Non-Thesis Option ( CMBI 6688 or CMBI 6690)
Work related to these courses can be performed at the University of New Haven or at an outside laboratory that satisfies the University's requirements. Student can choose from these courses after a minimum of 18 credit hours of graduate course work with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and the approval of program coordinator.
Thesis Option (CMBI 7695, CMBI 7698 & CMBI 7699)
The thesis option is highly recommended for CMB students who wish to further their education in a Ph.D. or other doctoral program. Students who elect to write a thesis must include CMBI 7695 Independent Study for Thesis Preparation, CMBI 7698 and CMBI 7699 , Thesis I and II or the chemistry or physics equivalents. All the research for the thesis must be performed at the University of New Haven, and must be advised by full time faculty members of the University and one of the advising faculty members should be selected from the Department of Biology and Environmental Science. Students can select the Thesis option after completing 9 to 20 credit hours of graduate study with a minimum GPA of 3.3 and the approval of the program coordinator.
The first research course, CMBI 7695 Independent Study for Thesis Preparation, is designed to introduce the student to the specific research field and allow the student to develop the necessary research techniques as well as to work on the Thesis proposal and determine the committee members for the thesis. Prior to registering for CMBI 7698 Thesis I, the student must complete the Proposal for Thesis form and attach the Thesis proposal developed during CMBI 7695 in which the proposed subject, the methodology and the hypotheses are described. The student next secures an approval signature from the faculty member who will serve as the thesis adviser. The student must then receive approval for the proposed thesis and the thesis adviser from the Department Chair, Program Coordinator and the Provost's Office. Only after the Registrar has received the approval form with necessary signatures will the student be permitted to register for thesis.
Completion of Thesis I is a prerequisite for Thesis II registration. The two may not be taken concurrently. A preliminary draft of the thesis must be presented to the adviser at least 75 days prior to commencement. The thesis adviser will then schedule the thesis defense before the student's thesis committee. Successful defense of the thesis, with any edits to the written thesis, must be completed at least three weeks prior to the date of commencement. Upon approval by the adviser and program coordinator, unbound copies are presented to the Provost's Office. Students must complete and defend the thesis within the time limit for completion of the degree.
After successful defense and approval by the Provost's Office, thesis credit is awarded. Final, unbound copies of the thesis are deposited with the Provost's Office to be forwarded for binding at the University Library where they become part of the permanent collection. The Department or Program Coordinator may require additional copies of the thesis.
For guidance in the preparation of theses, graduate students should consult the University's Dissertation & Thesis Manual (3rd edition, 2012). Questions not resolved by the instructions should be settled in consultation with the adviser and by reference to a standard style manual.
The University of New Haven Graduate School participates in the University Microfilms, Inc. (UMI) Dissertation Services program and provides assistance to doctoral students for registration of dissertations and copyrights.