2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Ways of Earning Credit

Academic Credit

Academic credit is granted on a credit-hour basis. In addition to successfully completing regular courses, students may earn credit by independent study, crediting exams or CLEP exams, or transfer of credit from other institutions. These methods are detailed in the following pages of this section.

Transfer of Credit to the University

Students may transfer to the University after completing academic work at other institutions. Normally, the University accepts credit from regionally accredited colleges on an equivalency basis. The regional institutional accreditation bodies in the U.S. are Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA), New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Students transferring from another institution must have at least a 2.0 grade point average based on a four-point scale. Credit is normally granted for undergraduate courses completed with at least a grade of C, or its equivalent. Credit is not awarded for pass/fail courses or pass/fail grades. Credit transferred from a two-year institution is generally limited to sixty credits and restricted to freshman- and sophomore-level courses, unless otherwise approved in writing by the dean of the college in which the student seeks to enroll. Credit is accepted only for transfer courses that are equivalent to UNH courses or electives; all accepted credit must pertain to UNH degree requirements.

Transfer of Courses for Matriculated UNH Undergraduate Students

With prior approval and in accordance with the constraints described below, matriculated UNH students may transfer credit for courses taken elsewhere. Transfer credits contribute to graduation requirements but the grades received in transferred courses do not contribute to the student's GPA,. Transferred courses may be used to satisfy specific course requirements or may count as electives, at the discretion of the student's department chair.

Prior authorization for transfer of courses must be obtained from the Registrar, from the department housing the student's major and, as necessary, from the department offering the related course at UNH. The Course Transfer Authorization Form must be obtained online or from the Registrar's office, approved by the department(s), and returned to the Registrar's office before the course begins. For the transferred course to count as a free elective, the student's major department chair (or designee) must approve and the Registrar must confirm that the credit limits detailed below are observed. For the transferred course to count as a major or core curriculum requirement, the chair of the department offering the equivalent course at UNH must also approve.

Courses acceptable for transfer to UNH.

A course is acceptable for transfer to UNH if:

  • The course is from a regionally accredited US institution or from a foreign post-secondary institution recognized by its local Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution;
  • The student received a grade of "C" (2.0 on a 4-point scale) or better (or a "Pass" in a Pass/Fail course, provided the institution's Registrar documents that "Pass" is equivalent to a C or better); and
  • Either a) The course has been judged by the chair of the UNH department offering an equivalent course that the transferred course is equivalent, or  b) Otherwise, the course is deemed by the chair (or designee) of the student's major program to contribute acceptably to the student's program of study.

Equivalency of Transferred Courses to UNH Courses.

The equivalency of a transferred course to a UNH course is approved by the Registrar and by the chair of the department offering the equivalent course at UNH. The Registrar maintains an updated listing of courses from other institutions for which transfer credit has been approved in the past. This listing will also include courses itemized in articulation agreements that UNH observes with other institutions. For matriculated students, the prior approval of the student's department chair (or designee) is required in order to assure that the transfer will contribute properly to the student's degree progress.

Courses in disciplines for which UNH has no equivalent may be approved for transfer as elective credit in the student's program. The Registrar and the student's major department chair (or designee) approve these transfers.

Generally, courses transferred from 2-year institutions are equivalent to UNH courses at the 100- and 200-level, and may not be equated to 300-level or higher courses offered by UNH unless the substitution is approved by the chair of the UNH department offering the equivalent course based on analysis of course content and its assessment of learning outcomes.

Students are responsible for securing an official transcript upon completion of their course work. Official transcripts must be mailed directly from the other institution to the attention of the Registrar's Office at UNH. Credit will not be posted to the student's UNH transcript until the official transcript from the other institution has been received by the Registrar's Office.   Authorizations for transfers will become void if the student withdraws or is dismissed from the University prior to the submission of the transcript.

Limits to the Number of Transferred Courses.

Matriculated UNH students may accumulate transfer credits while actively enrolled at UNH within these limits:

1.     The total number of transferred credits may not exceed 24 unless an exception is specifically permitted by the dean (or designee) of the college housing the student's major program; and

2.     The residency requirements must be observed: at least 30 credits for each associate's or bachelor's degree, including at least 12 credits required by the student's major for an associate's degree, at least 18 credits required by the student's major for a bachelor's degree, or at least half of a certificate program.

Study Abroad Coursework.

Grades for courses taken while engaged in UNH-sponsored Study Abroad programs are pre-approved to be included in the student's GPA. Such courses are not considered to be transfer credits for the purpose of applying the limits above. Courses taken through study abroad that is not arranged through UNH auspices are treated as transfer credits.

Replacement of UNH Courses with Transfer Courses.

Courses taken at other institutions and transferred to UNH under this policy may not be used to replace or remove an equivalent course taken at UNH from the student's record. If retaking a UNH course is required, students are encouraged to retake the course at the University of New Haven. Evidence of the prior enrollment and grade in the course will remain unchanged on the student's transcript, and the student's GPA will be unaffected by the transferred course used to satisfy the curricular requirement.

Advanced Placement

The University recognizes the program of advanced placement available to talented high school students through the College Entrance Examination Board. Students satisfactorily completing advanced placement courses in high school and the final examination prepared by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) may be given appropriate college credit if their courses are similar to those offered at the University of New Haven.

ETS advanced placement examinations are graded from 1 to 5. Credit may be allowed when the grade earned is 3, 4, or 5. Students desiring to submit advanced placement courses for college credit should have all results of these courses and tests sent in with their application for admission.

The University of New Haven accepts credit by examination from the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), subject to academic department chair approval. The passing percentile for CLEP and subject examinations is 50. Credit will be evaluated by the appropriate department chair.

The University of New Haven awards credit, normally for scores of 4 or greater, on International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. To receive credit, students must request that the testing service forward official test results directly to the University of New Haven. IB credit is subject to evaluation by the appropriate department chair.

A-Level examination credit awarded through the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) are awarded in many subject areas. A-Level credit is awarded only upon matriculation. While credit is subject to evaluation by the department chair, the UNH website may be consulted for those exams that are pre-approved for academic credit. Credits are awarded in transfer for exams scored C or better, based on the transcript provided to the Undergraduate Admissions Office by the Cambridge Board.

Credit by Examination

A student who has at least a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A. and has independent knowledge of the content of an undergraduate course offered by the University may, with the approval of the appropriate department chair and dean, take a special crediting examination in lieu of taking the course.

Students are reminded that they must earn at least thirty credits through regular UNH course work if they are to meet the residency requirements for graduation. Credits by examination do not count toward the residency requirement or calculation of GPA.

Students may not take crediting examinations during the first term in which they are enrolled.

External Credit Examinations

Learning acquired through various traditional and non-traditional approaches can be measured and validated by objective procedures acceptable to the faculty of UNH. This learning must appropriately parallel the curriculum of the University in order to be awarded UNH credit. Sources of external credit that may be evaluated currently include the following:

  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Proficiency Examination Program (ACT PEP)
  • Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • Modern Language Association Foreign Language Proficiency Tests (MLA)
  • Military Service School Courses

Enrollees on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces should arrange for DD Form 295 to be completed and forwarded from the duty station. Veterans of any period of active service should provide the University with a copy of DD Form 214 or other notice of separation for each period of service. This may assist in identifying possible sources of academic credit.

Independent Study

In all courses of independent study the student and adviser must jointly file a project outline with the Registrar's Office within four weeks of the beginning of the course. This outline shall serve as the basis for determining satisfactory completion of course requirements.

Normally, independent study is restricted to no more than six credits and is open only to seniors, juniors, and exceptionally qualified sophomores. Students must have at least a 3.0 grade point average.

Projects to substitute for regularly scheduled courses (that is, those offered at least once every four semesters by UNH) are not normally acceptable as independent study.

Field Experience

In all credit-bearing courses of field experience, including internships, theses and work study, students will earn credit for the learning gained through the activity. The student and adviser must jointly file a project outline with the Registrar's Office within four weeks of the beginning of the course. This outline shall serve as the basis for establishing the mechanism by which the adviser will evaluate the learning to occur and thus for determining completion of course requirements.

Academic Status and Progress

Full-Time Students

Full-time student status is attained by registering for a minimum of 12 credits per semester, or equivalent term, on either a matriculated or non-matriculated basis. Such status is continued to a succeeding term provided a minimum of 12 credits is completed in the current term. Completion is defined as receipt of a letter grade of A+ through D-, F, S, or U. Other letter grades do not signify course completion.

Full-time students are eligible for all daytime student activities and benefits and are subject to full-time tuition charges and other relevant fees. It is assumed that full-time students will select the great majority, if not all, of their courses from daytime course schedules, unless needed courses are unavailable during the day.

Part-Time Students

Students who register for 1 through 11 credits during a semester or equivalent term maintain part-time status. Part-time status may be held by students attending UNH during the day or in the evening.


Matriculation is the formal act of registering to study for a specific degree offered by the University Matriculation is, therefore, not automatic. A student must request matriculation by seeking admission to a specific University degree program. Formal acceptance into a degree program shall constitute the granting of matriculation.

Students seeking credit to be transferred to another institution, or simply wishing to audit courses or to take them without working toward a degree, need not matriculate. Nonmatriculated students must register to take their chosen courses, however, and will be allowed to enroll in courses only as space permits. It is the student's responsibility to seek matriculation should he or she later decide to pursue a University of New Haven degree.

Academic Worksheets

Generally, matriculating students are subject to those requirements defined in the Undergraduate Catalog and listed on the academic worksheet in effect for the semester of initial enrollment. The academic worksheet is housed within Degree Audit, our automated system of measuring progress toward graduation.

If students change academic majors, they are subject to the requirements of the catalog and worksheet in effect at the time of the change.

If students withdraw or are dismissed from the University and decide to return at a later date, they are subject to the requirements of the catalog and worksheet in effect at the time of their return. Reapplication for University for admission is required.

Part-time students are permitted a total of three semesters (consecutive or otherwise) of break in study during which they may continue on the original academic worksheet. After the three-semester limit has been reached, students are subject to the requirements of the new catalog and worksheet in effect at that time.

Students who initiate a leave of absence will continue on the same academic worksheet upon their return to the University. However, students who fail to return after the designated leave of absence period will be considered withdrawn students and are subject to the catalog and worksheet requirements outlined above.

Students who begin their studies based on a catalog and worksheet that subsequently changes may request to use the latest worksheet for that major; however, those students are not required to change to the current worksheet unless they have been away from the University as described above.

Year of Study

A student's year of study at the University of New Haven is defined at the undergraduate level using the following scale:

Freshman - 0 to 26 completed credits

Sophomore - 27 to 56 completed credits

Junior - 57 to 86 completed credits

Senior - 87 or more completed credits

It is important to note that a student's year of study does not transition to the next level until credits have been completed. Attempted credits, such as those not yet completed in a current term, or those for which a student is pre-registered in a future term, are not included in determining a student's year of study.

Change of Student Status

Full-time undergraduate students who wish to change their status to part time must complete a Classification Package Change form available from the Registrar's Office. Full-time students who wish to change to part-time status may become part-time day or part-time evening students. To qualify for part-time evening status, a student normally is restricted to enrolling in evening courses only.

Part-time undergraduate students who wish to enroll in more than 11 credits in any term must apply to Undergraduate Admissions to first be accepted as a full-time student.


By the end of the sophomore year of study, each matriculated student must designate a specific degree program, called a major. Major program requirements are detailed in the Catalog under the relevant department listing. A minimum cumulative 2.0 G.P.A. in major courses is required for graduation in addition to a minimum cumulative 2.0 G.P.A. in all courses. See program requirements for further clarification of specific courses/requirements.


Many baccalaureate programs can be supplemented by an associated minor program, which normally includes five or six courses. The University encourages students to augment their major program with an associated minor. Details, requirements, and a minor worksheet can be obtained from the academic department that offers the minor.

The minor worksheet, developed by the academic department, must be submitted to the Registrar's Office in order for a student to receive credit for the minor. A minimum of one-half of the courses required for any minor must be completed in residence at UNH.

Minors are recorded on the student's transcript in conjunction with the degree and major awarded. Minors cannot be awarded without completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Grading System

The following grading system applies to final course grades.(See the Grade Point Average section for additional information.)

A+ Excellent 4.0 quality points
A Excellent 4.0 quality points
A- Excellent 3.7 quality points
B+ Good 3.3 quality points
B Good 3.0 quality points
B- Good 2.7 quality points
C+ Fair 2.3 quality points
C Fair 2.0 quality points
C- Fair 1.7 quality points
D+ Poor 1.3 quality points
D Poor 1.0 quality point
D- Poor, lowest passing grade 0.7 quality points
F Failure 0 quality points
AU Audit. Indicates course was attended without expectation of credit or grade (0 quality points).

Incomplete. A grade of INC is given only in special circumstances and indicates that the student has been given permission by the instructor to complete the course (with the same instructor) after the end of  the term. Some required course work remains to be completed to gain academic credit for the course. An INC shall not be automatic but shall be based upon an evaluation of the student's work completed up to that point and an assessment of the student's ability to complete course requirements. To remove the INC grade, the student must complete all required course work as stipulated by the instructor - typically within 60 days, but not longer than 12 months following the last day of the term in which the INC was recorded. Refer to the policy statement below on INC grades.

DNA Did Not Attend. Indicates nonattendance in a course for which a student had previously registered but not officially dropped (0 quality points).
W Withdrawal. Indicates unofficial withdrawal (i.e., non-attendance) from a course any time after the last date to drop a course as published in the academic calendar. The grade of W will not be assigned to a student who has taken the final examination in the course (0 quality points).
S Satisfactory. Given only in noncredit courses (0 quality points).
U Unsatisfactory. Given only in noncredit courses (0 quality points).


Policy on (INC) Grades

The following procedures apply  to the resolution on INC grades:

  1. An INC grade not resolved by 12 months following the end of the term in which the INC was recorded, or by the time of graduation if less than 12 months, will automatically change to an F.
  2. The maximum allowable time to resolve an INC grade may be shorter than year, as determined by policies established by individual colleges, departments, or instructors. Similarly, shorter time limits may apply to special populations including, but not limited to, international students, athletes, and those receiving certain types of financial aid.
  3. The faculty member must document the terms of the INC grade with details concerning the remaining coursework, deadlines for its submission, and criteria for its appraisal. Such documentation is subject to college, department, and instructor policies, and should be available to program coordinators or department chairs.

Grade Point Average

The academic standing of each student is determined on the basis of the grade point average (G.P.A.) earned each term. Each letter grade is assigned a quality point value. (See the Grading System section.)

The grade point average is obtained by multiplying the quality point value of each grade by the number of credits assigned to each course as listed in the Catalog, then dividing the sum of the quality points earned by the number of credits attempted in courses for which a grade of A+ through F is awarded. Course grades of AU, DNA, INC, S, U, and W are not calculated in the grade point average since they carry no quality points. A cumulative grade point average is obtained by calculating the grade point average for all courses attempted at the University of New Haven.

Satisfactory Progress

For full-time matriculated students, satisfactory progress toward a degree is defined as successful completion of 24 credits applicable to that degree program during an academic year. This should include registration for at least 12 credits per semester and successful completion of at least nine credits per semester. Completion is defined as the receipt of a final letter grade (A+ to F), but not the receipt of a Withdrawal (W), Did Not Attend (DNA), or an Incomplete (INC). Successful completion is defined as the receipt of a passing letter grade (A+ to D-).

Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average in accordance with the following scale:

Cumulative grade point average of 1.75 for 3 to 27 GPA credits attempted;

Cumulative grade point average of 1.85 for 28 to 57 GPA credits attempted;

Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for 58 or more GPA credits attempted.

A minimum G.P.A. of 2.0 is required in the major, in a minor, or in any undergraduate certificate program in order to graduate with that credential.

In addition, financial aid eligibility is limited to accumulated attempted credits totaling no more than 150 percent of the published credits required to receive an undergraduate degree. For example, a program that requires 120 credits x 1.5 = 180 maximum allowable credits attempted for financial aid eligibility. Every semester that a student is enrolled in school is counted, even the semesters when a student does not receive financial aid. Transfer credits accepted by the University from other institutions count toward the maximum credit limit.

Dean's List

The dean's list honors undergraduate students who demonstrate excellence in their academic performance. Full-time undergraduate students who earn a grade point average (G.P.A.) of 3.50 or better in any one semester will be appointed to the dean's list for that semester.

Part-time undergraduate students who have accumulated a minimum of 14 credits of course work at the University will automatically be considered for the dean's list at the end of each semester. A cumulative G.P.A. of 3.50 or better is required.

Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation when they fail to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average in accordance with the following satisfactory progress scale:

Cumulative grade point average of 1.75 for 3 to 27 GPA credits attempted;

Cumulative grade point average of 1.85 for 28 to 57 GPA credits attempted;

Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for 58 or more GPA credits attempted.

Academic probation of transfer students is determined in accordance with the same graduated, minimum cumulative grade point average scale as for non-transfer students, as detailed above. In determining a transfer student's academic standing, the student's total semester hours completed - those transferred from other institutions plus those attempted at the University of New Haven - are applied to the minimum cumulative grade point average scale.

Students who are on academic probation are limited to a course load not to exceed four courses (13 credits). The University may void a registration by a probationary student for more than four courses. Any course above the four-course limit taken by a student at another institution during a period of academic probation is not accepted for credit by the University. Because UNH is dedicated to helping students be successful, probationary students are required to work with assigned academic skills counselors in the Office of Academic Services as a condition of their academic probation.

The counting of the number of academic probations for any student shall not change as the result of an academic dismissal. A student shall be dismissed automatically as a result of the third or, if readmitted, any subsequent probation.

Academic probation(s) are recorded on the student's transcript.

Academic Dismissal

Students are dismissed from the University (1) upon qualification for a third probation, (2) upon qualification for any subsequent probation after readmission from an academic dismissal, or (3) when the student's grade point average for any individual semester is less than 1.0 and the student's cumulative grade point average does not indicate satisfactory progress as described in the Satisfactory Progress section.  If the cumulative grade point average indicates Satisfactory Progress as described in the satisfactory progress section, an academic warning is issued instead of an academic dismissal.

First-semester freshmen earning a grade point average of less than 1.0 for the first semester are not dismissed, but are automatically placed on academic probation.

Academic dismissals are recorded on the student's transcript.

Dismissal/Readmission Procedure

Notification of academic dismissal is made by the Registrar via certified letter and UNH email address. This letter specifies the time span and criteria for appeal.

Upon written submission by the student, an appeal will be heard by the Academic Standing and Readmissions Committee (ASRC). If the appeal has merit and is granted, the student will be so notified by the chair of the Committee. The Committee may require special arrangements or conditions to allow the student to continue. Satisfaction of such conditions is an obligation of the student.

If there is no appeal or if an appeal is denied, the student will be removed from any courses for which he or she is registered that have not yet begun. The student may continue in any intersession or summer course that began before the date of the dismissal, but may not begin any courses after the dismissal is effective.

Notations of readmission by successful appeal and/or denial of appeal appear on the student's transcript.

Readmission is not automatic. The Committee reviews each application and makes a decision on acceptance, rejection, or conditional acceptance of students. A student who is readmitted may be prohibited from continuing with the academic program in which he or she was enrolled at the time of dismissal as a condition of readmission.

Upon successful readmission, a student may enroll in the normal manner as a continuing student and does not need to submit a new application unless he or she does not return to UNH in the semester immediately following the date of readmission. Students who decide not to return until a later date must submit a new application and pay another application fee to the Undergraduate Admissions Office (for full-time students) or to the College of Lifelong & eLearning (for part-time students).

Repetition of Work

A course that a student has completed may be repeated only with the consent of the chair of the department that offers the course or if a minimum grade is required to enroll in a subsequent course in a series. If a student achieves a higher grade in the second attempt, that grade rather than the first is used to compute the cumulative grade point average. However, both the higher and lower grades in the course remain on the student's transcript.

When credit for a graded course previously attempted at UNH is earned through a method that does not carry a grade with a quality point value, the previous instance of that course is removed from the cumulative G.P.A. calculation. However, both instances are recorded on the student's transcript.


Adding and Dropping Classes

A student who wishes to add or drop a course must refer to the deadline dates as published in the undergraduate academic calendar. Drop/Add are available online and in-person at  the Registrar's Office. For all undergraduate students we strongly recommend that you meet with your advisor to discuss any add/drop and how it affects your time to degree.

Withdrawal from a Class

Submitting a properly signed Drop form to the Registrar's Office before the last day to drop as published in the academic calendar removes the student's name from the class roster and removes the enrollment from the student's transcript. After the last day to drop a course, student names remain on class rosters and on transcripts, even if a student decides to stop attending a class. In this case, the student should request a final grade of W (Withdrawal) from the instructor of the course. Because full-time students are assessed full-time tuition based upon a credit range, dropping a course does not qualify full-time students for cancellation of tuition or fees. Because part-time students are assessed tuition on a per-credit basis, the tuition refund policy is applied when a course is dropped.

Changing a Major

Students wishing to change their major must meet with the chair of the department into which they wish to transfer. In consultation with the student, the chair completes an Academic Program Change Request (available online and in the Registrar's Office) and forwards it to the Registrar's Office.

Students who wish to declare an additional major must meet with the chair of the department that houses the additional major. In consultation with the student, the chair completes an Additional Major Request (available online and in the Registrar's Office) and forwards it to the Registrar's Office.

Leave of Absence

Undergraduate matriculated students may interrupt continuous enrollment by electing to take a leave of absence from the University for medical or personal reasons, to pursue a program of study at another institution, or to engage in other off-campus educational experiences without severing their connection with the University of New Haven. Before taking a leave of absence, students are encouraged to discuss their particular situation with an academic adviser, the dean of their school, an academic skills counselor in the Office of Academic Services, or a counselor in the Counseling Center.

The policies regarding leaves of absence are as follows:

  • Noninternational students must file for a leave of absence through the Registrar's Office or the Office of Academic Services; international students must initiate the leave of absence through the International Student Services Office.
  • Students who are on University disciplinary probation are not eligible for a leave of absence.
  • A student who has been dropped or dismissed from the University for disciplinary or academic reasons is not eligible for a leave of absence until properly reinstated.
  • A student who has withdrawn as a degree candidate is not eligible for a leave of absence. If a student withdraws while on leave of absence, the leave is invalidated.
  • Leaves of absence are not required or granted for intersession or summer terms.
  • Normally, leaves are not approved for a period longer than two semesters. Under special extraordinary circumstances, usually medical in nature, a leave of absence may be approved for a maximum of four semesters or two years.
  • A student who wishes to return later than the semester originally stated on the leave of absence form must apply through the Registrar's Office for an extension of the leave of absence, not to exceed the maximum period as outlined above.
  • A student who plans to enroll in course work at another accredited institution during a leave of absence should review program plans with his or her academic adviser to verify eligibility for receiving credit at the University of New Haven.
  • Taking a leave of absence may affect a student's financial aid. Students receiving financial aid are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office before taking a leave of absence.
  • A student who fulfills the conditions of an approved leave of absence may return to the University and register for classes without applying for readmission; such students may preregister for the semester in which they plan to return.
  • A student who does not apply for an extension or who exceeds the maximum period but wishes to return to the University must be formally readmitted by the Undergraduate Admissions Office (full-time students) or by University College (part-time students). Upon successful readmission, the student may register for classes for the first term of their return through the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Withdrawal from the University

Undergraduate students desiring to withdraw from the University must complete a Withdrawal form (available online, in the Office of Academic Services, and in the Registrar's Office), submit it to the Office of Academic Services or the Registrar's Office, and notify each of their instructors. It is the student's obligation to complete this formal procedure. Failure to do so leaves the student liable for all of the current semester's tuition and fees and may result in grades of F being assigned in courses.

Formal withdrawal must be completed during the first four weeks of the semester in order to obtain any cancellation of tuition and fees according to the tuition refund policy.  Formal withdrawal  after the drop/add period will be recorded on the student's transcript as grades of W for that term.  Formal withdrawal completed after the twelfth week but before the end of the semester may result in receipt of grades such as INC, W, or F submitted by the instructor for courses in which the student is registered at the time of the declaration of the withdrawal.

Because of the serious ramifications of formal withdrawal from the University, students contemplating this action should discuss the matter with their academic adviser, an academic skills counselor in the Office of Academic Services, or a counselor in the Counseling Center as soon as problems are perceived.

If a student wishes to return to the University after having withdrawn and at least one semester has elapsed, or if the student has failed to register, thereby reverting to an inactive status, the student must reapply to the University through the Undergraduate Admissions Office (full-time students) or University College (part-time students). The degree requirements in place at the time of readmission will apply.

General Policies

Academic Integrity Policy

The University of New Haven expects its students to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct. Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at the University. To know what it is expected of them, students are responsible for reading and understanding the statement regarding academic honesty in the Student Handbook or on the University website.

Attendance Regulations

Students are expected to attend regularly and promptly all their classes, appointments, and exercises. While the University recognizes that some absences may occasionally be necessary, these should be held to a minimum. A maximum of two weeks of absences will be permitted for illness and emergencies. The instructor has the right to dismiss from class any student who has been absent more than the maximum allowed. After the last date to drop as published in the academic calendar, a student will receive a failure (F), if failing at that point, or a withdrawal (W), if passing at the time of dismissal.

A student who is not properly registered with the University is not permitted to attend classes or take part in the course.

Excuses from classes for participation in extracurricular activities must be arranged in advance by the faculty or staff adviser of the group, with the consent of the instructor.

Students absent from any class are responsible for making up missed assignments and examinations at the convenience of the instructor.

Course Work Expectations

All undergraduate full-time and part-time students are expected to spend at least two hours on academic studies outside and in addition to each hour of class time. This expectation should be used by the student as a guide in determining how much time to spend on academic studies outside class. It should also be used by the student, in consultation with the academic adviser, to help determine the student's course load each semester so that the course load matches the amount of time available for academic studies.

The Office of Academic Services works with students individually or in small groups to assist them to become academically successful. The mission of the Office of Academic Services is to facilitate and enhance students' academic progress through the University by providing guided access to advisory sources and relevant support systems. One of their objectives is to focus on strengthening study and time-management skills. Workshops to accomplish this objective are offered throughout the academic year.

Make-Up Policy

Make-up examinations are a privilege extended to students at the discretion of the instructor, who may grant consent for make-up examinations to those students who miss an exam as a result of a medical problem, personal emergency, or previously announced absence. On the other hand, instructors may choose to adopt a "no make-up" policy. Students should refer to the instructor's make-up policy in the course syllabus and, if no mention is made therein, should inquire directly of the instructor.

If an instructor does choose to offer a make-up examination, a University proctor may be used or the instructor may choose to administer the examination without the use of a proctor. If a University proctor is used, the student must pay a make-up examination fee for regular examinations and final examinations. If the instructor administers the make-up examination, the make-up examination fee is charged at the instructor's discretion. In either case, the make-up examination fee will be paid by the student through the Bursar's Office.


Graduation Criteria

Graduation is not automatic. Graduation applications, once submitted, ensure the a student's record will be formally assessed in terms of degree requirements. An application may be denied if graduation requirements are not met. If an application is approved, a degree will be awarded for the appropriate commencement.

A degree will be conferred when a student has satisfied all program requirements and met all University requirements by having done the following:

  • submitted a degree application via their Banner self-service account;
  • earned a cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) of no less than 2.00 in all courses applicable toward the undergraduate degree;
  • earned a cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) of no less than 2.00 (or higher if required by an individual department) in all courses in the student's major field of study;
  • passed the University's Writing Proficiency Examination (for bachelor's degree candidates);
  • met all financial and other obligations and conformed to any local, state, or federal law concerning graduation; and
  • met the residency requirement of the University.

If a student does not meet all the requirements as outlined above prior to the commencement date, a diploma with the requested commencement date will not be issued. It is the student's responsibility to file a new application for a future commencement date.

Residency Requirement

The residency requirement for undergraduate degrees is 30 undergraduate credits taken at the Main Campus or at one of the University's off-campus centers. This requirement applies to all associate and bachelor's degrees. Transfer credit, credit by examination, AP, CLEP, DANTES, or other proficiency examinations do not fulfill the residency requirement.

To ensure depth of study, the residency requirement must include passing grades in 12 credits of work in the declared major for an associate degree and 18 such credits for a bachelor's degree. Exceptions may be granted only by the dean who administers the major. In addition, the residency requirement for undergraduate certificates or minors is passing grades in one-half of the number of required credits for each.

Writing Proficiency Examination

Because the University of New Haven believes that good writing skills are essential for success, it requires undergraduate students to demonstrate such skills before it will confer a bachelor's degree. Thus, during the first semester after achieving 57 credits, all students must take an examination in writing skills. No student will be eligible to receive the B.A. or B.S. degree unless the examination is passed.

The examination consists of writing an impromptu theme on one of several topics of interest. If syntax, punctuation, and diction are in accord with the conventions of standard English and if the argument or exposition is clear and coherent, the student will pass. If a student's writing is found to be deficient in these respects, notice of the unsatisfactory performance on the examination will be sent to the student, to the student's academic adviser, and to the Registrar.

A student who fails the examination must take specific steps to improve skills in written English. These steps may be systematic tutoring at the Center for Learning Resources, enrollment in ENGL 1103 - Developmental Writing , or the formulation of a program of self-study. The student must retake the examination each subsequent semester until the examination is passed. In no case shall the requirements for a four-year degree be completed without satisfactory performance on the Writing Proficiency Examination.


Academic honors are posted on the student's final transcript along with the name of the degree earned and the date the degree was conferred.

Honors are conferred upon candidates for graduation according to the following standards:

  • An associate degree With Honors is awarded to students who have a grade point average of 3.25 for the credits specifically required for the degree program from which they are graduating and who have taken 30 or more hours of required work at this University.
  • An associate degree With High Honors is awarded to students who have a grade point average of 3.50 for the credits specifically required for the degree program from which they are graduating and who have taken 30 or more hours of required work at this University.
  • The bachelor's degree Cum Laude is awarded to students graduating with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 who have taken 60 or more credits of required work at UNH and completed all the suggested courses within their curriculum.
  • The bachelor's degree Magna Cum Laude is awarded to students graduating with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.70, whose grade point average in all courses counting toward their major is at least 3.70, and who have taken 60 or more credits of required work at UNH and completed all the suggested courses within their curriculum.
  • The bachelor's degree Summa Cum Laude is awarded to students graduating with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.90, whose grade point average in all courses counting toward their major is at least 3.90, and who have taken 60 or more credits of required work at UNH and completed all the suggested courses within their curriculum.

In determining eligibility for degrees with honors, transfer credit and credits earned by crediting examination will not be considered. Only the cumulative grade point average for courses completed at the University of New Haven is considered in determining a student's eligibility for honors.