includes basic geological principles, examination of natural hazards, their causes and mitigation, and mineral, energy, and water resources. Laboratories include practical exercises, data collection, problem-solving, virtual field trips and case histories. Some weekend field trips may be required. 4 credits.
  • ENVS 6601 - Ecological Applications in Environmental Science with Laboratory

    Survey of the various fields of ecology including community, population, ecosystem, and landscape ecology and how they apply to environmental science, assessment, conservation, planning, and management. Particular emphasis is placed on current issues affecting natural and developed environments. Field trips and laboratory sessions focus on the quantitative evaluation of various ecological systems in terrestrial and aquatic habits, and on methods used in ecological assessment of environmental issues. Laboratory fee;

      4 credits.

  • ENVS 6602 - Environmental Effects of Pollutants

    Prerequisites: ENVS 6600 , ENVS 6601 , and undergraduate organic chemistry or graduate introduction to environmental chemistry. A survey of the demonstrated and suspected effects of air, water, and other pollutants on natural systems and on human welfare. Methods of studying and assessing effects are also presented. 3 credits.
  • ENVS 6603 - Wetlands Ecology with Laboratory

    Prerequisites: ENVS 6600 ENVS 6601 . This course covers the ecology of saltwater and freshwater wetland systems. Linkages between the biotic, hydrolic, and chemical components of various wetland types will be emphasized. Wetland delineation, functional assessment of wetlands, and wetland creation and restoration will be among the topics discussed. Field trips and laboratory sessions will focus on the quantitative evaluation of the hydrology, soils, and biotic communities of various wetland types. Laboratory fee. 4 credits.
  • ENVS 6604 - Ecology of Inland Waters

    Prerequisites: ENVS 6600 ENVS 6601 . Advanced study of ecological processes of inland waters, both lotic and lentic. Some weekend field trips, or acceptable alternative, required. 3 credits.

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